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                                                    November 2013
                  Allendale Bellringer
Issue: 11


   We are living in exciting and challenging times as we seek to be faithful to our mission of "making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." The reason I say this is I believe the church must continue to search for new ways and new methods of reaching and relating to persons of all ages, races, spiritual and socio-economic backgrounds. Like it or not sometimes this means the church must employ the tools of our culture to interact with the culture.


   I frequently ask visitors, "How did you find us? What influenced your decision to visit our church?" And, I am hearing on the majority, "We saw your web-site and we wanted to come check you out." Like it or not technology is affecting what we now "bring to the table," so to speak, as a method of reaching out to share the Gospel or Good News message of hope in Jesus Christ our Lord.


For example, in times past a pastor depended upon word of mouth sharing about who has newly moved into our neighborhood or mission area. Often times the pastor would check in with the Chamber of Commerce on a regular basis to get a listing of persons moving into the near location. We still must find creative ways of meeting our neighbors face-to-face, but using technology to advance the mission rather than avoiding, ignoring or denying the presence and power of all forms of technology is definitely short-sighted.




I have read, and continue to read, most of the publications and research of George Barna, who is the George Gallup of current church trends and persons of faith. In a recent article: HowTechnology is Changing Millennial Faith, he begins, "They're called digital natives for good reason-Millennials certainly stand apart from other generations in terms of their technological savvy. They're also in a class of their own when it comes to faith experience and practice." Digital natives means this generation has always had technology and the internet in their lives. Most other generations either refuse to use it, or we are trying to catch up in staying current with the technology out there and available.


 He discusses further: "Technology has infiltrated every area of Millennial life, and the realm of faith is no exception." According to Barna research, the most common way Millenials are blending their faith and technology is through digital reading of Scripture. It's an escalating trend, considering there are just as many YouVersion (the free Bible phone app) downloads as there are Instagram downloads. And has become one of the top Christian websites today." If you want to read this article in totality, guess what?--you can Google it!


   However, briefly, Barna lists-the top 4 ways Millenials are integrating Technology & Faith as:

1. Read sacred Scripture on cell phone or on the internet.

2. Check out a church, temple, or synagogue website.

3. Watch online videos about faith or spirituality.

4. Search for spiritual content online.

   Do we ignore the prevalence and influence of the internet and technology as we determine how we cast the vision of Allendale UMC which states that Allendale is a faith community where YOU matter?


Here's what I think. We must evaluate the current aesthetics and acoustical experience of our worship and the worship center. Is it time to upgrade our sound and video presentation? The answer is obvious, yes it is. I think all would agree the lighting is definitely sub-par. We have to move into the 21st century particularly in these areas or otherwise we hinder our outreach and staying power efforts. Someone has noticed and made the observation that we see visitors and new faces, but they pass through to the back door before we learn their names. What do we do about this? [Please do not say, "well that's the way it is," because that is unacceptable].


   Jesus used all the ways he had available to reach and minister to his culture, shouldn't we do the same? Jesus taught in parables using agrarian examples and stories that his audience could plug into immediately to understand the Kingdom of God and the message of God's love for all. We all have to be acutely aware of the worship experience through the eyes of the folks who enter to visit.


   I think rather than lag behind, the church must take steps and lead the way. Too often the church has become an extension of our culture. I think that in order to make a difference in the lives of others, we will have to be the "movers and shakers" in our efforts and goals to reach persons for Jesus. I have often said, "The train is moving," and we at Allendale have to get on board! Let's get excited about how to share Jesus in new ways! You think about that. See you in worship.

     --Pastor Ronnie      


         Did you miss a Sunday sermon in October?  Well, catch up here.  View  any or all the sermons in October 

Click here to view sermon choices

Our Building The Vision Western Style BBQ Dinner on

Sunday, October 6 was a great success.  The food was catered by Buffy's of Biff Burgers and it excellent.  Western music was played and the younger generation did some boot scootin.  A good time was had by all.



  On Friday evening, October 18, Gateway Organic Farm

USDA Certified Organic Vegetables, Herbs, Raw Honey and Farm Eggs gave a program in our Family Life Center.  Pamela and Hank Sindlinger, owners of Gateway Organic Farm in Clearwater, shared the story of beginning their farm in 2003 and their mission to provide healthy and locally grown produce to our community. Pamela's involvement in local and statewide gardening groups introduced them to the concept of community supported agriculture (CSA), which allows the public to buy "shares" of the farm and then benefit from the harvest. Extra produce is sold to local chefs at restaurants such as the nearby Caf� Ponte, Parkshore Grill in St. Petersburg and Island Way Grill in Clearwater.


