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Suzette de Araujo, Editor  


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 May 15/2013

JoAnn Doherty, President
Jackie Malaska, Executive Director


NJ State BOE proclaims May "National Physical Education and Sport Month"
May proclamation
NJ State Board President Arcelio Aponte, JoAnne Dohert, Pres., NJAHPERD, Commissioner of Education, Chris Cerf

JoAnn Doherty, president of the New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NJAHPERD) and retired physical education teacher from Tenafly, accepts a resolution from State Board of Education President Arcelio Aponte at the May 1 State Board meeting. The board proclaimed May to be "National Physical Education and Sport Month" and urged "all school districts in the State of New Jersey to renew their commitment to quality health and physical education programs and physical activity to improve the health and well-being of this state's children."


The resolution was adopted the same day that, a website devoted to children's health and development, released a new survey that revealed an overwhelming majority of parents and teachers want health classes and physical education to be mandatory parts of the school day.



"EVERY CHILD STRONGER, EVERY LIFE LONGER" continues to provide the foundation for NJAHPERD's advocacy initiatives! FIT2ECSELL is the most recent of many NJAHPERD targeted movements to promote quality Health and Physical Education in New Jersey schools.

This initiative focuses on developing the first ever state- wide centralized data base for student health-related physical fitness.  If you are interested in adding your school to this initiative, please contact NJAHPERD Executive Director, Jackie Malaska.


Grant funding is available for training and web based FG school site license.

Application Deadline extended to June 1st!

 ATTENTION Golf Enthusiasts!

The Barclays is back in NJ at Liberty National Golf Course in Jersey City!


Great Father's Day Gift!


Tournament Dates: August 20-25, 2013

Tickets Fore Charity is NJAHPERD's only fundraising event.  Through TFC, NJAHPERD (a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) we have the opportunity to raise significant charitable funds while becoming aligned with one of the most prestigious golf tournaments in the world.The Barclays is the first event in the PGA Tour Playoffs for the FedExCup and regularly attracts the biggest names in professional golf. The best part is 100% of the net proceeds from the sale of these tickets go to charity. NJAHPERD receives 75% of the proceeds with the remaining 25% donated to The First Tee of Metropolitan NY. Funds are raised by promoting ticket sales. Last year we raised over $3500 from sales and volunteers!


NJAHPERD has purchased a limited amount of tickets to save you ticketmaster fees.


WEEKLY CLUBHOUSE TICKETS are available for $125.

Please visit the NJAHPERD website for more details or call the office.



VOLUNTEERS needed for the Barclays.
Please consider joining the NJAHPERD team us as a volunteer for this year's tournament.
The tournament
needs over 1,800 volunteers to make the event a success and that means WE NEED YOU! There are many great volunteer opportunities still available including: being a Marshal, driving the special needs shuttles, working in the volunteer center, helping with special events during the tournament, and many more. The volunteer package is $75 which includes shipping right to your front door as well as a logoed golf polo, logoed baseball cap, lunch vouchers on the days that you work, volunteer credential (valid all week, even when you aren't working), one grounds ticket per day for a guest, volunteer pin, lanyard and an invitation to the volunteer appreciation party. This package is an over $300 value!
If you can't volunteer, consider sponsoring a Future Professional! We have students willing to work! Please visit the NJAHPERD website and click on the Barclays Tickets Fore Charity tab for more details or call the NJAHPERD office.



The Barclays  

Professional Development  

NJAHPERD recommends that you include all the professional development events you would like to attend for the 2013-14 school year in your Professional Development Plan now so that you are not denied the content specific professional development you need to be a highly effective teacher.

Dates are listed on the NJAHPERD website.



