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Suzette de Araujo, Editor  


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 October 15/2012

Kathy Fritz, President
Jackie Malaska, Executive Director


NJAHPERD Professional Development Events 2012-13 
Visit the NJAHPERD website for a listing of all professional development events.
Engaging Strategies for Teaching Adolescent Health
Friday, October 19, 2012
Stockton College, Galloway, NJ
The conference is in collaborationwith AtlantiCare and features expert health educators, Joann Kinsey, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Brendan O'Reilly, NJDOE Coordinator of Comprehensive Health & Physical Education and Dawn Francavilla, NJAHPERD 2012 Health Educator of the Year.
Mary Jo Young Hands on Health Conference: Healthy Connections for Healthier Students!
Dec. 3, 2012

The Mary Jo Young Hands on Health Conference is designed to provide educators with current health information, new resources and teaching strategies for the classroom and school environment. Join your colleagues for a great day of cutting edge, "hands on" professional development. NJAHPERD guarantees you will return to your students refreshed, rejuvenated and with a multitude of new and exciting ideas to teach wellness!

NJAHPERD welcomes all health educators, school nurses, elementary classroom teachers and administrators to attend. MORE INFO and REGISTER NOW!

Apply early for professional development approval...NJAHPERD Annual Convention!
Annual Convention 2013
Feb. 24-26, 2013

Save the Date and apply early for Professional Development approval for the NJAHPERD Annual Convention- Let's Move NJ. MORE

Attending the NJEA Convention?  
 Time /Date change
"Not Your Mama's Fitness Test" - FITNESSGRAM

PRESENTERS: Jamie Adams (Brick Township High School) and Dr. Jessica Adams (Kean University)
DATE and TIMES:  Thursday, November 8th

                               Part I  : 9:30 - 11:00     FLEX HALL (on convention exhibit floor)
                               Part II : 1 - 2:30            Room 412 

Listing of all NJAHPERD sponsored sessions are available HERE


Stop by the NJAHPERD Affiliate Booth for your raffle ticket for a class pack of Jump Ropes!

NJAHPERD Award Nominations
Thumbs Up
Do you know someone worthy of an NJAHPERD Award?
Is someone in your department who goes above and beyond their job's norm in the fields of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance?  Then we want to speak to you!!!  Even if you just want more information please email the NJAHPERD awards committee at the email address below.

Available Awards
  • Teacher of the Year
  • Elementary School   
  • Middle School
  • High School
  • Higher Education
  • Health Education
  • Exemplary Physical Education School Awards
  • Dance Instruction
  • Adapted Physical Education Instruction
  • Excellence in Recreation Leadership and Programming
  • Distinguished Leadership
  • Lilyan B Wright Student of the Year Award 
  • Student Healthy Lifestyle Award
  • Everett L. Hebel Award
  • The NJAHPERD Honor Award
For further information or to submit a nomination online, please go to the NJAHPERD website or email the NJAHPERD Awards Chair.

Please help us recognize the leaders and deserving members in our fields!


Independent Consultants Health Education Programs

Children's Health Market

The Children's Health Market, a nationally recognized leader in Pre K-8 school health education, seeks highly qualified, experience school health teachers/coordinators to work as independent consultants to introduce our health education program to school districts and to provide training and on-going assistance. We provide our consultants with training, excellent compensation and full reimbursement of expenses. Do you want to know more? Please send your resume and a cover letter to: [email protected].


Are you using the President's Challenge for Fitness Testing?
President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition

The launch of this new program signals a new era in youth fitness assessment-one that focuses on health over performance. The President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN) began recognizing participation in the Youth Fitness Test in 1966. This step represents the first major changes to the test in 25 years. The new program features three key components: 1. Assessment, 2. Professional Development, and 3. Recognition and awards. The Youth Fitness Test, will be phased out during the 2012-13 school year to encourage use of FITNESSGRAM�, which provides a barometer on students' overall health and, when used in conjunction with the other elements of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program, empowers kids and families to become physically active for a lifetime.


Resources to assist you implement the program are available on the Presidential Youth Fitness Program website.  


If you missed Program 101: Understanding the Basics, it is archived here


This month's webinar, Steps for Presidential Youth Fitness Program Success, is scheduled on Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT



Reserve your seat today! Space is limited. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Need Funding for Fitnessgram software? Application for web based program and training is due October 15th.

Attention Supervisors!
New Jersey Council of Administrators of Health and Physical Education (NJCAHPE)

The New Jersey Council of Administrators of Health and Physical Education (NJCAHPE) invites all supervisors of Health and Physical Education, Athletic Directors, administrators and lead teachers to attend the first meeting of the school year on October 29, 2012 at the ANSWER facility at Rutgers. The directions and agenda can be found at our website, The meetings are extremely helpful to stay informed of current trends and issues that are affecting the profession in our state. We hope to see you there.

 It's Time to Change the Culture around the use of Physical Activity as Punishment

NASPE/AAHPERD can really make an impact right now on eliminating the use of physical activity as punishment! Much like football's culture change around concussions, an Education Week columnist joins NASPE in calling for a culture change around the use of physical activity as punishment. NASPE's position statement is quoted widely in these media clips. Here are just a few stories that have appeared since this weekend.


First is NASPE Past President Dennis Docheff's feisty interview on Chicago radio station WGN. Let's elevate this discussion from Iowa across the country! Please express your opinions on the NASPE Facebook and Twitter pages and share with your colleagues. Here's the hash tag. #AntiPA4Punishment


Here is a link to the segment--once there, click on "Is disciplinary running bullying?",0,6569841.mp3file

Physical Education Policy
Policy Prescriptions�
This article is a summary of a study that concludes that state physical education policies which specify time requirements for physical activity result in actual PE programs that achieve outcomes closer to the high quality Physical Activity Guidelines standards. Nonspecific policies do not accomplish this goal. Perna, FM, et al. "The Association of State Law to Physical Education time allocation in US Public Schools." Public Health. 2012; 102 (8):1594-1599. MORE
Fit children perform better in school
CBC News Share 
Schools with fitter children achieve better literacy and numeracy results, according to Australian research. The study by physiologist Prof. Dick Telford, of the Australian National University and colleagues, was published in a recent issue of the journal Pediatric Exercise Science. "A school that has, on average, high fitness levels will have, on average, higher literacy and numeracy levels," Telford told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. MORE
A dance revolution against school violence
The Guardian Share 
School administrators and celebrity advocates alike may want to take a note from the playbook of one budding young social entrepreneur who has combined sports and art into a targeted pro-empathy, anti-violence curriculum - by leveraging the power of dance to bring empathy training into classrooms around the world, with a focus on the most at-risk communities. Sara Potler is the founder of a social enterprise called Dance 4 Peace. Her work, which began while a Fulbright scholar in Bogota, Colombia, has grown into peace education programs in 15 cities across four continents. Their business model generates revenue through low-cost fees, enabling them to scale up their reach. MORE
Strength Training by Children and Adolescents
American Academy of Pediatrics
Pediatricians are often asked to give advice on the safety and efficacy of strength training programs for children and adolescents. This review, a revision of a previous American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement, defines relevant terminology and provides current information on risks and benefits of strength training for children and adolescents. MORE
"Protect Me with 3" Contest
Deadline: Oct. 29, 2012

The Partnership for Maternal and Child Health of Northern New Jersey, in collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Health, is launching the "Protect Me with 3"campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness about the importance of adolescent immunizations. As kids get older, protection provided by some vaccines they received in childhood can begin to wear off. Kids can also develop risks for more diseases as they enter their pre-teen years. Adolescent vaccinations provide protection from devastating diseases including: pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, meningococcal, cervical and anal cancers, and genital warts. For these reasons, older kids need vaccinations too. The "Protect Me with 3"collaborators are challenging all New Jersey pre-teens and teens, 11 through 18 years of age, to create short (30 second) videos about one of the above three vaccines. .

There are three vaccines that should be given to 11 or 12 years olds. If pre-teens and teens have not yet received these vaccines, they should speak to their doctor about getting them now! The "Protect Me with 3" campaign emphasizes the importance of receiving the following three vaccines:

Tdap vaccine, which is a booster against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. Pertussis, or whooping cough, can keep kids out of school and activities for weeks. It can also be spread to babies, which can be very dangerous.

Meningococcal conjugate vaccine, which protects against meningococcal disease. Meningococcal disease is caused by bacteria and is a leading cause of bacterial meningitis (a serious infection around the brain and spinal cord) and its complications.

HPV vaccine, which protects boys and girls against genital warts and anal cancer. HPV vaccine can also guard girls and women against the types of HPV that most commonly cause cervical cancer.

The Challenge: The "Protect Me with 3"collaborators are challenging all New Jersey pre-teens and teens, 11 through 18 years of age, to create short (30 second) videos about one of the above three vaccines. MORE

Health Educators Resource - Creating Quality Classroom Assignments


Creating Quality Classroom Assignments is a checklist style planning tool that will help you apply the qualities of good assignments as you create or select classroom assignments. MORE

Let's Move in School NJ
Let's Move in School logo
Let's Move is School (LMIS) is an AAHPERD initiative to provide resources for a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program in all schools. NJAHPERD supports the initiative and has taken the lead to "spread the word" through our ShapingNJ partners. The goal of Let's Move in School  is to ensure that every school provides a comprehensive school physical activity program with quality physical education as the foundation so that youth will develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime.
NJAHPERD has purchased a limited number of toolkits to be distributed to our members who register as a Let's Move in School advocate. Toolkits include a CD of resources, poster and more. LMIS registration is FREE and available HERE. Once you register, please contact the NJAHPERD office and we will send you a free toolkit.
Already registered? We are seeking members who have already had success with improving physical activity time in their school and would like to highlight the activities. Send us an email and we will contact you to find out more about your advocacy efforts.
Registered NJ LMIS Schools
Hoops for Heart and Jump Rope for Heart Links and Resources
American Heart Association

WELCOME!!  click here...


Links of interest:
Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart 

NASPE Standards linking Physical Education to JRFH 


Register YOUR event:


The PULSE The PULSE online newsletter

Coordinator Showcase
deb weiss

Deb Weiss, 

Beechwood Elementary School, 

Mountainside, New Jersey



NJAHPERD is proud to showcase one of our AHA JRFH coordinators, Deb Weiss as the 2011-2012 National Award recipient of the Faye Biles Educational Award.


*Faye Biles was an early pioneer with Jump Rope For Heart who focused much of her energy on the event's educational aspects. This award is named after Faye to recognize a Jump Rope and/or Hoops For Heart coordinator who has been instrumental in implementing the American Heart Association's school-related programs in his/her school. (Teacher's Resource Guides, skills resources, HeartPower! Online, CPR in Schools, Healthy Schools Program, Play 60, etc.)


On March 13, 2012 the Beechwood School students did an incredible job raising $13,020.00!!   This was Deb's 10th year running this program for the Mountainside School District.  Over the past 10 years they have raised a total of $67,000.00 for the American Heart Association! MORE

4th Annual National Healthy Eating Day
National Healthy Eating Day
Wed., Nov. 7, 2012

American Heart Association National Eating Healthy Day is a national public awareness day to raise awareness about the importance of making healthy food choices and to incorporate healthier foods into a daily diet, foods such as fresh vegetables, more fruit, fish, and other healthy choices.  National Eating Healthy Day encourages people to make small changes each day to incorporate healthier food choices into their diet.  National Eating Healthy Day reinforces the American Heart Association messaging and positioning about My Heart. My Life. and the importance of good nutrition and being physically active.


My Heart. My the American Heart Association's "healthy living" initiative that connects families, communities and worksites with a comprehensive suite of credible healthy-lifestyle solutions, inspiring them to take simple actions that yield life-long heart-health benefits. MORE

Reserve your "Go Red for Women Coordinator's Kit and Commemorative 10th Anniversary Red Dress Pin"
American Heart Association
If you have not yet reserved this year's Go Red For Women Coordinator's Kit and Commemorative 10th Anniversary Red Dress Pins, it's not too late. Simply send an e-mail confirming your participation and how many pins you would like to [email protected].