They were awarded the 2012 Florida Innovative Farmer Award at the 2012 UF-IFAS Small Farm and Alternative Enterprise Conference in July 2012. Come and bring your questions about "organics" and gardening in Florida.







   Finance Committee Report   

November 1, 2013   





Dear Allendale Family,


Fall is finally in the air.   We are approaching the holiday season and finally cooling off some, but things are just heating up here at Allendale! We would like to welcome all new and returning seasonal members and active visitors. "Building The Vision"


What's this about "Building The Vision?" Well, one doesn't have to look very hard to see evidence of a campaign in full swing. We had a great time out at the ranch, (I mean, the Family Life Center) at the kickoff barbecue last month!


By now you have likely received a packet which includes a copy of the book "40 day Spiritual Journey to a More Generous Life" by Brian Kluth. If you have not, one can be obtained in the church office or in the narthex before or after church services. At this critical time in preparation for building the future of Allendale UMC, I want to encourage everyone to take time during these next few weeks to read this book.


The book is designed to be read over 40 days, but if you have not been able to start until now, that's ok! It's a very manageable 85 pages long. Each day's reading highlights several scripture verses. If you relate to a verse, or it just "jumps out" at you, be sure to think and pray on it! Also, be sure to work through each of the six end-of-week exercises, an essential part of what should be a memorable and rewarding Stewardship journey.


Giving Update:

We would like to highlight a "big picture" of our giving for the first nine months of 2013. For those of you who are reading a print version of our "Bellringer," please refer to the graph. Allendale has reported strong regular giving from January through September 2013. Regular monthly income (giving) during five of these nine months equaled approximately $20,000.00. For the other four months, regular giving significantly exceeded $20,000.00.   To date, Allendale has paid three quarters of its 2013 apportionments and half its required payments toward Church Insurance. (To share some related good news: Allendale's assessed 2014 church apportionments reflect a six percent decrease when compared with 2013 amounts!)


 Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving,


Clark E.


You may say to yourself, "My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me." But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.   - Deuteronomy 8: 17-18

                                Nov. 2013 giving graph

Jordan and Josh, do you know which is which?

           Allendale Youth Group


These past few months has seen a lot of changes to your Allendale Youth Group. We have painted some of the furniture, rearranged our meeting space and even painted one of our walls bright pink. We now have a new "bad words" jar. Twenty-five cents for each slip up. IOU's are being accepted and we are all responding and learning very well from this effort. Besides our pie throwing event we have upcoming on November 17th a car wash. Half of the money raised during this event will go the Building the Vision Fund. We hope to help lead the way in showing others "the way." We have not forgotten how much the congregation enjoyed spaghetti dinners and we are planning on having one soon. We are also planning on doing an updated version of the nativity story during Christmas time.


In our Bible studies we have finished our study in the book of Esther. It was interesting and we learned the strength even a young girl could have for her faith. Now we are focused on being better friends to one another and a closer family to everyone in our lives.


We are always looking for new ways to serve our God and our community so we will be either visiting our shut-ins or sending small reminders of our love for them. We are always looking for outreach opportunities and invite anyone to stop by and see what we are getting into. Recently Rachael Welsh has agreed to begin helping out as an adult volunteer and we are happy to have her.


Remember we meet every Sunday after the 9:00am service and Wednesday nights 5:30-8:00pm. We also meet one Tuesday a month to help plan our upcoming events. Faith, fun, food and friendship is what we try to have every week.


Sometimes it is difficult for us to meet new people and maybe it is difficult for you. So with that we wanted to start telling you a little something about our group members each month.


This month we are featuring twins Josh and Jordan Smoak. Josh is taking Spanish in school and is getting very good. However, his brother Jordan is taking French and is also getting good. One can even say the pledge of allegiance; can you figure out which one it is?







Many churches in the United States celebrate All Saints' Day to honor all the saints, particularly those who do not have their own special feast day, on November 1. Some eastern churches in the United States celebrated this day on the first Sunday after Pentecost. It is also known as All Hallows Tide, All-Hallomas, or All Hallows' Day.


What do people do?

All Saints' Day is celebrated in many areas of the United States, including where there are large Roman Catholic populations. In New Orleans, for example, people gathered in local cemeteries and decorated the graves with flowers. The descendants of the French Canadian settlers around St Martinsville, Louisiana, observe this day in the traditional French manner by laying wreaths and bouquets on even the most obscure graves and, as darkness falls, by lighting candles throughout in anticipation of All Souls' Day on November 2.

In the United Methodist Church, All Saints' Day is observed on the first Sunday in November to remember deceased members of the local church congregation. A candle is lit as each person's name is called out, followed by a prayer offered for each soul.  Many Latin American communities in the United States hold celebrations around November 1 and 2, linking with All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day (November 2). These celebrations are part of the Day of the Dead, also known as D�a de los Muertos.



Symbols commonly associated with All Saints' Day are:

  •  A sheaf of wheat.
  •  Rayed Manus Dei (hand of God).
  •  The crown.
  •  Symbols (including images) of individual saints.
  •  The Liturgical color is white on All Saints Day.


All Saints Memorial Roll Call

The memorial roll call names persons within the Allendale Family who have died in the last year. Please keep family and friends in your prayers.PM means Previous Member.


Nadene Hardt


Marion Elaine Fernald


Elaine Hartil


Marjorie Clark (PM)


Helen Thomas


George Clark (PM)


Lois Stephens (PM)


J.J. Traynham (PM)





Sandy Ross Photo

Choir is looking forward to the return of members Don Steer, Bert and Margaret Grindlay who are due in late October. We also expect to see Geraldine Lahna and hopefully Fran Bloom sometime this fall. Prayers for travel mercies, please. Praises and thanks to God for Maryann Ormiston's successful surgery and quick return to choir.  


THANKS to Judy Davis and Marsha Reese for their lovely flute performances at the 11am service on October 6, 2013.


PRAISE BAND: Our Praise Band is working up some really cool new tunes, including a new version of Silent Night.  


CHURCH-WIDE CAROLING: A church-wide neighborhood caroling is in the planning stages - more information to be available shortly.


REMINDER TO CHOIR AND INSTRUMENTALISTS: Please return "used" music to the file basket in the Choir room. Please check bulletin boards in choir room for performance and rehearsal dates. Thanks for all you do!


TECH TEAM: Volunteers are always needed to run the projector, sound, and prepare slides for Sunday services. Contact Sandy if interested.   Thanks so much to Jennifer Clark and Dakota Haas for running the projectors for Sunday services, and to Clark Evans and Ron Vagnier for filling in when they can't be there.


SLIDES: Our church secretary prepares the announcements which are shown before each service. If you have something you want announced on the Pre-Service Slides, please email Jenny your slide(s) in word text.   You can also email photos.



SOLOS/SMALL ENSEMBLES: Soloists, vocal or instrumental, and small musical ensembles are welcome and encouraged to perform - We are open to new ideas, big or small. All are most welcome to attend - just come to rehearsal on Thursdays at 7pm. We are looking forwarding to performing a new Thanksgiving piece with the instruments on Sunday, November 24.



Flute Choir Concert

December 8th

In our Sanctuary


On Sunday, December 8 at 3 pm, the Tampa Bay Flute Choir will perform a Christmas Concert in the Sanctuary. Free admission - love offering will be taken. The Flute Choir is led by Judy Davis, who we had the opportunity to hear along with Marsha Reese when they played at the 11 am service in August. If you missed it last year, please plan to attend - it is a most beautiful and unusual musical experience!









Thanksgiving Dinner

Allendale's Big Event!


Join Us for Fellowship! Good Food!

Great Time!

Sunday, November 24th

5:30 pm in the Family Life Center


Please bring a place setting for every person in your party and a large side dish (or two) to share. Turkey and ham are being provided.


Some suggestions: salads, vegetables, casseroles, green beans, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, apple pie, rolls/bread, tea, lemonade.


RSVP church office 527-6694 or use sign up sheets passed out during worship.







We are thankful, we are thankful! November is the month for giving "thanks" and Allendale Children's Center has a lot to be thankful for this year. We were very blessed to update many of our classrooms, including the addition of a one year old classroom, and for our new center office. We are also thankful for our newest staff members this past year: Ms. Chris, Ms. Jennifer, Ms. Yuliya, and Ms. Ellen. We would like to thank our other staff members for their continued support to the education of our young children: Ms. Ashley, Ms. Christina, Mr. Shaun, Ms. Andrea, Ms. Patty, and Ms. Angie.


During the month of November, the two year old Butterflies' class will be learning about the first Thanksgiving and what it means to be thankful. They will also be learning about turkeys and making some fun filled harvest projects.


The three year old Wizards' class will also discuss the meaning of "thankfulness" and learn about Native Americans and the first Thanksgiving. Finally, they will discuss all the things we are thankful for. The Wizards' would like to then Ms. Jeni for all her hard work to make our school great and Pastor Ronnie for sharing his knowledge and time with us every Wednesday at Chapel.


November in the upper three's Cheetah's class, they will be also be learning the "Thanksgiving Story" with the Native Americans and Pilgrims. They will "count" their blessings and review table manners and practice politeness. They will enjoy a variety of art experiences including cornucopias, turkeys, arrowhead necklaces, corn art, and fun games. Spanish words this month include: gracias- thank you, abuelo- grandfather, abuela- grandmother, amogos- friends, and pavo- turkey.


Finally, the VPK Explorers' class will be learning about what being "Thankful" means, and how the Pilgrims and Native Americans lived during the days of the very first Thanksgiving.


In God's Love,

Jeni Smagacz

Preschool Director




The Thanksgiving Feast:


   The English colonists we call Pilgrims celebrated days of thanksgiving as part of their faithfulness to God. But these were days of prayer, not days of feasting.


   Our national holiday really stems from the feast held in the autumn of 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag to celebrate the colony's first successful harvest.


   Paul reminds us in his letter to the Thessalonians: "in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (5:18). We are to give thanks for all things and this includes the difficult times that we have from time to time. Why? You ask. The reasoning is that God is always present with us. And, God is guiding us through the difficulties that will strengthen our faith and dependence upon his eternal grace. So, we offer thanksgiving in everything because I believe God is near us during our pain and suffering as well as the festive times together.


Have a blessed holiday and remember to always give thanks!      


The Church and the Grocery Store
The Church and the Grocery Store

Over the past three weeks Joe Deal The Building The Vision Campaign Coordinator has been hosting a combined Sunday school class that dove tailed with Pastor Ronnie's sermons "God is Owner of All, We Are Stewards Not Owners and We Are Blessed To Bless Others."

 During these sessions Joe has used some short, sometimes humorous, but always topical videos to drive home the points of the day's studies. If you were unable to attend we have attached the videos to this electronic version of The November Bellringer.  Hope you will have time to watch and enjoy.

More Coke
More Coke

My Money Stewardship Video
My Money Stewardship Video

Credit Card National Bank
Credit Card National Bank

onetimeblind   Trust Fall
onetimeblind Trust Fall

Gods Pies
Gods Pies

Meet the Press Rick Warren on Thanksgivingm4v
Meet the Press Rick Warren on Thanksgivingm4v
onetimeblind   The Stool
onetimeblind The Stool

God In A Box
God In A Box



Drop off your food anytime during the week on the cart in the kitchen or in the church office.


Some suggestions are


Peanut Butter             

Canned Vegetables  

Canned Fruit 

Canned Meat     

Macaroni & Cheese    


Instant Potatoes         



Paper Towels

Canned Beans           

Toilet Paper

Powdered Milk         

Soap, toothpaste


Many thanks for your donations. God bless.



Women's Prayer Group


Our Women's Prayer group is now meeting each Wednesday morning in the chapel from 10-11. We join together in lifting up the needs of our church and community as well as any shared prayer requests. Please consider being a part of this prayer ministry and we would welcome your presence with us on Wednesday mornings.


"Do not worry about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:6-7





Our Ministry to the Women's Residence


The St. Petersburg Free Clinic Women's Residence is a short-term transitional housing program that provides a safe place for single women to stay for one to six months as they work on goals for independent living. The 20 bed residence provides a supportive environment which includes meals, clothing, counseling, skill training and help finding permanent housing. Our "Women's Residence" Outreach Team enjoys preparing and serving dinner at the Women's Residence on the first Tuesday of each month from 6 pm until 7:30pm. We join the women for dinner and fellowship and also celebrate birthdays of the residents each month.


