Rock Solid Marketing Solutions Ezine
Provided by Nibroc Marketing Solutions
Vol 7 Apr 3, 2007
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Welcome to another power packed issue of Nibroc Marketing Solutions Ezine. If this is your very first issue we want to thank you for making a wise decision to focus on your marketing efforts and we look forward to providing you the much needed information and tools you need to succeed.

This month you will find the focus has turned to the subject of communication. Being able to share your business and your thoughts with others is vital to you and your business. It is our hope that the insight you gain from this ezine will greatly impact your business in a possitive and substantial way.

For those of you who make it all the way to the end of this ezine you will find a special bonus business building tip awaits you.

If you have any comments or suggestions we welcome you to contact us and let us know.

The Staff of Nibroc Marketing Solutions

Quote of the Month

Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people. ~ William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939)

Business Building/Personal Development Tip
Speak So As To Be Heard ~ by Ginger Marks

Communication is essential to a sound business model. No matter what enterprise you are in, if you don’t have the communication skills to effectively connect with your customers and associates you must begin to develop them today. Sure you can still have a growing business but just because you are gaining new customers doesn’t mean you are necessarily retaining them. If you’re a relatively new business owner you may also lack these skills and not even know it.

The first thing to realize is that just because you know what you’re talking about doesn’t necessarily mean that the person you are communicating with fully understands you. We, as people, don’t like to look less intelligent than others so we may not verbally tell you of our lack. However, if you take the time to look at your audience their body language alone can be a red flag.

What about online business? When you are dealing with the written word these non-verbal guides aren’t readily available or easily perceived. Take the time to ask your listener if they have any questions or need clarification. This will ensure that your intensions and message are clearly understood.

Another way to guarantee your message is fully received is to consider your audience. When you speak to children how does your voice, tone, and the words you choose change? So it is with diverse groups. Doctors for example and other highly educated professionals may be extremely knowledgeable in their chosen career but that doesn’t mean that when I speak to them about IT issues they will understand if I use the standard vocabulary of an IT professional. Neither does that mean that I should talk to them using childish words and language. Strive to use exactly the right vocabulary for your intended audience. This not only assures that your message is understood but the listener isn’t offended by the feeling that they are being “talked down to”.

Rock Solid Marketing Tip
Dialing for Dollars or Dialing a slow Death? ~ by Kim Emerson
Dialing for dollars

So, you’ve found yourself a business and you want to make it grow
And you feel sorta passionate about the stuff you get to tow.

You made a list, you called them twice.
You bite your nails, you’re no longer nice.

Your friends have slowly become your foes.
You shake your head in wonder as you watch you debts explode.

The excitement you felt is now a dim spark
You hope you won’t end up sleeping in the park.

Then from deep within you hear a small voice
It tells you that you still have a choice


Although direct sales and MLM are viable ways of marketing products it isn’t for everybody. Too many first time business owners have no clue how to market, organize, plan, take care of customers, file taxes, etc. Most companies claim they train their representatives, but many times the training consists of a rah-rah meeting that feels great during the seminar, but leaves the new business owner as clueless about most of this as they were when they arrived at the meeting.

This is like taking on a business partner who has never studied accounting to do the books, waving a balloon in front of them, and expecting them to know everything there is to know about business bookkeeping. This is just not enough training and education to get the job done.

All is not lost. There are many places where you can get the education you need to run a successful business. People that are serious about making a business work would do well to look into the three Cs. The three Cs of success are courses, classes and coaches that focus on assisting new businesses owners.

Of course, a person can learn these things on their own. It may take a great deal more time and ultimately cost quite a bit more in lost revenue and lost time than the course would have cost you, but it is certainly an option.

Now, if you are feeling compelled to go the calling-a- list route (because it does work, just remember to wear your battle gear) here are some tips:

Email Campaign Copy
Provided by Nibroc Marketing Solutions

Subject: I've got a secret, but you have to promise not to tell.

Dear (first name),
Before I tell you my secret you must know a couple of things. You have to read every word I am about to share with you, no fair skipping to the bottom.