Do exercise programs help children stay fit?
The New York Times Share
Getting children to be more physically active seems as if it should be so simple. Just enroll them in classes and programs during school or afterward that are filled with games, sports and other activities. But an important new review of the outcomes of a wide range of different physical activity interventions for young people finds that the programs almost never increase overall daily physical activity. The youngsters run around during the intervention period, then remain stubbornly sedentary during the rest of the day. MORE
Overweight teens get mental health boost from even small amounts of exercise
Science Daily Share 
Being obese at any age is commonly associated with a litany of health issues, ranging from diabetes and chronic fatigue to heart complications. Overweight adolescents are also at an increased risk of body dissatisfaction, social alienation and low self-esteem, which is why Dr. Gary Goldfield, registered psychologist, clinical researcher at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute and associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics, University of Ottawa, set out to discover how exercise might impact these factors in teens, as reported Oct. 1 in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology. MORE 
Using stand/sit workstations in classrooms: Lessons learned from a pilot study in Texas
Global Physical Activity Network Share
This study is a pilot study of using sit/stand desks in primary school children in Texas. With increased interest in decreasing total sitting time or interrupting sitting time, there is a need for feasibility studies that assess whether it is possible to change the workplace or in this case the school environment. This study attempted to do that in a group of 6-7-year-old children in Texas where they had modifiable desks. An earlier report from this research project indicated that standing children expended around 17 percent more energy, that is 17 percent more calories were used than those who remained sitting. MORE


The Bully Bulletin...FREE program
Seton Hall University
 The Bully Bulletin is an anti-bullying education program conducted by Seton Hall University students enrolled in the course, Leadership through Community Service.  It aims to develop understandings of bullying, cyber-bulling, and self -protection and communication skills among youngsters in grades 2 through 4.   The presentation includes hand puppets, a rhyming script, and interactions to check for understandings of audience members. MORE
Run for the planet
National Geographic Kids
Help National Geographic Kids set two Guinness World Records. Do something good for your health and the planet. Between noon EST Oct. 26 and noon EST Oct. 27, anyone, anywhere can help break two Guinness World Records. MORE


NJAHPERD Actively Monitors Legislation
Did you know that NJAHPERD pays a legislative consultant to monitor bills that come forward that affect our profession? We also work closely and seek advice from the AHA Government Relations Director on Health and Physical Education, NJEA and our ShapingNJ partners.



Advocacy Tip of the Month
Your Legislators need to hear from advocates like you about the importance of physical education and health education.

Visit the AAHPERD Legislative Action Center to:

* Locate your Congressmen to request a meeting, ask them to visit your school, or to view a schedule of town hall meetings,
* Locate your local media contacts to submit an op-ed or letter to the editor about the importance of physical education and health education in your community,
* Continue to support physical education and health education by using the action alerts available on the AAHPERD Legislative Action Center

Dance Advocacy Kit
National Dance Association
Advocacy strategies require tools to effectively plan and implement responses to an issue or concern. A variety of activities, methods and styles may be employed; the type of activity needed to communicate a message depends on the goal. Consider your audience and adapt your strategies accordingly - this Dance Advocacy Kit provides clear and concise guidelines for you and your colleagues to follow to successfully achieve your goals in support of dance education!
The Crisis of Physical Inactivity
The Partnership for a Healthier America

The Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA), which works with the private sector and PHA Honorary Chair First Lady Michelle Obama to end the childhood obesity epidemic in America, unveiled a set of seven essential practices for increasing the quality and quantity of youth physical activity programming in America. To advance these efforts within the United States, PHA has worked in collaboration with a cadre of experts from the public, private, non-profit and academic sectors to bring to life a set of filters that apply to all programs, all kids, and all activities. The best physical activity programs for children will be:

  • Designed to provide universal access
  • Age appropriate
  • Geared toward recommended guidelines on dosage and duration
  • Fun
  • Focused on motivation and incentives
  • Able to track progress, individually and for the group
  • Led by well-trained coaches and mentors

Click here to read more and to view the policy brief


Need ideas, lesson plans, assemblies and more?
Get the Latest Resources...
From NJAHPERD's Teacher Resources page.