Our next visit to the WR will be November 5th.   We are always looking for new folks who would like to be a part of this ministry. For more information you can call Suzy Hutto (906-9454) or contact the church office.  


Car Wash

November 2


11 am-2 pm


Block off some time for Saturday, November 2 to get your car washed by the Boy Scouts in our parking lot.   The scouts and Charlie Radigan will be set up across the street from the church on Haines Road. Tell your friends!



 November Birthdays


Dale Stillwagon


Monserrate Ishman


Ed Caldwel


Suzanne Landis


Tony Antonewitz


Mark Woodward


Riley Gregory


Jack Hutto


Leslie Footlick (Dickey)


Midge Mitchell


Kyle Woodward


Jennifer Clark




Sandy & Harry Klaus

Nov. 18-28  years


Alice & Jerry Campbell

Nov. 30-29 years


"WOW" Card



A big "Wow" goes to Trustee members Charlie Radigan, Harry Klaus, Mike Footlick, his brother Cliff Footlick and Bob Grainger to thank them for cleaning out Nadene Hardt's house and garage and getting it ready to sell.



A "Wow" is sent to our ushers to thank these men and women who volunteer to usher each Sunday and for special events.




Charge Conference

Tuesday, November 19

7:00 pm


Rev. Lynn Batista presiding


Join a Small Group and grow in relationship with God and each other
Midweek Groups
Wednesday Night Adult Bible Discussion
Leader: Pastor Ronnie Jones
 7 pm, Wesley Room   
New study:
 The Book of Issiah     
Student Impact Youth Group for Teens and Tweens
6th-12th graders-
Leader:  Leia Thomas
5:30 pm-8:00 pm
Family Life Center

Adult Sunday School Classes


10:00 am-11:00 am

Wesley Room

Leader: Bob Grainger   

This discussion group deals with a wide range of contemporary issues from a Biblical perspective and how they impact Christian living. Great class for debates.


Friendship Class:

10:00-11:00 am -Chapel

Leader: Darwin Reedy

The class is studying Isaiah, Ezra and Nehemiah.



Sunday Classes for Youth


2-4 year old class

Room 108 

Teachers:  Susan Grainger

Story time and crafts


K-3rd grade class

Room 204

Teachers: Lynda Beltz and Diane Gibson

Bible lessons and sharing


4th-5th grade class

Room 204

Teachers: Suzy Hutto

 & Marla Radigan

Bible lessons and sharing


Middle School & Senior High

Teachers: Diane Manown & LeiaThomas

Bible based lessons, change every week.





Service Saturday


Our next opportunity to serve will be on Saturday morning, November 16 (time to be determined) at the Salvation Army offices, 3800 9th Ave N. 

We are doing a little

something different this month. 


In honor of our dear Nadene Hardt, who worked tirelessly at the Salvation Army and who spoiled the Red Kettle Bellringers each year with baked goods, we have been asked to host a little gathering for the Bellringers who will be heading out that day. 


If you can't join us that morning, but are able to provide a few homemade goodies for these volunteers, please coordinate with Nancy Wall, 727-410-6658 or

Thoughts from Darwin Reedy

Leaders Pledge

Psalm 91


  God's Presence

  God's Protection

God's Peace

 God's Perspective

  God's Provision

  God's Power


The Fruits of Obedience

Leviticus 18



Godly Values

Care of the Interests of Others

Live with Integrity

Keep Their Word

Develop Gifts and Potential

Manage Time and Finances

Reach Out to Others


Chair of Trustees, Charlie Radigan along with Bob Grainger sealed the Flea Market roof that was leaking.  We are blessed to have these handy men who can do a lot of repairs around the church and parsonage.   

United Methodist Women


We are happy to report that 275 ditty bags were delivered to First Tarpon Springs Church on October 26th the site of the District Annual meeting.   Many thanks to everyone who assisted in filling the bags. It was truly a labor of love for those who are less fortunate.



United Methodist Cooperative Ministries/
Suncoast will hold their annual Share the Dream Banquet on Thursday,

November 7th from 6:30-9 pm at the Hilton in Carillon Park.


Meeting dates:

6:00 pm Tuesday, November

5th-Board Meeting-Wesley


6:30 pm Monday, November 18-Agape Circle-Wesley


10:00 am Tuesday, November 19-Naomi Circle-Wesley



Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and safe holiday!