Throughout time this information has changed the course of people's lives and careers. One such individual went from a modest income to unprecedented success in just a few short years simply by applying the principal I am about to share. Another lady, a simple homemaker, gained the confidence to become a leader in her industry. She founded a company that is now known worldwide.

So what is the common denominator that these two people have that ensured their success? Did Santa Clause drive by with a sleigh full of cash and invest in their companies? Did they win the million dollar lottery? Did they sit on the couch and wish their way to millionaire acres? Absolutely not!

The success denominator in both of my friend’s lives was this; they realized early on that motivated action wasn't getting the job done. What they really needed was inspired action. Now, you might wonder, what's the difference?

Action based on motivation is action based on “getting a move on” because you know you have to do something in order to get somewhere. It is being dedicated and working hard at things that seem like great ideas to begin with, yet they never seem to move your business forward. They just never seem to fit you and your personality.

Inspired action is the type of action you take after you discover your reason why and your inner most destiny. It comes from deep inside of you and you just know it is a great idea. To discover your inspired action you need to discover what the deeper meaning of your life is. Take time to sit down, quiet yourself, and listen to your imagination. Go down the list of things that come into your mind and check them out one at a time to ensure they make you feel good, they make you want to sing and dance. Then take action on those ideas.

If you are seeking purpose and direction in your life click now {to join our team of truly inspired action takers /to implement inspired action into your life/ for greater success/sign up for your very own (product/service) before this offer expires}.

Yours in success,
(Your name)
(Your contact info)

P.S. I told you not to peak. Go back up and read.

This is just one idea for an actual email campaign that we welcome you to personalize and utilize. If you need a complete email campaign or phone script specific to your industry or service please contact us at and we will be happy to assist you.

Guest Expert Article
Questions are a Strong Buying Signal - by Brendon Sinclair

Recently, a new prospect approached us about redeveloping his web site. It has been an interesting time as the prospect, who was referred by a happy client of ours, has asked a ton of questions.

Don't get me wrong. Questions are fine. In fact, questions are a really strong buying signal. But not when you answer question after question, and the prospect just keeps coming back with more.

Now this is only a small job (the quote's for just $4,000), and I've already spent close to three hours moving the prospect towards the sale. This means he's now cutting into my margin. After all, I could have spent that three hours generating $300 from other clients.

Speak Your Mind
Featured Reader

Nibroc Marketing Solutions welcomes Kaya Singer. She is not only a subscriber but has been a Guest Author in past issues. If you missed her input and would like a copy of those previous issues a quick email to us is all you need to do.

Kaya's unique insights into business life and growth are in alignment with the philosophy of Nibroc and so we are happy to present her and her business to you, our valued subscribers, with this issue.

Awakening Business Solutions is all about helping small business owners wake up to their full potential and to be prosperous as well as purposeful.

Since 1985 I have helped over a thousand people in the business world translate their passion, words, and actions into successful business ventures. If you want to awaken your business to the next level by attracting the "right" clients you have come to the right place.

Are you wanting to grow your business to the next level, know that people are seeking you out because they feel you understand them and what they need? Do you want to feel confident and clear about how you present yourself to the world and connect with your passion and purpose while you succeed in your business goals?

To succeed in your business, attract the right clients, and be able to make a difference you need three things.

  • Focus

  • Keeping the focus off yourself and on your clients and potential customers is what it is all about.

  • Leveraging

  • You need to know how to leverage your own skills to make your business fly.

  • Connection
  • When you make a true connection to your spirit, passion, or purpose, you become a magnet and people are attracted to your energy.

To learn more about this and to get some clear tools I invite you to download my Free Workbook, Five Keys for Awakening and Attracting Right Clients .

Also join me for a Free tele-seminar on Marketing Made Easy.

It takes only a second to sign-up.

Kaya Singer can be reached at 503-493-1199 or e-mail via her website.

General Info

Nibroc Marketing Solutions � Copyright 2007, except where indicated otherwise.

All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. No express or implied income claims made herein. Your business success is dependent on many factors, including your own abilities. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content.

If you have a question or comment that you would like to see included please contact me at with the word 'Feedback' in the subject line.


Emerson & Marks
Nibroc Marketing Solutions