Live debate webcast: 4 pm 30 Oct 2014: The future of nuclear energy in SA

Live video & audio webcast of public debate:

The future of nuclear energy in South Africa


You, your friends, colleagues and all interested persons are cordially invited to watch a


Live audio and video webcast of the public debate

The future of nuclear energy in South Africa

DATE: 30 October 2014
TIME: 16h00 to 18h30

Join the live webcast of the debate to learn more about the issues, the upsides and downsides of nuclear energy in SA, and have your say!


The debate will be chaired by an eminent energy expert, who will table the motions for the debate, namely:

"Nuclear energy is inappropriate for SA for affordability, flexibility, safety and environmental reasons, and should be abandoned";

"Nuclear energy should be carefully re-considered in respect of affordability, flexibility, safety and environmental considerations before any committed decisions are made for a nuclear new-build programme in SA";

"Nuclear energy is an important part of the energy mix in SA, and a transparent, competitive and cost effective procurement process should proceed as soon as possible".

Four acknowledged experts will argue the motions. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to discuss the issues, and argue the case, after which the chair will entertain discussion, argument and clarifications from the floor, and between presenters. Each presenter will then be given five minutes to wrap up. A vote will be taken on the motions before and after the debate, to determine the final mood of the audience, and the impact of the presentations and argument.




For further information, contact:

Jeanette Jordaan, event coordinator, EE Publishers

Tel: 011 543-7000; Email: