GardenShare's Bimonthly Newsletter  |  June 2013
Volume 13 No. 3
Roger Doiron Keynote Speaker at
2013 Food Day Youth Summit!
Wednesday, October 16
On the campus of SUNY-Potsdam
Roger Doiron
GardenShare is thrilled to welcome Roger Doiron of Kitchen Gardeners International as keynote speaker for the 2013 North Country Food Day Youth Summit this October!
If you haven't seen Roger's TEDx Talk, it's definitely worth the 20 minutes. He manages to outline some of the more troubling issues with our food system while maintaining a positive focus. His "subversive plot"  is something we can all get behind.
GardenShare's Food Day Youth Summit is a day of 

workshops, networking and action planning for high school students from across the North Country region on important food issues like diet and health, sustainable agriculture, hunger in our communities, and junk food marketing to kids.


The 2013 Summit will focus on Action Planning and sending teams home with the resources they need to make a difference in their own communities. More information is available here.

GardenShare Earns Fresh Connect Grant
ebt token Fresh Connect is New York State's program to improve access to locally grown, fresh food by low-income communities across the state. Once again this year, for every $10 in food stamps, recipients will receive $15 in tokens to spend at the markets all season! Additionally EBT clients who make it to the market five times this season will receive an additional $20 to spend at the market.
The program is in effect at the Potsdam and Canton markets, as it was last year, and also includes Ogdensburg this year. The markets in Gouvernuer, Massena, and the Martins' Farmstand new online market will enjoy this benefit as well in the near future. We are working to ensure that all federal food assistance benefits can be used at any of the markets in St. Lawrence County. 
Pilot Program Offers Fresh Local Food, Cooking Class as Part of Treatment Plan


GardenShare is teaming up with the Community Health Center of the North Country and Cornell Cooperative Extension in a pilot program to add fresh, healthy local food to low-income diabetes patients' diets. 


The pilot is being funded through New York State's Dept. of Ag and Market's Fresh Connect Program. Clients will pay for three boxes of fresh local food with food stamp benefits. Each box of food will come with an hour long class including nutrition and cooking education on how and why to turn that box of food into tasty, easy meals. For more information, email

Bowl for Auction
Eat for Equity; Annual Benefit Dinner
GardenShare's annual benefit dinner at the 1844 House will take place on Tuesday, June 11.
If you can't join us for dinner, you can still purchase raffle tickets for the amazing stoneware platter above from Isaac Jude Pottery. Details available here, or call us at 315-261-8054. 
2013LFG Cover
Get the Guide
The Local Food Guide is out. If you haven't gotten your copy, we can send you one in the mail. Just email, and we'll send it right out!
Hands on Health Available
Hands on Health
Paula Youmell's new book on how to take control of your health offers straight-forward advice on how to make positive changes in your life. Some of the proceeds from sales of her book will benefit GardenShare.
Town of Canton Upshot

The Town Board of Canton's vote last month on changes to regulations in the residential zone has resulted in a little more flexibility for small-scale agricultural projects. The issue of raising chickens in the zone will need to be revisited at a future time. Details can be found here

CSA Bonus Bucks filled quickly this year, but we ARE still able to help some people pay for CSA with Food Stamp/ EBT benefits if they have them. If you are interested in exploring this option, please call us at 315-261-8054. 
Raffle Winners!
Congratulations to our Name that Veggie Raffle winners from the Dairy Festival last weekend! Jackie Bartholomew of Norwood (Food Stamped), and Chrissie Anderson (Market Tokens), Tom Langen (Chico bag) and Alison Hill (Hands on Health) of Canton. 
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