July 23, 2014  E-Newsletter
Upcoming Events

5th Annual Golf Open

Monday & Tuesday,
July 28 & 29

 Women's Classic
Sunday, October 5

Grand Gala Celebration
Saturday, November 1
Great memories were made at our 25th Anniversary
Family Reunion Day!
Check out the video here.
Top Wish List Items
Our House would appreciate donations of the following items:

*Copy Paper
*Large Tupperware containers
*Paper towels
*Hand soap
*Home Depot gift cards
*Latex gloves
*Antibacterial wipes
Are you a young professional living in Southern New England?
Please consider joining our House of Young Professionals. 
It is a great opportunity to grow personally and professionally while supporting the mission of RMH Providence in a relaxed environment where volunteering and network-building co-exist.
For more information, visit our site.
Unique opportunity to support the House:
Please consider donating an auction item for our upcoming Golf Open or Grand Gala Celebration.
Your support will help us raise funds for families facing a medical crisis or lengthy hospitalization.
Email Mary Conway if you have any questions or are interested, thank you.
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Ronald McDonald House
of Providence
45 Gay Street
Providence, RI 02905
A Story Without a Face

"I always thought the Ronald McDonald House was for families who had premature babies or little kids undergoing big surgeries.  But I was wrong."   


When a mother and teenage daughter arrived in the emergency room at Hasbro Children's Hospital, their world was turned upside down. 


A two day stay in the ICU, hospitalized at Hasbro Children's Hospital, followed by participation in the daily program at Bradley Hospital.  Our House was with the family each step of the way.


The mother planned to be by her daughter's side the whole time.  Once her daughter was released from the ICU, however, she faced "restricted visiting hours.  I spent the time away from (my daughter) at the Ronald McDonald House of Providence.  It gave me a place to sleep-or rest-when no sleep would come-knowing I was minutes away."  The shuttle service provided rides during the bitter cold winter, the smell of a warm meal enticed a worried mother to try eating when she was not hungry. And even once her daughter was discharged from the hospital and participating in a day program, the Ronald McDonald House of Providence were "the carrying arms when my family couldn't walk on our own."


Read the family's full experience at our House online.

25th Anniversary Gala
Join us on November 1, 2014 as Jack Falvey & Associates transform the beautifully restored Pawtucket Armory into An Evening of Stars and celebrate 25 years of serving families of critically ill children.

Event highlights:
*Exquisite cuisine provided by Blackstone Caterers
*Dancing and entertainment provided by World Premier Band
*Delicious dessert by Ocean House Chefs
*Seated tables of 10
*Free valet parking
*Fabulous live and silent auction items


Celebrate this incredible milestone with us and support the House's mission. The funds raised will help underwrite the cost of family stays so we can welcome all families with children facing medical treatment and lengthy hospitalizations throughout the year.

Reserve your tickets today!

Thank You Spotlight
July 3rd: A day when many are traveling, already enjoying a long weekend, or preparing for a BBQ. 
On July 3rd, this incredible group from CVS Caremark helped our families kickoff the holiday weekend in style.  They prepared a great BBQ for all to enjoy!  Thank you again!
If you are interested in volunteering at our House, please visit our website.
New and Improved
Cardi's Furniture has filled the House with beautiful and comfortable furniture since day one.  Their continued support in making families feel at home is incredible. 
Take a look at the new patio and living room furniture we received - everyone loves the new additions.  Great thanks to Cardi's!