North X Northeast: A Cross Border Connection! 

Early-bird registration rate extended through May 20th

In honor of our sister chapter partnership, SITE Northeast USA and SITE Canada are co-planning a cross border event in celebration. Join us and our Canadian friends at SITE Canada on Thursday, June 2nd for a networking reception and dinner on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls and finish the evening with a spectacular cruise aboard the Hornblower 
along the Niagara River - our mutually shared waterway!

Our hosted buyer itinerary on June 2 & 3 will bring you behind the scenes and into the heart of where our border connects. 
Rediscover Niagara, Canada with us - a true meeting and incentive destination! 

Upcoming Regional Events

June 2nd: Cross Border Event with SITE Canada, Niagara Falls, Canada. Hosted buyer program to follow into the weekend! Details above or click here! 

June 10th & 11th: 
If you are an emerging incentive travel professional eager to learn industry best practices and achieve a higher level of incentive education, join SITE for upcoming training's to earn the Certified Incentive Specialist (CIS) designation in Atlantic City, New Jersey! 
This two-day, in-person workshop provides up-and-coming professionals with the understanding of how incentive programs are designedwhat motivates people to achieve greater levels of performance, and the positive impact of incentive travel and business results.With more than 450 graduates from 32 countries,the CIS designation will elevate your career and develop your skills to provide extraordinary motivational experiences worldwide. Both SITE members and non-members are welcome to attend. Click here for more information and to register for the CIS!

June 23rd: SITE Summer Soiree at  Maritime Parc in Jersey City, New Jersey!Join hospitality professionals from across the Northeast to celebrate the first 
week of summer at the much anticipated SITE Summer Soiree! To commemorate the arrival of summer, SITE has partnered with the WYSO Foundation to showcase the artwork of local Northeast artists Frank & Michael Wysochansky to give recognition to the talents of self-taught artistic savants.  

Q1 & Q2 Successes 

SITE Northeast USA has already had a jam packed start to 2016. After our successful education event in January at the stunning Langham 5th Avenue, the SITE team also took partnership with Northstar Meetings Group for their annual SMU event, with a successful CSR component that assisted the Careers through Culinary Arts Program. 
The SITE team also had a fam trip to Saybrook Point Inn and Spa with 15 meeting and incentive travel planners who enjoyed the culinary and aesthetic delights along the shores of Connecticut! Additionally, we traveled down to Philadelphia in celebration of Global Meetings Industry Day with an event that catered to over 40 professionals in the industry with a fabulous education session on Improv! 

Young Leaders Update

The SITE Northeast YL's cruised around lower Manhattan this past March with over 35 young professionals in attendance! The group split into teams with the help from CityHunt to explore Manhattan's financial district, all while gaining valuable team building skills and building relationships through this unique networking opportunity The group began in the savvy yet stylish Penthouse of Gild Hall- a Thompson Hotel and concluded their adventure at Convene 32 Old Slip! 

Upcoming Gigs': 

July 26th: YL Taste of Brooklyn Food + Wine Tour! 

October 16th & 17th: Young Leaders Global Conference in Las Vegas! Click here for more details!

"Recently winning the prestigious SITE Chapter Excellence Award for our Young Leaders Event Series in 2015, we are thrilled to commence another amazing year of engaging networking, unique educational events and a lot of laughter and fun along the way.  Back by popular demand, our annual YL Scavenger Hunt will "rediscover downtown" in its second year, building upon the great success of this unique team building adventure.  With a goal to achieve a 50/50 planner to supplier ratio at all 2016 events, the relationships and experiences you will build with our YL crew will be invaluable- both personally and professionally" -Chris Reed, VP Young Leaders for SITE Northeast.

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SITE Northeast USA | 125 Park Avenue | 25th floor | New York | NY | 10017