April 2014
News, etc

From the Friends of Rowan Public Library
top Author Robin Sloan Featured Speaker at Friends of RPL Meeting April 3rd. 
The Friends of RPL annual meeting will be held Thursday, April 3rd at 6:00 pm at RPL Headquarters, Salisbury.  Robin Sloan, author of Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore, is the featured speaker.
Sloan's book was chosen for the 411 Community Read Project--4 Counties, 1 Book, 1 Community.  'A gleeful and exhilarating tale of global conspiracy, complex code-breaking, high-tech data visualization, young love, and rollicking adventure, set in a San Francisco bookstore'  is how one reviewer described Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Booktore.  The 411 project is designed to provide an opportunity for citizens to read and discuss a single book together for pleasure and enlightenment.
Sloan grew up near Detroit and studied economics at Michigan State, where he co-founded a literary magazine called Oats. Between 2002 and 2012, Sloan worked at Poynter, Current TV, and Twitter, and at all those places, his job had something to do with figuring out the future of media. For more about him, visit www.robinsloan.com.
Also at the meeting, The Friends will elect several new board members, and will recognize the Friend of the Year.  The winners of the raffle for the 54-volume set of Great Books as well as the 40-volume set of World's Classics will also be announced.
The event is free and all are welcome. Refreshments will be served.  Please join us Thursday, April 3rd at 6:00 pm.
In This Issue
Author Robin Sloan at RPL
Rowan Reading Rendezvous
Clue Live
Lego Mania
Scrabble Scramble 11
Newest Video in ' Ramble Through Rowan' Series Premieres
Great Book Caper
Teen Poetry Slam
Learn. Act. Grow
Book Bites
Easter Baskets on Sale
Travel with the Friends
Gifts to Rowan Public Library
Quick Links
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Rowan Reading Rendezvous
Saturday, April 26th 
10:00 am - 4:00 pm 
RPL Headquarters
    201 W. Fisher St.   Salisbury 
These authors will be on site to read, discuss, autograph, and sell their books at the Friends of Rowan Public Library's First Ever Rowan Reading Rendezvous.
Meet the Authors:
Anthony Abbott  
Walter Bennett 
Jon Buchan 
Wayne Caldwell 
Fred Chappell 
Kurt Corriher 
Ariel Djanikian 
John Hart 
Holly Goddard Jones 
Jason Mott 
Valerie Nieman 
Drew Perry 
Ann B. Ross 
Ed Southern 
Susan Tekulve 
Susan Woodring

This event is free and all are welcome. Visit www.rowanpubliclibrary.org for more information. 


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Rowan Public Library Spring Book Sale

Friday, May 2nd  9 am - 4  pm
Saturday, May 3rd  9 am - 4 pm
Monday, May 5th  9 am - 2 pm
  • Fiction and non-fiction hardbacks, paperbacks, and children's books
  • DVDs and audiobooks on CD
  • Everything $2.00 or less
 RPL Headquarters, 201 W Fisher St., Salisbury

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Live Action CLUE Detective Game 
Children ages 7 and up are invited to join us for a fun adventure of live-action Clue!  Free. 

Tuesday, April 1st @ 4:30 pm, East Branch (Rockwell)
Thursday, April 3rd @ 4:30 pm, South Rowan Regional (China Grove) 

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Saturday, April 5th @ 11:00 am, RPL Headquarters (Salisbury)
Tuesday, April 8th @ 5:30 pm, East Branch (Rockwell)

Kids of all ages are welcome to help us build a city out of Legos. Free.

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11th Annual Scrabble Scramble
Tuesday, April 8th @ 5:30 pm
St. John's Lutheran Church, 200 West Innes St. Salisbury
Join us for the Rowan County Literacy Council's 11th Annual Scrabble Scramble.  Tickets are $30.  Please contact Daisy Boyd at 704-216-8266 for more information.

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Video Premiere: Courage & Conflict: Rowan in the Civil War
Please joins us Thursday, April 10th,  at 7:00 pm at RPL Headquarters in Salisbury for the premiere of Courage & Conflict: Rowan in the Civil War.  The film is the seventh episode in the Ramble Through Rowan's History series of short videos about the history of Rowan
Civil War-era telescope: Courtesy: John Erwin Ramsay, Jr.
County's people, places, and events. The event is free and all are welcome.

Courage & Conflict describes the events and effects of the American Civil War on the people of Rowan County.  From the formation of antebellum militia units to the final raid by General Stoneman, the video looks at the combatants on the battlefield as well as the folks at home. Rowan spent four conflicted years as both a Confederate support center and a Unionist stronghold.   

Please join us April 10th, just two days shy of the149th anniversary of Stoneman's Raid. A short question and answer period with the film's narrator, Dr. Gary Freeze, will follow, and light refreshments will be served.

Rowan-Salisbury Schools and
Rowan Public Library Present
Reading Festivall
Saturday, April 12, 2014
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
& Fun for all ages

Book Vendors
Local authors
Food and more

Rowan Public Library

201 W Fisher St

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Visit www.rowanpubliclibrary.org or call 704-216-8234 for information.

For more details, visit  www.rowanpubliclibrary.org or call 704-216-7734. 
Gone Girl
Book Bites Book Club meets the last Tuesday of each month and all are welcome. Call 704-216-8229 for information.
Easter Baskets on Sale Now!
The Friends need small items for Mother's Day and Father's Day, especially gifts with sports, fishing, and outdoors themes, ties, picture frames, etc. Baskets especially needed. Items should be labeled for Friends Baskets Sale and can be dropped off at any RPL location. 

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Travel with the Friends of RPL
San Antonio
The  Friends of RPL are planning a trip to San Antonio (trip dates November 2-6, 2014).  Please contact Melody Moxley at 704-640-5159 for more information. 

Rowan Public Library appreciates your gifts and will purchase materials for the library that can be enjoyed by our community for years to come.
We gratefully acknowledge these recent gifts: 
Joan Koechig
Clifford Euguene Patterson
Honors and Memorials:
In Honor of Edward Grey Joyner, Jr. given by Joye and Brittany Braxton,
Michael Butler, and Dave and Tami Joyner
In Memory of Gurline Wilson Beaver given by Midgie Dial
In Memory of Dr. Irving Shafer, Jr., given by John and Jerrie Bailey
and Adelaide Horton
In Memory of Jennie Sparks given by Joe Ellis, Jr.

Friends of RPL   
Doug and Leslie Black

 David Post 

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Carlton
Carolyn and Jean Puckett
Lynn Denison
John and Jane Riley
Robert Esasky
Frank Shafer
Jennifer Hubbard and Steve Cobb
Dr. and Mrs. John Spencer
Jim and Gerry Hurley
Russell and Katherine Stevens
David and Chloe Longacre
Dr. and Mrs. John Thomas
Lisa and Jeff Metcalf
Chuck and Mitzi Williams
Joe and Pam Morris
Carlton Wood

A Gift That Keeps on Giving @ RPL
In Honor of Katherine Charlotte Wallace and Annie Wallace Williams given by Suzanne Casey to the Leo Wallace, Jr. Endowment
In Memory of Mayo Little given by Fred and Alice Stanback to establish the Mayo Little Endowment

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