Youth Summit: Get Your Team Together
Registration is almost underway for the second biennial North Country Food Day Youth Summit. The Summit is a day of workshops and action planning around importing food issues including diet and health, sustainable agriculture, hunger in our communities, and junk food marketing to kids.
High schools from across the region send a team of 3-7 students and 1-3 adults to learn and plan. Each team will create an action plan for their school, and go home with the tools to make it happen!
Please help us get the word out to area high schools!
Food Day Youth Summit
When: Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Where: at SUNY Potsdam
What: A full day conference for high school students
Cost: FREE! There are even stipends available for schools to cover the cost of transportation and substitute teachers.
The Food Day Youth Summit is made possible by a grant from the Northeast Agriculture Education Foundation, and the Canton Community Fund. If you, your business, or your organization are interested in supporting this program, please email
Strengthening SLC Farmers' Markets
by Danielle McAuliffe
Research Suggests Canton Market Will Benefit From Extended Hours GardenShare's market research at the Canton Farmers' Market revealed some important information.
The majority of market attendees are retired individuals who find the market hours convenient. However, those who were not retired expressed frustration over the 9am-2pm hours, citing work as the most common barrier to getting to the market. When participants were asked how the market could be improved, the most frequent answer was evening hours. This feedback was presented to the market vendors, and it was decided the market would host extended hours during the month of August. Every Tuesday in August, the market will be open from 9am-6pm to accommodate professional work schedules.
Family Fun Day and Other Special Events in Potsdam Throughout the season, GardenShare has assisted the Potsdam Farmers' Market hosting monthly themed market days, with the most recent being Family Fun Day in July.
In addition to the usual vendors, community organizations joined the market, such as Nature Up North, the Community Action Planning Council, and GardenShare, reaching out with samples and interactive activities.
These events have helped the Potsdam Market see more than 350 attendees on those Saturdays.
Expanded Debit/EBT Services Wireless Debit and EBT/Food Stamp terminals have been established at the Gouverneur and Massena Farmers' Markets and at Martin's Farmstand, in addition to the Canton, Potsdam, and Ogdensburg markets. EBT service at each of these markets includes additional incentives making each Food Stamp dollar worth close to $2.
The addition of debit service frees customers from being limited by the cash in their pockets. Particularly seeing the benefits of this is Martin's Farm Stand, who had over $1,000 in debit sales in the month of June alone.
Canton Market Extends Tuesday Hours
 The Canton Farmers' Market will be open from 9am to 6pm on Tuesdays through the month of August. The Friday hours will remain 9am - 2pm.
GardenShare Staff Changes
Danielle McAuliffe has been serving as our Program Manager for only a half year, but her skills, knowledge, and energy put our Farmers' Market Promotion Program on a path to success. We're sad to see her go, but are thrilled that she'll be pursuing a Ph.D. in Health Policy. Best of everything, Danielle!
AND, we're happy to welcome our new Program Manager, Laura Popielski. Laura has been our intern this summer through SUNY Potsdam's Community Health Department. Laura's minor in Nutrition comes in handy as well. Welcome aboard, Laura.
Fracking Ban Petitions Available
If you are concerned about the effects fracking may have on drinking water or food production in New York, take a few minutes to help convince Governor Cuomo to keep fracking out of the state.
You can sign an electronic petition here, OR you can reach out in your community and get printed petitions signed and return them to Food and Water Watch.
 GardenShare's Sustainers Circle is a group of people and organizations who have committed to support this work, at any level, for three or more years. This kind of support helps us plan our programs. If you've been supporting GardenShare already, please consider making a three year commitment to help us plan for the future.
Save the Date!
GardenShare's Annual Harvest Social will be held Thursday, November 7th at Thatcher Hall, SUNY Potsdam.
Celebrate the harvest season with GardenShare with seasonal desserts and our Growing Community Award, which recognizes someone who makes a difference around food security in our community. It's FREE, and it's fun.
Local Meals With Local Produce