Best Practices Fitness Education/FitnessGram Training

June 7, 2013
Ocean Township Intermediate School
West Park Ave
Ocean, NJ 07712

More information 


Job Posting
South Orange-Maplewood School District
SOMSD, New Jersey's premiere physical education district, is announcing a K-2 opening for a full time position in physical education for the 2013-2014. Outstanding candidates are encouraged to apply. Posting closes May 18th!
Parents Want More Health & PE in school!
Kids Health, a website devoted to children's health and development, released a new survey that revealed an overwhelming majority of parents and teachers want health classes and physical education to be mandatory parts of the school day.
Your input needed....
Deadline: May 24, 2013

AAHPERD is in the process of drafting a new and updated position statement called Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Helping All Students Achieve 60 Minutes of Physical Activity Each Day.


We have updated the references and the language to align with the newly announced Let's Move! Active Schools initiative. Now, we would love to hear from you! Please review the draft of the new position statement on our website under "What's New." Click on "Document for Member Review" and send your comments and suggestions to [email protected] by Friday May 24.

FREE before-school activity program
BOKS, Build Our Kids' Success, is a FREE before-school physical activity program that helps prepare elementary school age children for a day of learning.  BOKS' mission is to promote the profound impact of physical activity on a child's mind, body, and community.  The twelve week curriculum focuses on 45 minutes of fun, non-competitive, kid friendly activities, achieving moderate to vigorous exercise through warm-ups, running, relay races, obstacle courses, and group games. BOKS Bits, nutrition talks, are given at the end of each class to increase nutritional knowledge and promote confidence in creating life-long healthy habits. The BOKS Bits were designed in partnership with Tufts Medical Center - Floating Hospital for Children. BOKS Bursts, an extension of the curriculum, offer a 2-3 minute physical activity breaks for teachers to use throughout the day.   MORE .  Ready to get started?  Sign the pledge.
The P.E. Shift:  Phys ed programs are getting away from team sports-with great physical and academic results

Gym class at Churchill High School in San Antonio doesn't look much like it did a few years ago. Students no longer sit on the sidelines, bored or anxious, or refuse to get suited up for competitive team sports.

Instead, they're fully engaged in rock climbing, biking, or working out on the elliptical machine in the school's new fitness center. When his district devised a program with this new approach to physical education, Principal Jeffrey Vaughan didn't hesitate to adopt it. MORE

Recess Rocks Videos now available! 
Do you love the Recess Rocks moves that we bring into your school during recess? Are you a school outside of Connecticut that wants to incorporate our programming into your daily classroom activities? We now have the resources available for you! MORE
Does more time spent in PE class make children stronger?
An increase in time spent in physical education class helps children develop stronger muscles, according to research published in the official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. The study also concluded that increasing weekly physical activity did not increase risk of bone fractures. Children participating in the study took part in up to 200 minutes of physical activity per week, in comparison to the standard curriculum of 60 minutes of physical education class per week. MORE 
Physical activity more key to children's health than cutting seat time 
Education Week
While physical activity of moderate intensity has an impact on childhood cardiometabolic health - the combined impact of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease - researchers in Canada found that certain sedentary activities may have a greater negative impact on overall health in children than others. Published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, the researchers discovered that when comparing sedentary activities, the amount of TV screen time children get may have a worse effect on their health than the overall time they spend being sedentary. MORE
Forced exercise may still protect against anxiety and stress 
Science Daily
Being forced to exercise may still help reduce anxiety and depression just as exercising voluntarily does, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder. Past studies have shown that people who exercise are more protected against stress-related disorders. Scientists know that the perception of control can benefit a person's mental health. It has been an open question whether a person who feels forced to exercise, eliminating the perception of control, would still reap the anxiety-fighting benefits of the exercise.  MORE 
Comprehensive Instructional Framework for Fitness Education in Physical Education

The National Association for Sport and Physical Education's (NASPE) Fitness Education Project team gathered insights from professionals across the country who have worked on national and state physical education standards and district curriculum materials; from content and pedagogy specialists; and from current literature to provide what follows: a comprehensive Instructional Framework for Fitness Education in Physical Education (IFFEPE). 