Click HERE!
Need Tools to Promote Wellness and Quality Health Education?
American Association for Health Education
AAHE (American Association for Health Education) has many position statements and resolutions to help you. MORE 
Resources from ShapingNJ
ShapingNJ LogoShapingNJ


Working with Schools to Increase Physical Activity Among Children and Adolescents in Physical Education Classes: An Action Guide

Creating Healthy Actice School Toolkit

NJDOE Coordinated School Health Program - 2012 Resources for Physical Activity
Click here. 
CDC-Adolescent and School Health
CDC promotes the health and well-being of children and adolescents to enable them to become healthy and productive adults. MORE
Get Kids Active Through Free Tennis Events! 
US Tennis Association

Childhood Obesity  has tripled in the last three decades. But the United States Tennis  Association (USTA) is doing its part to encourage kids to live healthy and  active lifestyles - during September, National Childhood  Obesity Awareness Month, and beyond - through tennis and encourages parents  to attend a USTA Free Tennis Play Day with their kids in celebration of Nickelodeon's  Worldwide Day of Play.  

From Sept. 1 - Oct. 6,  there will be thousands of  events taking place across the country -  and there's sure to be one near you! Best of all,  USTA Free Tennis Play Days are open to all skill levels.  

Tennis is the sport for a lifetime so give the kids in your life the gift of  tennis!

Sun Smart skin cancer prevention lesson and classroom poster
Skin Cancer Foundation
Register and download The Skin Cancer Foundation's online curriculum for a chance to WIN a new iPad!

Sun Smart U gives educators authoritative and engaging tools to teach students about sun protection and skin cancer prevention. The interactive lesson can be taught in one or two class periods - perfect for middle school and high school Health and Physical Education classes. Materials are downloadable, projectable and printable, so teachers can adapt the lesson to best suit their classroom needs. This program was designed in accordance with National Health Education Standards. MORE
Youth coaching resources a running start...the video resource for coaching youth runners 
New York Road Runners
 With 22 activities for elementary age students, 51 for middle school and 51 for high school, this website has short video clips that highlight skill development as well as how to cultivate enjoyment in running. MORE  
HHS/CDC launches Heads Up PSA with Kurt Warner 
US Dept. of Health & Human Services

Check out the new U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Heads Up public service announcements (PSAs) with Super Bowl MVP Kurt Warner - just one of the professional athletes who are volunteering their time to help keep kids and teens safe from concussion, and more serious brain injuries. The new CDC Heads Up PSAs will air nationwide to help educate parents, kids, and teens about this injury both on and off the sports field.

View the PSA with Super Bowl MVP Kurt Warner. 

Through the Heads Up program, CDC provides information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to concussion, and more serious brain injuries. MORE

Free Healthy Highway Poster
Healthy Highway

Go to the website and click on the poster icon at the bottom of the home page for a free Healthy Highway poster for the beginning of your year.

The smarter lunchroom movement
Brian Wansink, Ph.D.
The Smarter Lunchroom Movement, started by Brian Wansink, PhD., Cornell University.  You may have received some references to his work in the past from Elaine Suehnholz.  Wansink was on leave from Cornell from 2007-2009 to assume the role of the Executive Director of the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, the Federal Agency in charge of developing the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.  His work around the smarter lunchroom focuses on the use of  applied behavioral psychology to get kids to eat healthier.  MORE  
NASPE Position Statement
Availability & Access to Automated External Defibrillators in Schools During Participation in Physical Activity


Protecting your children from tobacco use
To coincide with the start of the school session, CDC's Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) has developed communications products and resources that not only remind parents about the harms of tobacco use but also provide tips on how to help prevent initiation and keep children tobacco-free. We hope your organization can use these materials to support parents and other caregivers in your community. We encourage you to share this E-mail with your tobacco control partners so that they, too, can utilize this information.

Protecting Your Children From Tobacco Use
This article:

Describes how tobacco products are designed for addiction and how young people are especially susceptible 

  • Shares information about why youth smoke, what influences them, and what health harms can result
  • Identifies what parents can do to protect their children from tobacco's harms and help keep them tobacco-free
  • Provides helpful resources about the health consequences of tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke as well as quitting resources for a variety of audiences

    Information on OSH's Web Site
    Continue accessing CDC's Smoking & Tobacco Use Web site for helpful resources and the latest information. The OSH August Media Calendar page contains links to the CDC feature article, information for parents, quitting resources, and social media tools.

    Social Media Engagement
    Take advantage of all the activities OSH has planned on its social media profiles by liking and following @CDCTobaccoFree on Facebook and Twitter and subscribing to the Smoking & Tobacco Use playlist on YouTube. That way you can receive and share status updates and profile updates as they are posted.

