The Weekly News
September 7, 2016
St. Christopher's Episcopal Church

In this issue of the Weekly News:
  • Blessing of the Backpacks
  • St. Christopher's Choristers
  • Friendship Bible Study
  • John Wimberley to Speak
  • Acolyte Training
  • Making a Difference
  • Adult Christian Development
  • Crop Walk
  • Time and Talent Auction
  • Dates for Your Calendar

Blessing of the Backpacks

Sunday, September 11

During the 10:00 a.m. Service
Blessing of the Backpacks

Please encourage your children to bring their backpacks, computer cases, book bags (or whatever they carry to school) for our annual Blessing of the Backpacks. We will offer a blessing during the time of The Peace, when the children have joined us after Formation classes.
St. Christopher's Choristers
Sunday, September 11

St. Christopher's Choristers welcome any youth, third grade and above. Choristers will meet on Sunday afternoons, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. in the Choir Room on the second floor. They will sing monthly on Sundays during the 10:00 a.m. worship service. Choristers combine singing and handbell ringing to develop music reading skills and spiritual formation through music. The first rehearsal will be Sunday, September 11, at 1:00 p.m.

Contact Director of Music Robert Richter for more information.
Friendship Bible Study

The Friendship Bible Study will resume on Tuesday, September 13, at 3:30 p.m. in the Conference Room. The study is Overcoming Worry, Finding Peace in the Midst of Uncertainty. If you have questions about the study group or want to order a book, please contact:  Nancy Barney  |  317-255-2699  
John Wimberley to Speak
Sunday, September 18

Our strategic planning consultant, John Wimberley, will be with us on Sunday, September 18. He will preach at both the 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. services. John and a few members of the Strategic Planning Team will hold a panel discussion on the work done thus far and next steps after the 10:00 a.m. service. We encourage you to be with us that day. 

Questions? Contact Drew Bender |
A Call for Acolytes

A training for acolytes (current and future) will be held on Wednesday, September 21, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the church. Dinner will be served.  Any student in fourth grade or above is welcome to join us. 

RSVP to Ellen Blackburn no later than Sunday, September 18.
317-867-5457  |
Want to Make a Difference?

Racism is a complex and systemic problem in our country.  A group of us will meet September 25 at 11:30 in the conference room to continue to explore ways we can address racism in our communities and in our daily lives.  Want to help make a difference?  Come join us!
Adult Christian Development

Baptism 101, a two session class, will be offered on Sundays, October 16 and 23. The ancient Christian Rite of Baptism is central to our identity as members of Christ's body. This class is open to all who wish to explore the meaning in this beautiful sign of God's grace (and is required for adults, older children, and families of infants preparing for baptism on Sundays, November 6, 2016, and January 8, 2017. The baptism preparation classes will meet in the Andres Library. Mother Jenny will lead the classes. Registration closes on September 25.

Father Steve's Sunday morning Lectionary class will not be held at this time.

Hamilton County CROP Hunger Walk
Sunday, October 2, 1:30 p.m.

Are you missing from this picture? Join St. Christopher's Hunger Walk Team to walk one mile or more to fight hunger locally and around the world. Last year we raised $3,710.80 from our congregation. Can we contribute $4,000 this year? In the weeks to come, we'll share information about joining the team, recruiting sponsors to contribute when you walk, and other ways to join this important effort to alleviate hunger. 

Want to contribute? We accept cash and checks, but you can donate online and via text-to-give. Simply note CROP Walk on your check. Or, if giving online or via text-to-give, select the CROP Walk option. 
St. Christopher's Time & Talent Auction
Saturday, November 5

Teams are already hard at work in advance of our festive evening of fun and fundraising, which occurs once every three years. During the coming weeks you'll find information about ways you can donate your time and talent.

Please put the date on your calendar. This is a don't miss event!

Dates for Your Calendar
The Save the Date page of St. Christopher's website is updated weekly. Check this resource for new information. You also may want to review the insert in the Sunday bulletin, as it provides the schedule for the coming week. 

September 28  |  Young at Heart Luncheon
October 2  |  Hamilton County CROP Hunger Walk
October 14 |  Walkabout to Meet Bishop Candidates, St. Paul's, Indianapolis*
October 15  |  Walkabout to Meet Bishop Candidates, St. Andrews's, Greencastle
October 15  |  Walkabout to meet Bishop Candidates, St. Paul's, Evansville
October 16  |  Walkabout to meet Bishop Candidates, St. Paul's, Columbus
November 5  |  Time and Talent Auction 

*Note: Location changed from St. Christopher's to St. Paul's, Indianapolis. Additional details will be provided in future issues of The Weekly News

Church office hours:
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

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Continue the conversation with us on Facebook for inspiration, interesting articles and questions, news of upcoming events, pictures and videos from recent events, breaking news, and more. Or, follow us on Pinterest and Instagram. For information about St. Christopher's Service to Others Ministries, Music Ministry, and Formation, visit us at

The deadline for announcements, news, and articles for The Weekly News is Monday Noon each week. Email to


St. Christopher's Episcopal Church | 1402 West Main Street | Carmel | IN | 46032