IT e-News
Electronics, measurement, instrumentation, automation, control and ICT
in engineering
Issue number 61
November/December 2012  

EE Publishers apps July 2012


Projects IQ
In this issue...
- Regulatory stagnation delays broadband for all
- In conversation with Shane Kilfoil, Eaton Electric (SA)
- Fracking, cell phone masts and risk to health
- Robotic take-up rises as manufacturing becomes reshored
- Intelligent business operations: real time pattern event analysis
- Top ten strategic technology trends for 2013
- LTE deployment - a virtual panel discussion
- Illustrating the technology behind industrial-grade NAS
- Does speed count in the process and manufacturing industries?
- Achieving next-generation connectivity
- Thermal imagery predicts mine-vehicle accidents
- Thermal imaging cameras help ensure continuous steel production
- Isolation technology integrates solar photovoltaic systems
- User-programmable FPGA for RF instrumentation
- New scope for interaction between humans and machines
- Aerospace Technology
- Amateur radio: Propagation research - a never-ending opportunity
- Telecoms Developments in Africa
- Gadgets4Geeks
- Views, comment and opinion
- Industry news
- Product and services news.
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Hans van de Groenenaal Regulatory stagnation delays broadband for all       
by Hans van de Groenendaal, EngineerIT     

Regulatory stagnation, indecision and misplaced ideologies are some of the reasons why broadband for all will likely remain a pipe dream for some time to come. Looking back over the past year, 2012 started with a promise from the Minister of Communication that she would intervene...
Shane Kilfoil
In conversation with Shane Kilfoil, Eaton Electric (SA)       
by Hans van de Groenendaal, EngineerIT       
Just over 15 months ago Eaton acquired ACTOM Low Voltage Equipment business units, CHI Control, Meissner and Norsa, bringing them all under the Eaton brand umbrella. To bring known and trusted brands together and give them a new name is not an easy task!...
Fracking, cell phone masts and risk to health   
by Gary Friend, Johannesburg

It seems with the advent of social networking, public outcry at issues have blown out of proportion. Everyone has a cause and vents on Facebook. Most people don't seem to let research or facts get in the way of having an opinion. Two topics that have been subject to this are fracking and cell phone masts, and the Coega power station is now starting to get aired...
Robotic take-up rises as manufacturing becomes reshored 
by Nigel Platt, ABB, UK & Ireland

Automating with industrial robots can help bring manufacturing home without any adverse effects on competitiveness. The on-going impact of the global economic downturn has seen many companies in the world's leading industrialised nations reversing their decisions to outsource manufacturing activities to lower cost countries...
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Intelligent business operations: real time pattern event analysis 
by Patrick Shields, Software AG South Africa

The "big data" explosion is creating a new challenge for today's enterprise businesses, as they look to make the most of the huge volumes of structured and unstructured data held within the organisation... (more)
Top ten strategic technology trends for 2013
Information from Gartner  

Gartner has identified the top ten technologies that will be strategic for most organisations, and that IT leaders should factor into their strategic planning processes over the next two years... (more)

LTE deployment - a virtual panel discussion

by Hans van de Groenendaal, EngineerIT 

MTN piloted LTE at the beginning of the year but when it starting making noises about launching commercially, albeit in only a few areas, the other telcos were quick to make their announcements. We invited them, and vendors as well, to participate in a virtual panel discussion on this technology.
.. (more)

Illustrating the technology behind industrial-grade NAS  
by Bruce Chen, Moxa, USA


A network-attached storage (NAS) unit is a computer appliance used solely for data access (read/write) and backup, built from the ground up with integrated hardware and software for storing and serving files... (more)
Does speed count in the process and manufacturing industries?   
by Gerhard Greeff, Bytes Systems Integration and Dr. Kobus van der Merwe, Industrial Management Enhancement  

Do process industries require different  measurements compared to discrete industries? Which is better; fast or accurate? Process industries may derive more value by using a measure like "time in (optimal) state" than the typical overall equipment effectiveness measurement ... (more)

Achieving next-generation connectivity Information from Belden         

Industrial-strength Ethernet, bolstered by its wireless component, is giving facilities the tools they need to operate lean and mean and succeed in an uncertain economy. Few would argue that today's economy is uncertain and unstable. Manufacturers face unprecedented challenges...

Thermal imagery predicts mine-vehicle accidents
by John Dickens, CSIR Centre for Mining Innovation

Thermal imaging technology has a number of characteristics that make the technology a good choice to prevent vehicle-related accidents in mines. Vehicle-related mine accidents are a major cause of mine fatalities which means that effective collision avoidance systems are an essential part of any mine's safety systems... (more)
Thermal imaging cameras help ensure continuous steel production 
Information from Flir       

Production plants have to keep running all the time. No breakdown, no downtime. To ensure proper operation of its production plants in Vanderbijlpark, ArcelorMittal South Africa uses thermal imaging cameras to improve efficiency and safety; to help avoid breakdowns and to minimise downtime... (more)

Isolation technology integrates solar photovoltaic systems
by Martin Murnane, Analog Devices, USA  
Solar photovoltaic inverters: A major portion of the electrical energy produced directly from the sun's radiation is generated by solar photovoltaic cells, which convert photons of light energy to electron flow that constitutes an electrical current... (more)
Best technical article in EngineerIT
User-programmable FPGA for RF instrumentation 
Information from National Instruments

With the introduction of the its vector signal transceiver (VST), National Instruments has redefined instrumentation by bringing the flexibility of user-programmable field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) to RF instrumentation... (more)
New scope for interaction between humans and machines 
Information from Festo

The ExoHand from Festo is an exoskeleton that can be worn like a glove. The fingers can be actively moved and their strength amplified; the operator's hand movements are registered and transmitted to the robotic hand in real time... (more)
Aerospace Technology 
Amateur radio: Propagation research - a never-ending opportunity 
by Hans van Groenendaal, features editor, EngineerIT

There is a perception that because of cell phones and a plethora of computers and smart devices, that there is no longer an interest in amateur radio. However this is not so. Every year there are many who write the amateur radio examination to qualify for an amateur radio licence... (more)
Telecoms Developments in Africa
Compiled by Matthew White, Iona Press Services
  • Broadband linked to millennium development goals
  • Africa set to miss 2015 digital migration deadline
  • Tanzania sets aside US$30-million for rural telecoms project
  • ZTE and Huawei win major Ethiopian contract
  • Mobile phone growth sets new records
  • MTN, Warid hit by Ugandan cyber fraud
  • Safaricom is top tax payer in Kenya
  • State monopoly shares blame for Morocco's digital divide
  • Zambia looking to welcome fourth mobile operator
  • Zimbabwe: Potraz to build 54 base stations... (more)
  • TomTom handsfree kit
  • The Sculpt Touch mouse
  • High fashion graffiti for peripherals
  • Universal-sized waterproof hard case for large screen smart phones
  • Portable hard drive for Windows To Go... (more)
Views, comment and opinion
Industry news
Product and service news


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