    Another means of engagement that has been developed for this feature is a button: A Tobacco-Free Life Starts Now.  Support CDC's tobacco control and prevention efforts by posting this button on your Web site, blog, or social networking site.

    Digital Media
    Now that all Smoking & Tobacco Use and Tips From Former Smokers Web site pages are social media optimized, we encourage you to share your favorite pages on your social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Redesign of
US Department of the Interior

The redesign of is an initial step in a multi-year strategy to engage visitors with enhanced interactive content and more multimedia, mobile, trip-planning tools. The seven million visitors who use the web site every year will be able to make reservations, see ready-made itineraries for destination cities, and search for activities on interactive maps.


Are you the "go to" person at your high school when parents, teens and/or colleagues have questions about driving laws or licensure?
NJ Teen Safe Driving Coalition

Are you the "go to" person at your high school when parents, teens and/or colleagues have questions about driving laws or licensure? Do you feel confident in your interpretation of the state's Graduated Driver License and/or other motor vehicle laws? Is there an agency, organization or web resource that you regularly turn to for help in addressing teen driving and/or licensing issues?


The New Jersey Teen Safe Driving Coalition led by Pam Fischer, former director of the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety and Teen Driver Study Commission, would like to help you secure the information, assistance and training you need to work more efficiently and effectively. (To learn more about the Coalition, visit the NJ Teen Safe Driver Coalition website)

To do that, the Coalition invites you to complete an online survey.


The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and the Coalition asks that you complete it as soon as possible. If you'd prefer to complete the survey by telephone, please call (800) 220-3659, Monday through Friday, 9 and 5 p.m. EST, and ask for Mrs. James, an OpinionAmerica representative who is assisting the Coalition with this project.

Thank you for your cooperation and for your dedication to helping teens become good drivers through education.

Gabby Douglas Takes the Pledge to Never Text and Drive
Olympic gold medalist Gabby Douglas is taking AT&T's pledge to never text while driving. AT&T is teaming up with Gabby to spread the word on the dangers of texting while driving. MORE
Driving Safety, in Fits and Starts
The New York Times
Americans drive a staggering number of miles - close to three trillion every year, according to the government. (That is half a light-year, or 120 million trips around the world.) And although traffic accidents remain a major public safety problem, the biggest killer of people ages 5 to 34, vehicle travel is far safer than it was a few decades ago.

Several factors appear to account for the sharp decline in fatalities. MORE

Road Warrior: Age key in analyzing road deaths

When road deaths spiked at 627 last year, traffic safety experts seemed at a loss to explain what caused New Jersey to buck the 30-year national trend of declining fatalities.


Did this reversal involve any of the three big complaints that drive road warrior angst - speeding, texting and tailgating? MORE

Which Traffic Tickets Increase Your Insurance Rates: Infographic 
Transportation Issues Daily
34 million speeding tickets are issued in the U.S. every year. What do those tickets cost the average driver? What about tickets for failing to stop, driving without a license, or even a DUI? has analyzed many common offenses, determining how much they can impact insurance rates. See the infographic below to better understand definitions of certain offenses and how much a violation could cost you. MORE
Driving the Future: New Legislation Gives Teens a Voice in Traffic Safety

I am a teenager. I stay up too late; I wake up too late. I get emotional. I don't want my parents circling me like hawks, and I definitely don't want them to try to tell me what to do, especially behind the wheel. However, now that students are falling back into the school routine, it's time for everyone to pay attention to teen safety on the road.


Daily, young people get behind the wheel to go to class, work or extracurricular activities, but if you're a teen driver like me, your odds on the road aren't good. Young drivers are the most dangerous category of driver, to themselves and to everyone else. MORE

Back-to-School Reminder to Parents, Teens & Coaches

NJ Teen Safe Driving Coalition

As school begins, the New Jersey Teen Safe Driving Coalition is reminding parents and teens about the need to follow the state's Graduated Driver License (GDL) program, which prohibits teens holding a probationary license from carrying more than one passenger and from driving between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.


