In This Issue
Upcoming Dates to Celebrate

Global Health and Fitness Month

Better Hearing and Speech/Healthy Vision Month

May 1
School Principals' Day

May 5
Cinco de Mayo

May 5-9
Be Kind to Animals Week

Teacher Appreciation Week

Public Service Recognition Week

May 6
National Teachers' Day

May 7
School Nurses' Day

May 11
Mother's Day

May 12-16
Children's Book Week

May 17
Armed Forces Day

May 26
Memorial Day

"The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd."
~Bertrand Russell

"Inspiration is a guest that does not willingly visit the lazy." 
~Pyotr Tchaikovsky

"The more a man knows, the more he forgives."
~ Catherine the Great

The Four Corners
Updates for Lake County District Superintendents


Hooray for Springtime!


I hope you are getting through the SBAC trial testing with little or no challenges. Our upcoming Superintendents Council will provide an opportunity to share our trials and tribulations regarding SBAC and the development of your new LCAP.  Tim, Stephanie and Blaze will join us for a good portion of our meeting to further assist in moving forward.


Included in this edition of the "Four Corners" is the flyer for the Joel Montero presentation April 30th. Please remind your Board Members to attend. In the past, this has been a good opportunity for Board Members to get together and share ideas.


I will be attending the CCESSA Board of Directors and statewide General Membership meeting Sunday, Monday and Tuesday so I will not be at our Council meeting. Brock has agreed to fill in for me which will work out well for both of us. As you already know, Brock is running unopposed for County Superintendent of Schools so we can start our transition process a little earlier than anticipated.


Have a great week!




Information and tasks to assist with preparation for the Superintendents' Council Meetings.
Click on the following link to review and/or download:

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Highlights of relevant issues or helpful tips focused on addressing potential hot topics that may arise.
Countywide Trustee Finance Workshop

Wednesday, April 30
6:00 pm
Lake County Office of Education
Kesey Room
1152 South Main Street, Lakeport

Joel Montero, CEO with the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) will present a budget workshop specially designed for Superintendents, Board Members and CBO's. 

Dinner will be provided. Please RSVP by April 24 to 
Janice Bailey
janb@lakecoe.org or 707-262-4102

Click here to view the flyer and for registration information.

School/District Surveys

With the emphasis on parent engagement and stakeholder input in the development of the LCAP, there is increased discussion and focus on the use of surveys.

Evaluation and feedback are important, and late in the school year is an ideal time to find out opinions about specific topics or issues.

Expert insights are available through a number of resources. Following are key steps that are most useful for school administrators:

Decide what you want to learn from the survey first.
Don't try to collect too much data. Carefully think through the specific answers you want to gather. Set objectives and stay focused.

Determine your target audience.
Stay focused -- for example, do you need only opinions of parents from a certain grade level, or a specific group of staff?

Choose the type of survey method.
The most practical options are probably mailed/emailed questionnaires or telephone interviews.  Mail surveys can be neglected and may require a second mailing or incentive to obtain enough feedback.  Telephone interviews involve personal communication and are more likely to result in more usable returns.

Develop a timeline. 
This step will establish survey expectations and help to keep everyone on task. If this is your first survey, build in extra time as you may run into unforseen challenges.

Draw the sample.
If you're going to survey a small population, such as readers of your staff bulletin, you'll probably seek opinions from all involved.  However, if you're testing the attitudes of your school community, you will want to select a random sample. You can do this by choosing every "nth" name from a list of your total population. The key is determining how many representatives you need to have a valid survey. 

Develop and test the questionnaire. 
You should have questions to cover all objectives, but only questions needed to reach those objectives. After drafting the questions, edit them and eliminate terminology that many people won't understand.

Tabulate data, analyze results and report the findings. 
Depending on the sophistication of the questionnaire, you may want to ask a research expert to provide professional advice.  With a simple questionnaire, you can tabulate the answers and make your call on where changes or improvements are needed.  Always let people know the survey results.  Volunteers, respondents, staff will want to hear what people think. 

If you need assistance developing, implementing and analyzing a survey for your district or school, LCOE communication staff offers customized support.  Contact Shelly Mascari for more information, smascari@lakecoe.org.
Educator of the Year Award Night - Save the Date

The 2014 Educator of the Year Award Night has been scheduled for Saturday, November 8.  Watch for more information.
Highlights of relevant local community issues, events or opportunities.
Move More! 2014 Field Day and Expo

Saturday, April 26
Kelseyville High School

Click here for more information.

Resources, information, and tasks related to the development of the LCAP.
LCAP Update

Superintendents' Meeting on April 28 we will review the LCAP criteria for approval and the schedule.


Click here to view the State and Federal Programs Consortia update, emailed from Stephanie Wayment on Monday, April 21.


Click here to view an EdSource article on district LCAPs:

"County offices to cut districts some slack for now on their LCAP's"


 This is a publication of Lake County Office of Education Communication Services. For feedback regarding The Four Corners, or information regarding services, contact smascari@lakecoe.org

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