Fitness education is a subcomponent of the total physical education program, focusing on helping students acquire knowledge and higher-order understanding of health-related physical fitness (the product), as well as habits of physical activity and other healthy lifestyles (the process) that lead to good health-related physical fitness, health and wellness. Although the term "fitness" is used in many ways, in this project, fitness education is defined as health-related fitness education. The following working definition of fitness is used to guide the development of IFFEPE: fitness education is the instructional and learning process of acquiring knowledge, skills and values; experiencing regular participation in physical activity; and promoting healthy nutrition choices to achieve life-enhancing health-related fitness. MORE

Webquest in Physical Education
Are you planning on a project for students to plan their own fitness plan?


Does smoking prevention in schools work?
Smoking prevention in schools reduces the number of young people who will later become smokers, according to a new systematic review published in The Cochrane Library. For young people who have never smoked, these programs appear to be effective at least one year after implementation. It is thought that around a quarter of young people may smoke by age 13. With a history spanning four decades, prevention programs in schools try to tackle smoking at an early age before the habit becomes difficult to break. The systematic review aimed to resolve the uncertainty of whether the programs are effective in preventing smoking. MORE
The brain: Our food-traffic controller

The New York Times

Imagine that, instead of this article, you were staring at a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. The mere sight and smell of them would likely make your mouth water. The first bite would be enough to wake up brain areas that control reward, pleasure and emotion and perhaps trigger memories of when you tasted cookies like these as a child. That first bite would also stimulate hormones signaling your brain that fuel was available. Studying the complex brain response to such sweet temptations has offered clues as to how we might one day control a profound health problem in the country: the obesity epidemic.MORE
A musical message for children on healthy eating
The New York Times
For all her talent and determination to help children eat better, Michelle Obama could still pick up a few pointers from Helen Butleroff-Leahy, a 66-year-old former Rockette turned registered dietitian. Butleroff-Leahy devotes her time to teaching children in disadvantaged neighborhoods about eating healthfully and exercising regularly. Her lessons take the form of musical productions, rehearsed in classrooms and on the stages of 52 New York City public schools so far.  MORE
Physical inactivity and depression linked
The Examiner
Study results published online in the Journal of Science and Medicine suggest a correlation exists between excessive physical inactivity and depression levels in children and adolescents. Evidence shows that youth with higher levels of physical activity and lower amounts of screen time use to experience less depressive symptoms. Through use of the Short Mood and Feeling Questionnaire researchers assessed 8,256 students ages 10-16 years for levels of exercise activity, leisure screen time behavior, and the degree of associated depressive symptoms. MORE
Recess before lunch...a guide to success

Recess Before Lunch is simply a change in the traditional scheduling order of lunchtime and recess. As the name implies, RBL allows students to go to recess first, and then eat lunch. This booklet assists schools with the detailed planning needed to make this change. MORE

Let's Move! Active Schools 

Champions Needed!
Let's Move Active Schools 
Become a Champion TODAY!

We know that you are facing all sorts of challenges and balancing multiple priorities, while striving to do every single thing you can to help your students learn and grow. 


Let's Move! Active Schools is designed to address these challenges by spurring innovative solutions and offering customized support every step of the way.  We know that our kids need 60 minutes of physical activity daily, not only so they can grow up healthy, but also because we know it helps them succeed in school.  That's why this program empowers schools to find free or low-cost ways to incorporate movement before, during, and after the school day.  We'll help connect schools to grant opportunities, online resources, personal assistance, and hands-on professional development.


There's just one thing we're still missing-YOU, the CHAMPION! The one dedicated person to step up and start making a difference.


All you have to do is sign up at and follow a simple, six-step process to create an active school environment and build support among leadership, staff, families, and other community members.  Along the way, you'll have access to free tools and resources to help you take action.



NJAHPERD's goal is to have 250 schools registered as a LMAS by June 2014. All NJAHPERD members registering will receive a complimentary Let's Move! Active School tee-shirt!


Remember to indicate NJAHPERD for "How did you hear about us?" Register NOW!


