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Dallas County Democratic Party
Weekly Roundup            
Democratic news from Dallas County
 and beyond.
Wednesday July 29 2015   
Become A Precinct Chair!

Dallas County Democratic Precinct Chairs are the backbone of our party. If your precinct isn't being served, please join us! We can train you to increase Democratic turnout come Election Day.

Here's everything you need to know about being the elected leader of your voting precinct: http://dallasdemocrats.org/about/precinct-chairs.html   Please read that and if you still have any more questions call the DCDP office at 214-821-8331.

Vacancies among the Precinct Chairs are filled by the Executive Committee at their quarterly meetings. The next one will be on Monday, August 24. Applications to fill vacancies at that meeting need to be received at the party office no later than Thursday, August 20, in order to be able to verify registration.

Hilarious Horror Movie Trailer

Laugh along with this YouTube of a Hillary Clinton video in the form of a trailer for an old-fashioned horror movie, mocking the Republican Presidential candidates all denying global warning, because they are "not a scientist". It's the GOP's Mad (not a) Scientists.

DCDP Staff Changes
From Carol Donovan, Chair, Dallas County Democratic Party:

My first 30 days on the job have been very productive, thanks to an amazing DCDP staff. With the exception of Executive Director Taylor Holden, who accepted a job in Colorado before the DCDP election, all staff members are still on board and working hard. 

We will, of course, hire an Executive Director, following a search and thorough interview process. This is a very important decision, and not one to be rushed. Meanwhile, in the absence of an Executive Director, the following staff changes have been made:

⦁    I am serving as Executive Director without charge to the DCDP;
⦁    Carmen Ayala has been promoted to the position of Operations Manager;
⦁    Zach Bullard has been promoted to the position of Elections Coordinator;
⦁    Emma Nelson continues to serve as Bookkeeper and is assisting me with facts and figures necessary for fundraising activities;
⦁    Kathleen Thompson continues to serve as Communications Director. She writes articles and press releases, handles social media, advises the DCDP on communication and public relations matters, and supervises 2 communications interns; and
⦁    Chris Nguyen has been hired part-time as Special Projects Manager. She assists with events, coordinates the DCDP Fellows, and helps with recruitment of volunteers and new precinct chairs.

Currently, your DCDP Chair and Staff are working on a new and improved Sustaining Member Program, the Annual Labor Day Picnic (September 7, 2015), the Annual Fish Fry (October 2015), preparations for the upcoming March 1st primary election, recruitment of new precinct chairs and Fall DCDP fellows, a voter registration program co-hosted by a local Spanish radio station, community outreach projects and fundraising. Many of these activities are conducted in cooperation with the Precinct Chair Matters Committee, the Advisory Council, and the newly revived Fundraising Committee.

On behalf of the DCDP, I am visiting churches and community events with Barbara Steele, who is serving as a community outreach consultant to the Party. I have spoken on a Spanish radio program to recruit new precinct chairs; I have been interviewed on the local CBS affiliate television station; and I am visiting Democratic clubs and attending community meetings throughout the county, letting voters know we are gearing up for 2016!

You will soon hear more about the work of your DCDP staff. They are committed, hard-working Democrats, and it is an honor to work with them all.

Rogue's Gallery
The national Democratic Party has put up a page of helpful things you should know about The 2016 Republican Field of Presidential candidates. They range from absurd to awful, and many are both.

Election This November 3, 2015
On Tuesday, November 3, 2015, we can all vote on seven proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution. You can find the ballot language and explanations at http://votetexas.gov/november-3-2015-constitutional-amendment-election-explanatory-statements

As always, we need more election clerks to help hold this election, especially bilingual ones, as well as some Alternate Election Judges and a few Election Judges. You can read more about the tasks and requirements, and find a link to the application, at http://www.dallasdemocrats.org/elections/election-worker-registry.html

Filing for the 2016 Primary  
Candidates for Precinct Chair can't file for the 2016 Democratic Primary until Tuesday, September 15, 2015. Candidates for public office can't file until Saturday, November 14, 2014. Filing ends for candidates for both Precinct Chair and for public office on Monday, December 14, 2015, and is set by law to end at 6 PM.

