Vice President Cheney and Jonathan Reiner, MD to discuss Heart: An American Medical Odyssey at the National Press Club, December 3rd.
Vice President Cheney and his longtime GW cardiologist, Dr. Jonathan Reiner, joined on a national press circuit this month to promote their book on heart disease. The book chronicles the fascinating story of Cheney's thirty-five-year battle with heart disease - providing insight into the incredible medical breakthroughs that have changed cardiac care over the last four decades.
To celebrate the publication of this groundbreaking work, the GW Heart & Vascular Institute, GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences, and the GW Hospital are co-hosting a book discussion and dinner at National Press Club on December 3rd. This fundraiser will support the mission of the Institute. Admission is $2,500 per couple or $1,500 per individual. For more information, please contact Jessica Johnson at jjohnson@mfa.gwu.edu or call 202-741-3057.
Watch video clips of Cheney and Reiner in the media this month:
Christian Nagy, MD joins the GW's Division of Cardiology
Dr. Christian Nagy joins Drs. Jonathan Reiner and Ramesh Mazhari as professor of medicine in the GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences and interventional cardiologists for the GW Medical Faculty Associates. Dr. Nagy has extensive training in both adult and pediatric cardiology. Trained at Yale University, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Toronto General Hospital, and Tufts Medical Center, he adds special skills to GW's cardiology group for the treatment of congenital heart disease and heart valve problems. Dr. Nagy is a published author with a particular interest in structural heart interventions including nonsurgical catheter-based aortic valve replacement.
 Joseph S. Alpert, MD rounds with GW Cardiology fellows
The GW Heart & Vascular Institute enhances the educational experience of our GW medical residents and cardiology fellows by inviting renowned cardiologists and master teachers from prestigious medical centers throughout the country to serve as visiting professors. On October, 2, 2013, Joseph Alpert, MD, professor of medicine and former chairman of medicine at University of Arizona Medical Center presented GW's Cardiology Grand Rounds and discussed cases with GW medical residents and cardiology fellows. This program was supported by the Cummings Family endowment. Dr. Alpert serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Medicine. He is a member of the Editorial Board of 10 internal medicine and cardiovascular journals.