Hoops for Heart and Jump Rope for Heart Links and Resources
AAHPERD JRFH and HFH Free E-membership
 AAHPERD is offering Jump Rope For Heart and Hoops For Heart event coordinators who raised over $1,000 in their event during the 2011-2012 school year a complimentary electronic AAHPERD membership.  This offer will extend through the current year as well. You can find out more HERE

American Heart Association

WELCOME!!  click here... 


Links of interest:
Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart  

NASPE Standards linking Physical Education to JRFH 


Register YOUR event: 


The PULSE The PULSE online newsletter

Thank you!!

Many THANKS to ALL of you who have completed your scheduled JUMP and HOOPS events. Please remember to complete the surveys that will be sent from American Heart with your thoughts about improving educational materials, "Thank You" gift suggestions, etc.


Most importantly....DON'T FORGET  to talk with your AHA representative about registering next year's event!



Christine Baccarella

Jump Rope/Hoops Coordinator, NJAHPERD


NJAHPERD Actively Monitors Legislation
Did you know that NJAHPERD pays a legislative consultant to monitor bills that come forward that affect our profession? We also work closely and seek advice from the AHA Government Relations Director on Health and Physical Education, NJEA and our ShapingNJ partners.


ACHIEVENJ updates are also posted on the NJAHPERD website. Click on the NJ Legislation tab for more information.


Advocacy Tip of the Month
Your Legislators need to hear from advocates like you about the importance of physical education and health education.

Visit the AAHPERD Legislative Action Center to:

* Locate your Congressmen to request a meeting, ask them to visit your school, or to view a schedule of town hall meetings,
* Locate your local media contacts to submit an op-ed or letter to the editor about the importance of physical education and health education in your community,
* Continue to support physical education and health education by using the action alerts available on the AAHPERD Legislative Action Center


Need ideas, lesson plans, assemblies and more?
Get the Latest Resources...
From NJAHPERD's Teacher Resources page.

Click HERE!
AAHPERD Resources


DNT TXT N DRV Pledge...
Don't txt and drive
NJM Insurance Group
As part of our centennial celebration, NJM is urging drivers throughout New Jersey to take our DNT TXT N DRV (Don't Text and Drive) Pledge! For each pledge received, NJM will contribute $1 to charity. When the campaign ends, NJM will evenly distribute the total amount raised, for a maximum contribution of $10,000 for each organization.
Free Training!
Driver Safe Ad
Drive Safer training
Our 2013 Convention sponsor, Drive Safer, has graciously extended a special offer for all professionals. Drive Safer has a mission to prepare teens to control their car in the face of real-world distractions and dangers that take thousands of lives every year. They have developed a hands-on, behind the wheel driving course that students take using their own cars. Each student is coached by expert certified high-performance driving instructors. Click here to view a news report about the Drive Safer program.

The FREE training is available for the May 19th or June 9th course at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford.  To take advantage of this offer, go to the Drive Safer website and click on the Events tab to register as a participant. Use the promo code NJAHPERD2013 when prompted. ALL Teachers are invited and will be asked to provide ID. (NJEA card or similar proof) NJAHPERD encourages you to take advantage of this generous offer!

