Home & School News
Mum Sale












Upcoming Events

October 2
Pizza Day/
Dress Down Day/
Make a Difference
Home & School Meeting

October 9
Grandparent Day
/Tech A Thon

October 16 
Hot Dog Day/

October 18
Father Bernie's Birthday

October 22
Noon Dismissal


Teacher Apprecation

October 23
Noon Dismissal


October 30


Home & School News

Tech-A-Thon 2015 will be held on Friday, October 9th.   Tech-A-Thon is an annual fundraiser aimed at raising money to support and grow technology in our school. We need your enthusiasm, energy and school spirit to make this a successful event. We are counting on the support of every school family!

The collection goal is $100.00 per student. All of the money raised goes directly to the school to implement the technology plan. Students are encouraged to collect as many donations as possible. All donations (big or small) are greatly appreciated!

During the morning of the 9th, students will celebrate Grandparent's Day with their grandparents or other special persons. After the prayer service, a luncheon will be provided to any guest who wishes to stay. Please return the form indicating the number of guests attending the morning celebrations and lunch.

Students must bring their own lunches and will eat during a modified lunch schedule. Gourmet Gorilla will NOT be available. After each lunch period, Tech-A-Thon will begin, and students will begin their walk. Grandparents, parents and younger siblings are welcome to join in the walk, or may cheer on students along the route or from the finish line.   Dismissal will follow the normal procedures at 3:10.

Paperwork went home in your child's backpack.  You can also visit www.stanneschoolbarrington.org for more information or to make an online donation.


Home and School Meeting Friday, October 10th
Please join us for coffee and to share in the conversation of what is happening at Saint Anne School.  The meeting will start in the hospitality room immediately after drop off.  Hope to see you there!

Lunch/Recess Duty:
Erin Parker is in need of volunteers for lunch/recess duty.  It only takes an hour and thirty minutes. Maybe you are not available every week, but can participate once a month, or, once during the school year.   One hour and thirty minutes is all it takes.....
For more information, please contact Erin Parker at eparker@stanneschoolbarrington.org

Want to help our school earn money? All you need is a pair of scissors.  Hold on to those box tops and lets turn them into cash for our school (each box top is worth 10 cents).  
Mum Sale

When: Wednesday, September 30
Time: 1:30-4pm
Where: Outside of the Parish Center
What: Assorted Colored Mums (14 inch) & Fall Mix Planters
Price: $18.00 Mums & $20.00 Planters
All Proceeds will benefit the 8th Grade Banquet-We appreciate your support!!