GardenShare's Bimonthly Newsletter  |  October 2014
Volume 14 No. 5
Thoughts from our New Executive Director


Let's get the first question out of the way - no, I'm not related to the cheese people.   


I grew up in Gouverneur, and after graduation from Saint Lawrence University in 1979, my job search took me to the Hartford, Connecticut area, where I have been ever since.


When I was a student, I acquired
this poster in the SLU bookstore. It says "New York City will never amount to much, it's too far from Tupper Lake." And it has graced the office of every place I have worked since I left Canton! Though I've been away for 35 years now, the North Country has always been home to me, and I have often dreamed of returning.


Many factors kept me in Connecticut, including raising a family, and a job that I loved for the last 30 years, at Foodshare - the regional Feeding America food bank serving the Hartford area. But children grow up - my youngest recently turned 21 - and sometimes, the call comes to move on, even from a job you love.


I feel blessed and grateful to have this opportunity to return home and work with GardenShare, and although I won't be joining you full time in St. Lawrence County until January, I will be here for the 1844 House Fundraiser dinner on November 6. If your can't join us there, I'll look forward to meeting you after the holidays, perhaps at the Growing Community social on January 17 at The TAUNY Center in Canton. 


In the meantime, I have started a blog, linked here, where you can learn a little more about me and my thoughts about hunger, community food security, and GardenShare's future. 


Feel free to be in touch...  



Food Security Assessment on North Country Matters
Heather Sullivan-Catlin discusses her community food security assessment on North Country Matters in September.  

Donna Seymour, host of North Country Matters, sat down with Professor Heather Sullivan-Catlin
to discuss Heather's recent St. Lawrence County Community Food Security Assessment.

North Country Matters is a local public affairs video magazine produced by WCKN under the direction of Dan Dullea of the Center of Excellence in Communication at Clarkson University.

The half
hour discussion provides some deep insight into poverty and hunger and their effects on our community. The show helps to connect North Country issues to the broader national picture, while at the same time highlighting diverse challenges that are specific to our remote, rural area, and the rugged resourcefulness of our community. Watch it here. 
GardenShare is supported by community contributions.
GardenShare's 5th Annual Fundraiser Dinner at
1844 House
Thursday, November 6
5:30 Open Bar
6:30 Dinner

Please join GardenShare at our annual fundraiser at the 1844 House on Thursday, November 6. This celebration of food and art supports GardenShare's efforts to make healthy, sustainable food choices accessible to everyone in our community. 



A selection of works from Chipman Woodworks will be on hand for raffle and purchase with proceeds to benefit GardenShare.



This will also be a great opportunity  to meet and talk with Gloria McAdam, GardenShare's new executive director!


Learn more and register here.
Growing Community Social
January 17, 2015
2:00 PM
The TAUNY Center

Save the date! Our Growing Community Social will be the first chance to meet Gloria after she's officially joined us, and we'll celebrate this year's Growing Community Award recipient.

Watch for more information coming soon!
Additional Food Assistance Information     
GardenShare's website has always hosted a food assistance resource that lists Neighborhood Centers and food pantries as well as ways to contact other providers throughout the county.

In response to many requests, we have added a current listing of community meals, which is linked here. There is also a printable, postable version available to download by clicking here.
Please share this information with anyone who may need a free or donation-based meal, who could use an evening away from the kitchen or in the company of others, or who may be interested in helping out.

Many area schools have also responded to growing need by creating their own backpack programs that send kids home with a discreet backpack full of food for weekends or long breaks. Contact information for those programs is provided here. Again, please share this information with folks who may benefit from it.
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