Additionally, Drive Safer is offering a 20% discount for your students for the May 19 and June 9 events. Use promo code NJAHPERD20P during the registration process.
National Motor Safety Month-May 2013
Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey
May is National Motorcycle Safety month and in recognition of this, The Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey is pleased to announce the launch of our newest campaign, NJSmartDrivers Share the Road.  This campaign aims to raise awareness among NJ motorists for the need to watch out for motorcyclists and other roadway users. 
Smart drivers make safe roads and throughout this website you will find tips, information and tools that you can share with your students to help empower them to help make NJ roads a safer place for everyone simply by learning to Share the Road. In addition, licensed drivers in New Jersey can take the Share the Road Pledge.  This pledge will affirm your commitment to be aware and respectful of the rights of all who share our roads, while incorporating Share the Road tips into your safe driving practices.  Everyone who takes the pledge will automatically be entered into our 2013 Pledge2Win contest where you are eligible to win up to $500 in gas cards. 
For more information about the NJSmartDrivers Share the Road Campaign, go to and to take the Share the Road Pledge or to find out more about the Pledge2Win Contest go to
As we head into the busy summer driving season, please help us spread the word about the importance of learning to Share the Road.  We encourage you to use these tips and tools in your driver education classes and to share this message with your friends and family.  Our goal is to get every NJ motorist to take the Share the Road Pledge.  Pledge today and then use social media to help us spread the word.  Together we can make our roadways safer!  
Recent analysis indicates cell phone distracted driving crashes vastly under-reported
National Safety Council
The National Safety Council released findings from a recent analysis of national statistics on fatal motor vehicle crashes, in a report entitled, "Crashes Involving Cell Phones: Challenges of Collecting and Reporting Reliable Crash Data," funded in part by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. The report reviewed 180 fatal crashes from 2009 to 2011, where evidence indicated driver cell phone use. Of these fatal crashes, in 2011 only 52% were coded in the national data as involving cell phone use. MORE
Help improve teen driving legislation
Teen Driving Coalition

Many of our teen driving advocates have been asking how we can work to move the teen driving legislation (A1571/S674, requires parent/teen orientation as a prerequisite for obtaining a permit, mandates a minimum of 50 supervised practice hours, lengthens permit to minimum 12 months) forward. One of our biggest stumbling blocks has been convincing legislators about the effectiveness and importance of the parent-teen orientation.


Luckily we have the state's "Share the Keys" program to point to as an example of why this orientation is so important.  But many don't know how effective these programs are. If you have a story about how the "Share the Keys" program has helped a teen, please share it with Governor Christie and your legislators. These stories should be specific to "Share the Keys" - either as a teen, a parent or an instructor.  We are taking this opportunity to thank the state for supporting this program.  Please remember that we are trying to highlight the good work this program is doing, NOT advocate for passage of a specific bill.  We will continue to work on passage of these important measures, but this is a chance to say thank you for encouraging parent-teen orientation through "Share the Keys."


Attached is a sample letter that you can use as a template to share your own story about why the state needs to continue to support this program. The contact info for the Governor's office is in this link (  You should also copy your state legislators (Senate and Assemblymen/women); you can find their contact info here at and the NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety ([email protected], PO Box 048, Trenton, NJ08625-0080).  Please send a copy of your letter to Cathleen Lewis as well so that they can be used for later advocacy on bill passage: Cathleen Lewis, Regional Director, Public Affairs & Government Relations, AAA New Jersey Automobile Club, One Hanover Road, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Stay current...join the Teen Safe Driving Coalition List Serve
Teen Safe Driving Coalition

The New Jersey Teen Safe Driving Coalition would like to ensure that you're up to date on changes to the state's driver licensing and motor vehicle laws; have access to the latest teen driving research, resources and information; and are in the know on upcoming professional development opportunities.  

In March, the Coalition began sending a monthly e-update to approximately 200 driver education professionals who responded to an online needs assessment we conducted last fall.  The e-update addresses a common theme expressed among your peers: we don't have current information and don't know where to get it.  The e-update is compiled by Maureen Nussman, a recently retired health and driver education professional (Kinnelon High School) and Coalition member who is committed to ensuring that you have access to this information.  If you'd like to receive the e-update, simply send an e-mail to [email protected] and include "DE e-update" in the subject line.  There is no cost to receive the e-update and we won't share your e-mail address. 


In addition to the e-update, you're encouraged to take advantage of a website built especially for New Jersey driver education professionals.  Launched in 2009, features the latest information on NJ's GDL program and other motor vehicle laws, as well as links to free resources, lesson plans, speakers, and more.   In addition to this website, be sure to check out (designed for parents) and (designed for teens) and consider including links to these sites on your teacher and/or school web pages.  MORE


Short on $$ and equipment?
Check out available grants and awards on NJAHPERD's Awards & Grants page.