Find more information about running for public office and links to forms for filing for the primary, filing of campaign treasurers, filing fees, and to the petition forms that candidates for JP and Judge have to get voters to sign to get on the primary ballot (or that other candidates can use to avoid paying filing fees), at  http://www.dallasdemocrats.org/elections/election-facts.html

How to be a Delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention
Read this memo from the Texas Democratic Party to learn the steps to becoming a delegate and how many delegates are allotted to your senate district. Senate District Conventions (March), the Texas State Convention (June), and the National Convention (July) are listed on the calendar below.

Upcoming Events and Meetings
(For the latest updates on local events, and links to more info about these, check out the DallasDemocrats on Facebook and Twitter, and the DCDP website Calendar. To add an event or make a change or correction, contact the party office or email the editor: BillHowellDCDP AT Yahoo.com.)

Wednesday, July 29:

Dallas County East Democrats -- Meets last Wednesdays of the month. (6 PM networking, 7 PM meeting, Martinez Restaurant, 901 Gross Rd., Mesquite 75149)

Bernie Sanders for President Organizing Meetings -- Meet other Sanders supporters and watch live broadcast of his announcement. These start at various times, from 5 PM to 7 PM. To find one close to you (scheduled so far are at least 4 in Dallas, plus Addison, Rowlett, Arlington, Denton, and Fort Worth), enter your zip code at https://secure.berniesanders.com/page/event/search_simple

Thursday, July 30:

TARA Celebration of 50th Anniversary of Medicare / Medicaid -- Texas Alliance for Retired Americans celebrates the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid. Join us for this free and fun event! See the Facebook event page at https://www.facebook.com/events/1433737716935973/  (12:30 to 2 PM, Alliance/AFT hall, 334 Centre St. at Bishop in Oak Cliff, Dallas 75208)

Fundraiser for Hillary Clinton for President --   

Conversation with Maya Harris, Senior Advisor to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Ms. Harris is one of three senior policy advisers to lead the development of an agenda for Hillary's presidential campaign and also specifically focuses on policy and issues for women of color. In addition, Maya is also the sister of California Attorney General Kamala Harris. Attendee, $250; Co-host, $500 and Host, $1000. To RSVP go to: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/ticketed-events/conversation-harris-jul-30/?raiser=112322 Time and location in Dallas confirmed upon RSVP.   


Saturday, August 1:


Dallas Chorizo and Menudo Community Breakfast -- Hosted by LULAC Chapter 102. (9 AM, El Ranchito Restaurant, 610 W Jefferson Blvd., Dallas 75208) 


Park Cities Central Dallas Dems -- Philip Kingston, City Council Member for District 14, will be our featured speaker. Philip will tell us what we need to know about how City Hall works. He will also explain what's happening with the mayor's Office of Community Opportunity. (10:30 am to 12:00 pm, University Park Library, 8383 Preston Center Plaza, Suite 200, University Park 75225) 


Monday, August 3:


Dallas County Tejano Democrats -- Speaker: DCDP Chair Carol Donovan. (6:30 PM, La Calle Doce Oak Cliff, 415 W 12th St., Dallas 75208)   


Tuesday, August 4:


Irving Texas Democratic Women -- (6:30 pm, East China Buffet, 4023 W. Airport Fwy., Irving 75062)  


Wednesday, August 5:

Judicial Campaign Kickoff for Chika Anyiam -- For Criminal District Court No. 2. Complimentary Appetizers, Beverages & Valet Parking. Please RSVP by email to chikaforjudge AT gmail.com. (5:30 to 7:30 pm, Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen, 3520 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas 75219)

Saturday, August 8:

Fort Worth Chorizo and Menudo Community Breakfast -- (9:00 am, Nuevo Leon Restaurant, 1544 Ellis Ave., Fort Worth 76164)

Kaufman County Democratic Party -- (10:00 am, Office of Dan Wood, Jr., Attorney at Law, Brin Opera House Bldg., 102 E. Moore Ave., Suite 212, Terrell 75160)

Mexican American Democrats of Texas -- Dallas CAUSA Chapter. Guests are welcome but must RSVP by calling Sylvana Alonzo 972-900-0882. (11:00 am, 2223 W. Jefferson, Dallas 75208)