Teens crash at three times the rate of more experienced drivers, and that crash risk increases dramatically when teen drivers carry passengers and drive at night. Carrying a teen passenger is one of the greatest distractions for a teen driver. Just one teen passenger increases crash risk by as much as 48 percent. The more teen passengers in a teen-driven vehicle, the greater the distraction and crash risk. MORE

New England Traffic and Safety Education Association 2012 Conference
November 3-4, 2012
Holiday Inn, Boxborough, MA

Agenda and registration
Pre-conference Workshops
3rd Annual U Got Brains Champion Schools Program
brain injury alliance
Brain Injury Alliance

The Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey is launching the 3rd Annual U Got Brains Champion Schools Program - a contest to challenge New Jerseyhigh school students and faculty to create unique projects aimed at educating teens about the importance of safe driving.  Attached is a flyer promoting the program that we would like you to share with any high schools you might have contact with. 


Here's how it works: 

  • High schools develop an idea for a project related to teen driving safety.
  • They then submit their project name, a 500 word summary of the proposed project, and a list of strategies and events to be implemented along with it.
  • Each school that is selected to participate in the program will receive a $1,000 stipend to implement it.
  • Selected schools will have several months to implement their projects and compete against other schools to win the ultimate prize: a driving simulator
    for their school!

This is a great opportunity to engage high school students in an educational, fun and interactive competition, while addressing an important safety issue.  
To learn more, apply or view previous year's winners


Short on $$ and equipment?
Check out available grants and awards on NJAHPERD's Awards & Grants page.

Click HERE!
EDA Professional Development Grant

Deadline: December 15, 2012


EDA Outstanding Future Professional Program
Deadline: Nov. 1, 2012

EDA/AAHPERD is pleased to announce the Outstanding Future Professionals' Program for the EDA Convention. This is an exciting opportunity to encourage promising undergraduate students to become involved with our organization and to recognize their accomplishments.

The Outstanding Future Professional's Program provides each State/Territory the opportunity to select two (2) HPERD majors to participate in the program at the EDA/AAHPERD Convention. Students selected to participate in this program will receive, 1) a stipend of $150.00 per student for 3 full participation (Thursday through the Saturday night banquet); this stipend will be awarded at the conclusion of the convention after the completion of all required activities, 2) an "Outstanding Future Professional's Ribbon" for their name badge, 3) and a certificate of achievement. Students are required to attend the awards banquet, and states are encouraged to cover the cost of the banquet for their sponsored students. PLEASE REFER TO EDA/AAHPERD WEBSITE FOR DATES.

States/Territories are encouraged to provide students with financial assistance for travel and other convention expenses if possible. Application

Student Writing Contest: How have sports positively (or negatively) shaped traditions in your family?
Deadline: Oct. 31, 2012
This is the FREE national, monthly writing contest hosted by Writing Contest Prompt: How have sports positively (or negatively) shaped traditions in your family?

The month of October is the perfect storm for professional sports. Consider that The World Series is played this month. The college football, NFL football, NASCAR and NHL hockey seasons are all in full swing, and the NBA basketball season starts at the end of the month.

This led us to wonder how sports (American or International) play a role in forming family traditions (positively or negatively). Think about your family's relationship with sports...MORE
fit4theclassroom $10,000 Sweepstakes 
Deadline: Feb. 14, 2013
National sweepstakes for elementary school teachers, awarding one grand prize winner a school assembly, a $5,000 prize and $5,000 in funding for the teacher's school to extend programs that benefit student health and wellness education. Second and third place winners will each be awarded a $1,000 prize and $1,000 in funding for their school. Homeschool teachers can use the school funding toward a local non-profit. MORE
The New York Jets "Eat Right, Move More" Program
Deadline: Oct. 19, 2012

The Eat Right Move More campaign is a joint effort between the New York Jets professional football team, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, and the American Dairy Association, & Dairy Council, Inc. We are pleased to again recognize schools in New Jersey that have made significant changes to improve their school nutrition environment.


This year there will be an emphasis on selecting the schools that are implementing school breakfast programs that are served "after the bell".  Eating a nutritious breakfast everyday plays an important role in students' academic achievement.  Serving breakfast after the bell ensures maximum participation in the breakfast program. MORE


Professional Development Events

Fitnessgram Trainings for In-service Days 

NJAHPERD will provide Fitnessgram training for your staff at your site. Fee: $650
Please call/email the NJAHPERD office.