Click HERE!


Professional Development Events

Fitnessgram Trainings for In-service Days 

NJAHPERD will provide Fitnessgram training for your staff at your site. Fee: $650
Please call/email the NJAHPERD office.


Events Listing:

  • Regional Workshops Best Practices Fitness Education/FitnessGram training
  • Nutrition Conference
  • Lake Conference
  • Teacher of the Year Conference
  • Dance in Physical Education Conference
  • Adapted Health & Physical Education Conference
  • NJEA Convention
  • Hands on Health Conference
  • 2014 Annual Convention
  • Pre-Convention Workshops

Details are available on the NJAHPERD website for all professional development events.

Additional Professional Development Events...Save the Dates

2012-13 Health Observances Calendar of Events

Plan Ahead for the New School Year




2013 National Coaching Conference
June 19 - 21, 2013

Hosted by the United States Olympic Committee 


The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) is pleased to again host the National Coaching Conference, supported by the USA Coaching Coalition members (NASPE, NCAA, NFHS, USOC) in Colorado Springs June 19 - 21, 2013. The conference will take place at the Doubletree World Arena Hotel in Colorado Springs. Read more 


Please contact Christine Bolger for more information ([email protected] or 719.866.2551) or any questions.


PSAHPERD Adapted Activities Convention  

June 22, 2013  

8:00am - 5:00pm

West Chester University, West Chester PA

This one-day ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY  CONFERENCE is designed for professionals in the fields of health, physical education, recreation, dance, coaching, and fitness who want to learn more about working with individuals with disabilities in physical activity settings. Both hands-on practical and classroom based sessions will be provided.
Dr. Monica Lepore, Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at West Chester University, will be the keynote speaker.      


2013 NCPEID Annual Conference 

July 11-13, 2013

Reston, Virginia

Sessions across all three days will include nationally-known, invited guest speakers sharing their expertise on topics related to physical education and physical activity advocacy for individuals with disabilities. Conference sessions will also include poster presentations, free communication sessions and an Emerging Scholars Symposium.


2013 National Physical Education Institute
July 29 - August 2, 2013
UNC Asheville; Asheville, North Carolina
Join with the hundreds of K-12 physical education teachers who came from 37 states and 4 countries to last year's National PE Institute. Find out why they came to learn, meet and listen to the most respected names in Physical Education!  This year's keynote presenters feature the nation's "most resounding" PE voices including: Dr. Missy Parker, Dr. Joanne Owens-Nauslar, Dr. Stevie Chepko, Jean Blaydes, Larry Satchwell, Joey Feith, Michele Rusnak, Judy LoBianco, Baker Harrell, and Brian Dauenhauer!



Moving to Solutions: What to do with the results

 The Presidential Youth Fitness Program is about more than just fitness testing. Its purpose is to offer a comprehensive school-based program that promotes health and regular physical activity for America's youth. This month's webinar will focus on what to do with the results. Free

Topics: From alternative school breakfast programs and school nutrition policy to Fuel Up to Play 60 and our new Parent Leadership Series.
Cost: FREE
Driver Safe Ad
housel fitness


Flaghouse Logo


HFH Logo
Find out how your school can participate in a Jump or Hoops Event and raise awareness of Heart Health!
Coordinators are offered a 1/2 price NJAHPERD membership as a THANK YOU for running an event.

ShapingNJ Logo
Shaping NJ is the state partnership for the Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity program focusing on environmental and policy change. NJAHPERD is a coordinating partner in the school setting workgroup.

 Project Adventure

Your NJAHPERD membership expiration date is

P.O. Box 2283
Ocean, NJ 07712
732-918-2211 fax








Disclaimer: The ideas in the FYI do not necessarily reflect NJAHPERD's official position on the issues. NJAHPERD assumes no responsibility for any statement as fact or opinion presented, nor does acceptance of advertising imply endorsement of any products or services by the Association.