Muslim Democratic Caucus of Dallas County -- (2:30 pm, Kasbah Grill, 2851 Esters Rd., Irving 75062)

Monday, August 10:

Metrocrest Democrats -- The speaker is District Attorney Susan Hawk. (7 PM, NewNew Buffet, 3822 Belt Line Rd. at Marsh Lane)

Tuesday, August 11:

Drinking Liberally Addison -- (5:30 pm, The Londoner 14930 Midway Rd, Addison)

Dallas County Young Democrats -- (6:30 pm, Sue Ellens, 3903 Cedar Springs Rd, Dallas 75219)

Drinking Liberally Lewisville -- (6:30 PM, Tierneys Cafe and Tavern, 208 E Main St., Lewisville 75077)

Irving Democratic Club -- (7:00 pm, Senter Park East, 228 Chamberlain,  Irving) 

Dallas Drinking Liberally -- (7:30 pm, Uptown Pub, 3605 McKinney Ave, Dallas)

Thursday, August 20:

Last day to submit applications to fill Precinct Chair vacancies.

Monday, August 24:

DCDP Executive Committee Meeting -- Quarterly meeting of the Dallas County Democratic Party County Executive Committee, consisting of the County Chair, County Secretary, and Precinct Chairs. (6:30 PM, CWA Hall, 1408 N. Washington at Bryan, Dallas 75204)

Sunday, August 30th:

Stonewall Democrats Annual Fundraiser -- Test your knowledge of all things political With  your Host Edna Jean Robinson. Sponsorship levels ($100 - $1000) get you entry into the game and to the pre-Trivia reception. $20 suggested donation at the door. $20 to play trivia. Order online at stonewalldemocratsofdallas.org/donate. (3 - 6 p.m., at Round Up Saloon, Dallas)

Monday, September 7:

DCDP Labor Day Picnic -- Details later.

Tuesday, September 15:

Filing begins for Precinct Chairs for 2016 Primary. (9 AM - 5:30 PM, DCDP office, 4209 Parry at Fletcher, Dallas 75223)

Saturday, October 3:

Collin County Democrats Ann Richards Gala -- Joaquin Castro, US Congressman for the 20th District of Texas and Chief Deputy Whip for the House Democratic Leadership, will deliver the keynote speech. He will be joined on the podium by Mike Collier, Finance Co-Chair for the Texas Democratic Party. All proceeds go to support the Democratic Party of Collin County. For more information see http://www.collindemocrats.org/2015-ann-richards-dinner/ For tickets ($75) and sponsorships ($250 - $5000) see https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/annrichards (6:30 pm, Hilton Garden Inn, 705 Central Expressway S. [at Bethany], Allen 75013)

Tuesday, November 3:

Constitutional Amendment Election -- Seven proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution. See ballot language and explanatory statements at http://votetexas.gov/november-3-2015-constitutional-amendment-election-explanatory-statements (7 AM - 7 PM, local precinct polling places)

Saturday, November 14:

Filing begins for public office for 2016 Primary. (9 AM, DCDP office, 4209 Parry at Fletcher, Dallas 75223)

Monday, December 14:

Filing ends for 2016 Primary for public office and Precinct Chairs. The deadline is set by law for 6 PM. (9 AM - 6 PM, DCDP office, 4209 Parry at Fletcher, Dallas 75223)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016:

Democratic Primary -- (7 AM - 7 PM, Local precinct polling places)

Saturday, March 19, 2016:

Senate District Conventions -- (Various locations and times)

Thursday, June 16 through Saturday, June 18, 2016:

Texas Democratic Party State Convention -- San Antonio

Monday, July 25 through Thursday, July 28, 2016:

Democratic National Convention -- Philadelphia

Dallas County Democratic Party
4209 Parry Avenue, Dallas TX 75223
Phone: 214-821-8331     Fax: 214-821-0995
Website:  www.dallasdemocrats.org
Facebook:  www.facebook.com/DallasDemocrats
Twitter:  twitter.com/dallasdemocrats
Instagram:  http://instagram.com/dallasdemocrats