Energize e-News   incorporating  SA Power & Energy
E-Newsletter for the Power & Energy Sectors of Southern Africa

Issue 97, April 2016

South Africa can manage a nuclear programme
by Prof. Philip Lloyd, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Prof. Philip Lloyd
There was a long debate before the launch of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Procurement Programme (REIPPPP). There were all manner of guesses about how much we would have to pay to buy... (more)
Maintenance backlog impact on service delivery
by Willie de Beer, SANEDI
Willie de Beer
The availability of reliable and affordable energy as the driver of the economy and job creation is well understood. Numerous global examples serve to illustrate the negative impact of energy shortages on economic growth... (more)
Where is the extra base-load generation we need?
by Chris Herold, Umfula Wempilo Consulting
Chris Herold
It was really good news to read today that the first unit of the Ingula pumped storage power station has been commissioned! The extra 330 MW is a most welcome addition. But I am troubled by the slow spread-out... (more)

Nuclear vs. renewables: the debate heats up
by Roger Lilley, EE Publishers
Roger Lilley
There has been a great deal of discussion in recent days regarding South Africa's need for nuclear powered electricity generation, with some strongly in favour and others fiercely opposed to it. Prof. Anton Eberhard... (more)
The real cost of nuclear
by Mike Rycroft, features editor, EE Publishers
Mike Rycroft
There has been a great deal of discussion in recent days regarding South Africa's need for nuclear powered electricity generation, with some strongly in favour and others fiercely opposed to it. Prof. Anton Eberhard... (more)
Power to liquids and power to gas: closing the carbon cycle
by Mike Rycroft, features editor, EE Publishers

Concerns over the effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions on climate have led to programmes aimed at reducing of CO2 emissions, primarily in the power generation and transport sectors. Coal fired power stations will still be in use for many years... (more)
Thermal storage extends solar power generation
by Joanne Taylor, EE Publishers

Many commercial Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants are operating in various places around the world, the technological development of storage capacity is advancing with each new CSP plant that comes online... (more)
Tangible benefits of implementing smart metering technology
by Mdu Nzimande, City Power and Jayesh Pillai, EON Consulting 

City Power has identified an increase in the energy loss trends experienced in recent years. The revenue loss equivalent of this increasing trend has reached significant proportions. In order to address this challenge, City Power has launched... (more)
High voltage on-site power transformer testing
by Mike Rycroft, features editor, EE Publishers 

Power transformers have to go through a series of tests after manufacture to confirm that specifications and performance requirements have been met. A full set of tests are done at the manufacturer premises before delivery... (more)

Transformer selection and maintenance
Information from Zest Weg

Ensuring optimum performance and a long functional life from transformers is contingent on a number of factors including the selection of the most appropriate transformer for an application, the correct installation of the transformer and... (more)
Predictive maintenance in substations and switchgear 
Information from Fluke

Substations call for a predictive approach to maintenance because a failure can be costly for end users in terms of lost production and revenues and lead to lower revenues for the utility from lost sales due to unreliable service... (more)
Customised protective coatings extend the service life of rotating equipment
Information from Sulzer

Achieving an acceptable service life without excessive maintenance can be a challenge for rotating equipment that is used in the processing and delivery of hydrocarbon products. Thanks to the latest surface coating technologies, it is possible... (more)
Organic Rankine cycle and waste heat recovery
by Mike Rycroft, features editor, EE Publishers

The high temperature Rankine steam cycle is well known in the power generation field. Increasing demand for energy efficiency has led to interest in heat recovery systems and other low heat sources, which created the need for a device which could convert... (more)

Measuring and treating varnish formation in turbine oils
by Daan Burger, Wear Check

This article discusses the treatment of varnish deposits in turbine oil, control valves and other machinery parts. It also examines what information can be gleaned from the varnish deposits, and how the data can be used to optimise turbine uptime and... (more)
Induction heating applications in the metals industry
by Mike Rycroft, features editor, EE Publishers

Induction heating is used extensively in metallurgical processes, including smelting, heat treatment etc. High power electronics has made the range of equipment available to do whatever you like. This article takes a look at some of the latest developments... (more)
Power Developments in Africa
Compiled by Joanne Taylor, EE Publishers


  • Mozambique hires 100 MW floating power station
  • Hydropower project finance arranged
  • Diesel to supply more of Senegal's electricity
  • Kinyerezi II announced in Tanzania
  • Power distribution expands in Angola
  • Dema emergency power project
  • LNG to fuel 2000 MW of power generation
  • Itezhi Tezhi hydropower project commissioned
  • Geothermal power potential for Tanzania... (more)
Views, comment and opinion

Industry news
Product and service news

In this issue...
- Power to liquids and power to gas: closing the carbon cycle
- Thermal storage extends solar power generation
- Tangible benefits of implementing smart metering technology
- Transformer selection and maintenance
- Predictive maintenance in substations and switchgear
- Customised protective coatings extend the service life of rotating equipment
- Organic Rankine cycle and waste heat recovery
- Measuring and treating varnish formation in turbine oils
- Induction heating applications in the metals industry
- Power Developments in Africa
- Views, comment and opinion
- Industry news
- Product and service news

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