Come watch Queen of the Sun with us!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
7:00 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church3 1/2 E. Main St., Canton
Town of Canton Zoning Update
Should this garden be illegal?
Town Board of Canton Meeting
Monday, February 11
4:00 pm
Canton Municipal Building (60 Main St., Canton)
The Town Board of Canton meets on February 11, and will take up a proposal from the zoning board to allow small-scale agriculture, including CSAs and community gardens, with special permits, in the residential zone of the Town. The proposal also includes a provision to allow raising chickens in the zone.
Some of these activities, raising laying hens, for example, are allowed in the village, which is befuddling, to say the least, to Town residents who purchased property outside the village intentionally for a rural lifestyle.
Small-scale agricultural production and marketing has a growing place in our food system and our local economy. The residential zones in the Town include small strips of property, and can be seen on this map.
Please consider attending this Town Board of Canton meeting to show your support for food sovereignty in the Town of Canton, OR, you can email your support for small-scale agriculture in the Town of Canton to Town Supervisor David Button at
GardenShare's 2012 Annual Report Available
2012 was a strong year for GardenShare, developing new ways to deepen our reach into our regional food system to build equality, while tapping into our regional agricultural economic potential as well. We've highlighted some of our 2012 successes in our annual report, which is available for download here.
The real excitement, of course, is looking ahead. We have set the table to do even more great work in the coming year, and are looking forward to continuing our partnership with YOU.
Potsdam tries dead-of-winter indoor market
Saturdays from 1-3, catch the Potsdam Farmers' Market, currently being hosted at the VFW, 95 Market Street, Potsdam. Location may change, so check the website before you head out. And, of course, EBT is welcome!
The 2013 Local Food Guide
Deadlines to get into this year's Local Food Guide are approaching! AD RATES and information are available here. TO BE LISTED send in your listing form! If you are a farm or business that sells local food, and you didn't get a form in the mail, call us so we can get you in there. 315-261-8054. Don't miss these opportunities to be in St. Lawrence County's comprehensive guide to local food, farmstands, farmers' markets and food assistance programs!
Save The Date! March 16 
GardenShare is hosting our first ever Cabin Fever Trivia Night to benefit CSA Bonus Bucks. Get your team of 4 people ready, because it's going to be fun.
Saturday, March 16
6:30 - 9:30pm
Parkview in Canton (that's the Blackbird, upstairs)
Farmers' Market ONLINE?
Heads up to producers AND consumers. Daniel Martin, of Martin's Needham Road Market, is launching an online farmers' market this spring.
Order ahead from a list of available products, and pick it up already bagged on market day. Very convenient for consumers, and GREAT FOR SMALL AND MID-SIZED FARMS TOO. This offers a way for folks just looking to sell a small amount of raspberries from their yard, for example, to bring it to market! Contact Daniel if you'd like to participate.