Events Listing:

  • Regional Workshops Fitness Education
  • Lake Conference
  • Teacher of the Year Conference
  • Communities and Schools in Motion: Working Together for Healthy Active Kids
  • Engaging Strategies for Teaching Adolescent Health
  • Adapted Health & Physical Education Conference
  • NJEA Convention
  • Mary Jo Young Hands on Health Conference
  • 2013 Annual Convention
  • Pre-Convention Workshops

Details are available on the NJAHPERD website for all professional development events.

Additional Professional Development Events...Save the Dates

2012-13 Health Observances Calendar of Events

Plan Ahead for the New School Year



Communities and Schools Working Together for Health 

October 25, 2012
Robert Wood Johnson Hamilton Center for Health & Wellness
Mercerville, NJ
Communities and schools across NJ are concerned with rising rates of childhood obesity and declining options for daily physical activity in youth. Join the NJDepartments of Education, Health, Transportation and other statewide, regional and local leaders in this conference to empower communities and schools to implement policies that foster healthy active youth. Click here for the day's agenda and here for a website with more information.  Waitlist available at this time.


Obesity Prevention in New Jersey. The State of the State: Important Next Steps 

December 11, 2012
East Brunswick, NJ 
Sponsored by the Office of Nutrition and Fitness, ShapingNJ, NJ Partnership for Healthy Kids, The NJ Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health and Family and Community Health Sciences, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, this conference will provide information about actions that can be implemented in New Jersey to accelerate progress in obesity prevention. MORE

Generation Fit: Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle  

Through December 30, 2012
 Newark Museum Newark, NJ 
The Newark Museum is featuring an interactive family exhibition that explores issues of nutrition and exercise. The exhibit includes animation and exercise challenges to learn about a healthy lifestyle.






Tuesday, October 16, 7:00-8:00pm
Cost: FREE
The webinar is being hosed by the Family Resource Network's Get Fit Coalition.
It is targeted to parents and caregivers of both children and adults with disabilities.
Tuesday, October 16

Lead by: Sandra Grenci, Hunterdon County, Occupational Therapist

Nichole Turmelle, Children's Specialized Hospital

Michelle F. Brill, M.P.H., Family and Community Health Sciences Educator, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Mercer County

Topics: From alternative school breakfast programs and school nutrition policy to Fuel Up to Play 60 and our new Parent Leadership Series.
Cost: FREE
Fuel Up to Play 60: Become a Leader in Your School
Have you heard about Fuel Up to Play 60 and wondered what the buzz is all about? Come learn about this program reaching over 75,000 US schools. Join the ranks of over 20,000 Fuel Up to Play 60 program advisors in leading your students and your school to better health. You'll learn about program basics, what it means to be a program advisor (along with the perks that accompany the role!), and how to apply for Fuel Up to Play 60 funds during our 30-minute Webinar, Fuel Up to Play 60: Become a Leader in Your School. You can attend on several different dates:

October 18th, 3 p.m. ET; 2 p.m. CT, 1 p.m. MT; 12 p.m. PT. Register now >>>
November 14th, 4 p.m. ET; 3 p.m. CT; 2 p.m. MT; 1 p.m. PT. Register now >>>

December 10th 12 p.m. ET; 11 a.m. CT; 10 a.m. MT; 9 a.m. MT. Register now >>>

Housel Fun & Fitness
House Fitness

Flaghouse Logo


HFH Logo
Find out how your school can participate in a Jump or Hoops Event and raise awareness of Heart Health!
Coordinators are offered a 1/2 price NJAHPERD membership as a THANK YOU for running an event.

ShapingNJ Logo
Shaping NJ is the state partnership for the Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity program focusing on environmental and policy change. NJAHPERD is a coordinating partner in the school setting workgroup.

Let's Move in School logo

The goal of Let's Move in School is to ensure that every school provides a comprehensive school physical activity program with quality physical education as the foundation so that youth will develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime

Project Adventure

Your NJAHPERD membership expiration date is

P.O. Box 2283
Ocean, NJ 07712
732-918-2211 fax








Disclaimer: The ideas in the FYI do not necessarily reflect NJAHPERD's official position on the issues. NJAHPERD assumes no responsibility for any statement as fact or opinion presented, nor does acceptance of advertising imply endorsement of any products or services by the Association.