Summit Registrations Coming In!
GardenShare's Food Day Youth Summit on October 16 is a day of workshops and action planning for high school students and staff from all over the North Country. The event focuses on important food-system issues like diet and health, sustainable agriculture, hunger in our communities, and junk food marketing to kids.
The Summit emphasizes Action Planning and sending teams home with the resources they need to make a difference in their own communities.
Registrations are pouring in. So far Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, Schroon Lake, Tupper Lake, Gouverneur, Harrisville, Keene, LaFargeville, Northern Adirondack CS, Northwood School, Peru, Canton, Parishville-Hopkinton, Hermon-DeKalb, Salmon River, and Watertown will all be represented. We have space for only a few more teams, so if your school is considering bringing a team, register soon!
The 2011 Summit resulted in seven schools starting school gardens, and several others improving school garden programs that were already in place. Five teams worked to improve the nutritional value of meals served in school. Two teams turned a spotlight on hunger in their communities.
Additionally, most students reported interest in improving their home nutrition environment through smarter shopping, cooking more on their own, and growing some of their own food. This year, our Summit will offer even more planning and implementation resources to make sure students and staff can achieve their goals.
Growing Community Award 2013
Jenny and Brian Walker are GardenShare's 2013 Growing Community Award Recipients.
Each year GardenShare recognizes an individual or organization whose efforts strengthen our community-based food system. Past recipients include North Country Public Radio, North Country Grown Cooperative, the UShare program of Canton's Unitarian Universalist Church, Katherine Lang, Betsy Hodge, and Carlton Doane.
This year GardenShare's Growing Community Award goes to Brian and Jenny Walker from 1844 House. Their continuing commitment to sourcing local food for the restaurant, and supporting local organizations has helped countless farmers in our area grow their business, and raised awareness among consumers about the importance of building community.

Local Options for SEFA Include GardenShare!
For the second year, GardenShare is part of the State Employees Federated Appeal, so it is easy and convenient for New York state employees in St. Lawrence County to support an equitable and sustainable food system! There are so many important causes competing for your contributions through this appeal, that just leafing through the booklet can be overwhelming. One thing to consider is the powerful impact your contribution can have when you keep it local. Read more here.
THURS. NOV. 7 AT 7:00pm
Join us for a FREE evening of fun, socializing and sharing some seasonal desserts cooked up by the local food champions at PACES on Thursday, November 8 at Thatcher Hall on SUNY-Potsdam's campus.
The Harvest Social Highlights our Growing Community Awardees, Brian and Jenny Walker. We'll also be thanking outgoing board president Heather Sullivan-Catlin for her years of dedication and service. AND, we are still talking about last year's pumpkin cannoli, so you won't want to miss it this year!
Farmers' Market Season Still Going Strong!

Catch GardenShare program manager Laura Popielski on the radio on Thursday, October 17 from 7-8am on 95.3 The Wolf checking in about local market happenings.
Events are still planned at the markets, including Potsdam's Pumpkin Fest and 5K on October 26. Register here for the 5K!
The is still a lot of great fresh food at the markets including all kinds of roots, tubers, and greens, as well as plenty of storage crops, like onions, so there's no reason to stop your market habits!
Many markets continue inside through the holidays, or even the winter, including Potsdam and Ogdensburg, so ask your farmers where they can be found!
Share-A-Share for Bonus Bucks
It's not too early to start thinking about the holidays. If you have folks on your list who prefer a gift that benefits the community, consider a Share-a-Share donation in their name this year.
Share-a-Share donations fund GardenShare's CSA Bonus Bucks program which helps make CSA affordable for people with limited incomes. You can donate online, but be sure to email us as well, so we can send the appropriate card to your Share-a-Share recipient. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have questions. Email