May 2014 Newsletter
Upcoming Classes:
May Phase 3 & Phase 4 Classes:
Phase 3 classes for Savoy: Wednesday, May 14th @ 12:30 pm and Wednesday, May 28th @ 12:30 pm
Phase 4 classes for Savoy: Tuesday, May 6th @ 5:15 pm and Tuesday, May 20th @ 5:15 pm
Transformers Meeting:  Wednesday, May 28th @ 6:00 pm in the Education Room at the Christie Clinic on Windsor.

Come to this fun monthly meeting if you would like to talk with other dieters, learn some tricks and new recipes!

Follow the Transformations' Contest Winners on the WCIA Morning Show!
The Transformations' Contest winners are having a lot of continued success!  We couldn't be more proud and excited about their progress! Click here to watch their most recent appearance on the WCIA Morning Show.

John from the Transformations TV segment will also be featured at our upcoming information sessions!
Talk with the Doc: FAQs

When you lose weight, where does the fat go?

Amber says:  It doesn't go anywhere. It is kind of like gas in the tank of your car. It's used for fuel to make the car go. The fuel itself doesn't "go" anywhere. The body is burning fat to use it for bodily functions.


Do you have a question that you would like Dr. Walker , Amber Oberheim, APN or Debra D'Angelo R.D. to answer? If so, e-mail it to and it could be featured in next month's newsletter!
Success Stories


This husband and wife team lost a combined 175 lbs at Transformations!  Way to go Lawrence and Gail!

Important Links

Recipe Basket
Want to shake up your protein shakes?  Try these delicious variations!

Craving a fruit smoothie with the warmer weather here?  Click here to try our Ideal Protein variation.

  Tips for Success
Ashley Quinlan, manager at Transformations who also holds a masters degree in Exercise Science and is a certified personal trainer shared her tips on the best ways to exercise while dieting on the WCIA Morning Show.  If you missed the segment, here are her tips:


We know that dieting trumps exercise when you are talking about getting to a weight loss goal in a quick manner. Cutting calories through changing your diet is much more efficient and actually easier to figure.  Decreasing food intake is easier than increasing activity for most. There is no denying that exercise, and in this case low intensity, short duration exercise,  is a great idea to give you some wonderful physiological and even psychological benefits. I often say the "e" in exercise if for enjoyment.  And we should exercise to feel good not to drop weight quickly.


In terms of activity on a low calorie weight loss plan like the one we do at Christie Clinic Transformations, light to moderate activity is encouraged. And this would go for other low carb weight loss plans.   The goal is not to burn as many calories through exercise while on this type of diet plan, but simple to get the body moving.  Your body simply doesn't need to be under that stress, nor do your body's energy stores have enough built up to have the stamina to power through!  More vigorous activity can be reserved for the maintenance phase of dieting.


We encourage walking as one of the best forms of exercise. One of the best ways to test yourself in your own personal way is to have a walking challenge and see how many steps you can walk in one day.  This way you can determine what might be a light, moderate and heavy type of walking day for you. It's good to just have that starting point or baseline, and then work your way up as you go along.


Best forms of exercise for dieting:

1. Walking: 20-30 minutes a few days a week

2. Free weights with various multi joint exercises

3. Body weight exercises in a chair or on the floor

4. Light swimming or biking


  * Do you need extra help putting together a work out for phase 1?  We can help!  Just e-mail to set up an exercise appointment.
Contact Us
Christie Clinic in Savoy
501 N. Dunlap Ave.
Savoy, IL 61874

Christie Clinic in Danville
3805 N. Vermillion
Danville, IL 61832

Christie Clinic in Monticello
107 W. Main St.
Monticello, IL 61856

The Prize is in the Process.

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