Vancouver Talmud Torah's Weekly e-Newsletter
Volume VIII, Issue 37
June 21, 2013 13 tammuz, 5773
Every family is obligated to complete 12 volunteer hours. Anything less and your cheque will be cashed at the end of June. To record your hours, click this link. If you have questions about your hours, contact Jacqui Sankoff.
The 2013-2014 edition of the Jewish telephone directory, The Jewish Pages: BC's Community Guide, is now on sale at VTT! Improvements to The Jewish Pages include:
- New planning guides for B'Nei Mitzvot, parties, and other important life events;
- Updated personal listings;
- Reorganized information, personal, and advertising listings - making it easier to find what you need.
Copies can be purchased at the VTT front office. A sales table will also be set up at convenient times during the last week of school. If you have already purchased your copy, please stop by the office or the sales table to pick it up. If you have any questions, please contact Todd Monge in the front office or at tmonge@talmudtorah.com.
Each year, VTT parents and members of our community join our school's faculty and administration to support and participate in an incredibly important shared mission: to deliver the best quality education possible to our children.
Many individuals spend years, and countless hours, devoting their time, energy and love to this mission, and the results are evident everywhere you look. We continue to expand and evolve and, as always, we need your help and support to do so.
Much of the work occurs within committees consisting of faculty, administration, directors and volunteers. These committees perform work that often has deep, profound and impactful results.
At this time, we are seeking volunteers that are prepared to assist on the following committees:
- Strategic Development
- Finance
- Communications
- Strategic Planning
- Technology
We are also reviewing nominations for our Board of Directors for the 2013-2014 school year, as well as future years.
If you're ready to get involved and help make a difference, please email Sue Hector from the Nominations Committee of our Board of Directors at suehector@telus.net and indicate your areas of interest and background by June 29th.
Kindergarten student Max Koenigbaur forfeited birthday presents this year in favour of VTT's Campus Campaign. Instead of gifts, he requested donations to benefit our school's campus expansion which resulted in a $209 gift to Talmud Torah. Kol Ha'Kavod, Max! Close to 40 VTT moms gathered at the house of Shawna Merkur last night to learn the secrets of challah and pizza baking from parents Yael Gini and Natalie Wiseman. The event was by donation and a whopping $1800 was raised to support VTT's Campus Campaign. There's no resisting warm, gooey challah fresh from the oven. . . Dr. Dan Ezekiel and his daughter in K2, Payton, were scheduled to see the Taylor Swift concert on Saturday, June 29th at BC Place Stadium at 6:30 p.m. Unfortunately, they will now be out of town so will have to miss the concert. Rather than scalp/sell the tickets outright, Payton wanted to do something to benefit VTT's Campus Campaign. They thought an online auction might be a better use of the tickets. The family paid $263.25 for the pair. They are in section 251, row BB, seats 106 and 107. Bidding will start at $200 in $20 increments. This Google doc will be taken off-line on Wednesday, June 26th (the last day of school) at 4 p.m. and the winner will be contacted by Jennifer in VTT's communications office. Click here to place your bid. Parent Dalia Bressler engaged the services of another parent, Natalya Kucherenko, who offered free graphic design work in exchange for a donation to the VTT Campus Campaign. A gift of $350 was the result! Todah Rabah!
Those are sincere smiles of joy! Our Kindergarten students had a wonderful time at their "graduation" this morning, singing, dancing and thanking their teachers with the biggest hugs for a wonderful year of learning, exploration and friendship. Click here to see the photos. The Israeli Shuk is a Grade 5 tradition. Under Morah Lily's guidance, students create innovative and interesting hand-made products to sell at their market. Then they bargain--all in Hebrew--for the best prices. You can't imagine some of the amazing items that were made this year. See the photos here. Kindergarten students wrapped up their First Nations social studies unit with a visit to the totem poles at Stanley Park where they tried to replicate the intricate designs. During Term 3, 4C was challenged to read a total of 38,400 minutes by June 14th. Not only did they achieve their goal, but they surpassed it by reading a total of 41,281 minutes! To celebrate their hard work, they spent the afternoon at Camp Read. Visitors came in to read and parent Jazmin Sasky spoke about being an illustrator of children's books. It was a fabulous afternoon! Finally nice weather! For the first time in many, many years, our Grade 4 students had a day of fun in the sun at the annual field trip to Splashdown Park. We were lucky enough to capture the final minutes of our Grade 7 students' time at VTT. Grad will be next Wednesday. On Sunday our seventh graders left for their 5-day outdoor education trip to Strathcona Park Lodge. And yes, that is a toilet seat in Ms. Steeves' hands. Marcus Dashevsky and Daniel Rosenfeld are Grade 3 students who competed in the North American Hockey Classic June 13 - 16. They competed for the BCBears in the AAA Super Elite, 2004 division. They narrowly missed claiming the gold medal in an overtime loss but picked up the silver medal. Mazal Tov!
Email office@talmudtorah.com to
reach Debbie, Lihe, Natalie and Tammy in one fell swoop. Use this email for late notes, absent notes, bus requests, etc.
Dates to Remember
| Light candles at 9:04 p.m. Shabbat ends at 10:29 p.m.
Please don't forget to send a bagged lunch to school with your children for the last three days of school
Deadline to Purchase School Supplies for 2013-14 for Grades 1-3
Friday, June 21
Last Day of School for Preschool Monday, June 24
Grade 7 Grad Practice Monday, June 24, 8:30-11:30
Preschool Picnic Tuesday, June 25, 10:30 a.m.
Kindergarten Picnic Tuesday, June 25, 10:00 a.m.
Grade 7 Grad Practice Tuesday, June 25, 8:30-11:30
Last Day of School Wednesday, June 26
Report Cards Go Online Wednesday, June 26
Year-End Assembly Wednesday, June 26, 8:30 a.m.
Grade 7 Grad Rehearsal Wednesday, June 26, 9:30-12:30
Grade 7 Grad Wednesday, June 26, 7 pm Students to arrive at 6 pm
Administration Day--No Sessions Thursday, June 27
Administration Day--No Sessions Friday, June 28
Community Announcements
New Seniors' Residence for the CommunityThe community has a new resource for seniors.
Legacy Senior Living - The Leo Wertman Residence, will open in June 2014 on 41st Avenue right in the heart of the Jewish community and the Oakridge neighbourhood. This residence for independent seniors offers exceptional services and choices in a monthly package. Click here to visit their website and secure your spot on the interest list. Friday, June 21, 5:15 at the JCC
Come for a spaghetti buffet, movie and popcorn For all students in Grades 1-7 PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED Monday, June 24, 4-6 p.m., JCC
What would you say to a child or grandchild who tells you that the Jewish religion has no meaning in the modern world? How would you answer their questions? Do you know how you would explain the importance of Judaism, and how much it means to you? Lubavitch BC presents SOUL MAPS, an innovative look at human psychology, using the insights and teachings of the Kabbalah. Starts Thursday, June 27 at 7:30
Beth Israel at the Chan Centre A spectacular high holyday venue Special memberships available
Ten, twenty and even thirty years from now your children will thank you for the memories! $20 if paying by cash or cheque; $21 by PayPal
There are two very dedicated parent volunteers who have ensured every Jewish holiday is appropriately celebrated
and recognized. A sincere thank you to our PPP chairs, Marnie Greenwald and Joanna Wasel, for quietly working behind the scenes for the benefit of our student body. Without their hard work, along with the contributions of hundreds of parents, our school would lack the ru'ach (spirit) that makes VTT the unique and enriching place that it is. Todah Rabah!
Need PPP hours? The Grade 3 Judaics studies faculty need one or two parents to help count and sort Hebrew curriculum books in preparation for next year. Some basic Hebrew reading ability required. Please contact Morah Ruthi. The Jewish Food Bank needs strong, able bodied individuals to help unload heavy boxes from 7:15-8:15 a.m. on food bank days. Email Marnie Greenwald for more information.
Mazal tov to Preschool 4 faculty member Karen Brodt on the birth of her third child, a boy, earlier this week.Sixth grade student Natasha Klass has organized a bake sale next Monday at the BC Cancer Research Agency - from 8am-11am. She lost one grandma to ovarian cancer in February 2013 and now has another grandmum terminally ill with advanced pancreatic cancer.
All proceeds go to the BC Cancer Foundation
The art room is looking for the following donations:
-fashion, home decor and architecture magazines
-old maps/atlases
-bubble wrap
-gift wrap sample books
Feel free to drop off these items to our art room.
Can Hockey Build Peace in Israel? Watch this trailer for the TSN documentary, "The Neutral Zone:"
TSN Original Documentary: Neutral Zone [Trailer]
Did you know that giving to VTT is easier than ever?
Click this link to access our secure online giving page or feel free to email Tirzah Abraham in our development office. Please consider a minimum donation of $18 for tribute cards so that more funds can go towards our students. Your contribution can be allocated to the following funds: Alumni Fund VTT Campus Campaign Fund General Fund Gita Kron (z"l) Fund for Special Education Library Fund The Lorne (z"l) & Sylvia Cristall Tikkun Olam Chair Mitzvah of Valuing Philanthropy Fund Performing Arts and Band Fund Strathcona Fund VTT Family Fund To read more details about these funds, download our "Generosity" flyer. Beautiful tribute cards, designed by Jasmine Sasky, are sent by the school development office to mark any number of occasions, milestones and/or life cycle events.
Bubbes & Zaydes, Sabas & Savtas, Grandmas & Grandpas are vital members of the VTT community. We'd like to include them in relevant school communications, including invitations to our annual Hanukkah concert and other events of interest. Kindly forward email address to Jennifer Shecter-Balin, our Director of Communications.
We are a community of faculty, staff, students, parents, grandparents, alumni, family and friends! Feel free to join us.
Vancouver Talmud Torah is a traditional Jewish community day school dedicated to excellence in an engaging and respectful learning environment in which Jewish children can become proud, caring, responsible, and dedicated members of the Jewish people and Canadian society.