PSCU Top Left
Volume 6 | Issue 16| Through Feb. 26, 2013
Panoramic Financial         
Nurse Scientist             
Best Western              
First Bank           
 New Parking Garage  
Gates lift at new garage The new, long-awaited employee/faculty parking garage opened the week of Feb. 4, much to the relief of hundreds of hospital employees long removed to remote spots by construction and crowding. With the opening of the 2,400-space structure, employees will no longer park in the now-closed temporary lot on Colfax or the university's Henderson Garage. The hospital will, however, offer 100 free spots in the VA-leased lot to non-managerial employees. >>More
 Trevor Nydam  
A new transplant After completing an intense two-year fellowship here, Trevor Nydam, MD (right), is the newest attending physician on the hospital's Transplant team. Nydam says he's especially drawn to liver transplant, one of the most technically demanding surgical procedures. "The opportunity to perform liver transplants is one of the main reasons someone goes into the field," he says. >>More
 Broken Hearts  

Romance: dead or alive at UCH? In this month's Campus Diary: female vs. male perspectives on Valentine's Day; Health Information Management snares a Naval recruit; ears, noses, throats and twisted tongues; more. >>More

 Human Resources              
Smoothing out employee policies, system-wide University of Colorado Health is more than a year old, but the five hospitals that make up the system still have many separate policies. To remedy that, Human Resources is reviewing and standardizing hundreds of policies, including paid time off, bereavement, appeals and many more. "It's important we have consistency across our organization," says Chief HR Officer Bonnie Shelor.   >>More
 CIMFH Lobby  

Linking services, cultures still a challenge for growing maternal fetal program With a gleaming new Maternal Fetal Care Unit recently opened in the East Tower at Children's Colorado, a growing fetal surgery service, and private OB practices, the Colorado Institute for Maternal Fetal Health is far ahead of the goals set when it opened in 2010. But leaders at UCH and Children's acknowledge plenty of work remains to build referral networks, standardize policies and knit together the staffs and cultures of the two hospitals. More

Questions of culture Giving birth is a universal experience, but women -- and men -- view it from widely varying perspectives. With its patient population becoming increasingly diverse, the Women's Care Center at UCH is attempting to spread its blanket of care, making sure that providers' cultural sensitivity matches their clinical expertise.  >>More
Jiggle in the middle a healthy thing?  A recent National Institutes of Health study suggests that overweight people have a lower mortality risk than people whose body mass index is in the healthy range. But two prominent CU School of Medicine researchers caution that being overweight frequently leads to obesity and the life-changing chronic conditions that frequently accompany it>>More
All the hospital's a (sound) stage In "This Hospital Life": how do you capture the bustle of a big academic medical center in a couple of pages? Just listen. Plus: "What You Read." >>More
Covington and Millette                 
Separate but equal recovery With a two-day presentation Jan. 30 and 31, CeDAR moved a step closer to developing treatment strategies that address men's and women's unique recovery needs. Staff received direction from Stephanie Covington (far left, with CeDAR Executive Director Steve Millette), who pioneered "gender-responsive" treatment for addiction and trauma. >>More
DAISY 4Q 2012    
Around UCH Our regular round-up of goings-on, big and small, in and around the hospital. This issue: Garden View opens new digs; DAISY Award for exceptional nursing (right); free parking lottery; Magnet attracts attention; more...  >>More
UCH in the news Dumb use of "smart drugs"; red-faced over scarlet fever; perils of weight loss; more. Mentions: Rajesh Agarwal; Sarah Allexan; Eric Coleman; Colleen Gill; Bonnie Jortberg; Spero Manson; Omer Mei-Dan; Steve Millette; Rulon StaceyBoris Tabakoff. >>More
Fitzsimons November 2012       
Dean Krugman's news The latest from the School of Medicine. >>More
Marketplace Ad   
Campus classifieds More services, products to buy or sell. Also: nearby dining and lodging. Try our new classified ad and guide to campus services section, University Health Marketplace. >>More
Office 2010    
New Episode of the Office for UCH

Get ready for Microsoft Office 2010, a big change especially for those still on Office 2003. Information Services will install Word, Excel and other apps in the suite hospital-wide starting the evening of Feb. 15. To help with the changeover, IS will beef up phone help next week, and HR will offer online tools and training. >>Go

"The Premiere" Gives ED a Hand
The sold-out, black-tie event Feb. 9 drew some 950 guests who helped raise close to $1 million for the Emergency Department. The crowd enjoyed red-carpet treatment, a sneak peek at the spacious new ED, and dinner and a show beneath a big tent decked out like a first-class ballroom. >>Go
Cath Lab       
Cardiac Cath Lab Answers the Bell 

Troubled by delayed start times for too many of its cases, the Cath Lab instituted common sense changes for staff and physicians. Results so far: a dramatic increase in the number of first cases starting on time; shorter waiting times; improved patient satisfaction and help for the hospital's efforts to manage capacity. Above: some of the members of the Cath Lab team>>Go 

Responsive Redesign       
Intelligent Design Goes Mobile

With more visitors using smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices to access its public site, the hospital reconfigured its Web page real estate for easier viewing and navigation. >>Go 

VAP Bacteria      
ICU Bundles up to Banish VAPs

With a long-running prevention effort, the adult ICUs at UCH have all gone at least a year without a case of ventilator-associated pneumonia. The key: educating nurses and other providers to follow a "bundle" of preventive steps to avoid the costly and sometimes deadly condition. >>Go