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incorporating The Electrical Contractor 
Issue No 80                                                                                        June 2014
Canon - Vector v2

In this issue...
- Bring back effective training for electricians
- Priorities for our new minister of energy
- IESSA members should register as professionals
- Temporary exemption from construction regulations
- Supporting young scientists is the best CSI spend
- Q&A: Ask an expert
- Public lighting: Smarter lighting or no lighting at all?
- Optical calculations for SSL applications
- Vector Inbox June 2014: Letters to the editor
-Ventilation circuits applied to cylindrical rotor synchronous machines
- The advantages of decentralised control
- From the ICMEESA archive: Some interesting features of a modern power station - Part 2
- Preventing "accidents" in construction
- The causes and effects of inter-system ground noise
- Not-so-smart metering: an end-user's point of view
- ECA News
- Industry news
- Company, product, project & service news
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EE Publishers (Pty) Ltd
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Nico van den Bergby Nico van den Berg, Independent Electrical Inspection Service 

Skill and competencies were introduced in the South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF) as "critical cross-field outcomes" to address this matter, but this is not effective... (more)

Prof. Anton Eberhard
by Prof. Anton Eberhard, University of Cape Town 

Tina Joemat-Pettersson faces a daunting task as South Africa's new energy minister. She will be the seventh energy minister since the advent of democracy in 1994... (more) 
Greg Marcia
IESSA members should register as professionals
Information from IESSA president


There is little in the form of education that can qualify one as a lighting designer. This is why the association now offers members and fellows the opportunity to register as "association-recognised 'competent persons'"... (more) 

Temporary exemption from construction regulations
Information from ICMEESA
The recently promulgated Construction Regulations do not contain a provision excluding some construction work. The Department of Labour has, however, now promulgated an exemption, stating that all construction work which started after 7 February 2014 is given six months to comply... (more) 
Information from VSA Consulting

Supporting the annual Eskom Science Expo for Young Scientists is more than spending a few thousand rand. To stimulate the direct involvement of sponsors in Expo awards, Dr. Stafford Smithies, encouraged and supported by Chris Yelland, MD of EE Publishers, introduced the Kelvin Awards at the national finals of Expo... (more)
Q&A: Ask an expert

In this article, we talk to IESSA technical adviser Connie Jonker about LEDs and find out whether cost-benefit studies have been conducted on them; whether manufacturers' temperature-rise and lifetime claims hold truth, and whether we should be concerned about some imported LEDs, among others... (more)
EE winning letter
Public lighting: Smarter lighting or no lighting at all?
R Lorph�vre, R-Tech

In terms of street lighting, it is possible to maintain service and safety levels for users while saving energy. New terms are defined, such as "service level", which measures the service rendered to the user and the losses caused when street lights are switched on when no-one is present... (more) 
Optical calculations for SSL applications
Information from Osram 
Rough calculations are useful for estimating LED type and count at the beginning of a project. A basic understanding of optical principles is necessary before any calculations can be started. The most important principles for SSL applications are reflection, refraction and total internal reflection (TIR)... (more)
Vector Inbox June 2014
Letters to the editor

Submit your letters to and be in line to win a prize. This month, one of our readers responds to Prof. Philip Lloyd's Lead Editorial, "Just what is 'sustainable development'?" (see Vector, May 2014)... (more)
Ventilation circuits applied to cylindrical rotor synchronous machines
Information from WEG
The main ventilation arrangements for cylindrical rotors in synchronous machines is to dissipate heat from the stator and rotor windings. Cylindrical rotor synchronous machines are characterised by their rugged pole design... (more)
The advantages of decentralised control
Information from SEW Eurodrive

In decentralised control systems, motor control functions are removed from a central control cabinet and distributed so that control devices are located closer to the machine's motors. This form of control was first implemented in Europe in the early 1990s... (more)

From the ICMEESA archive: Some interesting features of a modern power station - Part 2
by A Griffiths, 1974

Part 1 of this article discussed Arnot power station's coal and ash handling plant; its boilers; circulation system; superheaters and reheaters and water plant. This month, we discuss Arnot's coal and ash handling plant; boilers; water plant; generators and control and monitoring, among others... (more) 
Preventing "accidents" in construction
by Prof. John Smallwood, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

There is no such thing as an "accident"! Traditional definitions include, among others "an unplanned event". Are "accidents" unplanned? Absolutely not! Any review will indicate that they are meticulously planned by default, i.e. through actions and or omissions... (more) 
The causes and effects of inter-system ground noise  
by Neil Rasmussen, Schneider Electric


Computers are mostly connected to other devices via network wiring, printer data lines and modem telephone lines. AC power protection equipment cannot stop transients from entering the computer via these data connections... (more) 

Not-so-smart metering: an end-user's point of view  
by Mike Rycroft, EE Publishers


The local municipality recently installed a "smart meter" on my property. What did I get and what would I like to have had? Just the realisation that utilities should consult with customers before installing new facilities... (more) 

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