June 18th, 2014


Yearbooks are still on sale for $50

Come to room #620 to purchase!


Summer Math Packet Info!


Summer Math Packets (optional) have been uploaded on the VFMS homepage.


To access the summer math packets, please do the following:


        Go to your school's webpage

        Under Quick Links, go to Summer Math

        Go to User Options (bottom left)

        Sign in        


Username:    summermath

Password:     tesd


If you are interested in enrichment and/or preparation for Mathcounts next year, or if you are interested in joining either the 6th grade or 7th/8th grade Mathcounts club, find additional materials by going to Mrs. Long's teacher page (Allison Long) and sign in using the following:


Username:    mathcounts

Password:     math


Important Sports Info for 

6th & 7th Graders!


Attention all 6th and 7th grade students interested in playing sports at VFMS in the fall - field hockey, volleyball, football, soccer.


PIAA paperwork is available on the school website under athletics.  Every athlete needs to have a physical dated June 1, 2014, or after.  Paperwork is due to Room 118 at the beginning of September.  Please contact the athletic office at 610-240-1311 if you had additional questions. 


Don't Forget to...
Take Your Locker Shelf Home!

For those kids that already have locker shelves
don't forget to take them home for the summer as they can be used again next year.
The school will not be responsible for lockershelves left behind. 

Still Time to Order for Next Year!

ORDER NOW - So you don't forget!

Lockershelves will be delivered to your child's homeroom the first day of school.


If you had trouble with this link before... please try again. The above link is fixed.

POP-TABS for a Cause!


Please save your POP-TABS from soda, soup, etc. all summer - set up a collection container at all your picnics and barbeques!  Bring them back to VFMS in the Fall!


The 5th grade LEADERSHIP Seminar at Valley Forge Middle School will bring them all to the RONALD McDONALD HOUSE in Philadelphia. They get turned in for money to helpsupport this place where kids with health issues (and their families) can stay while they are having treatments.


Food Drive - Last Call!

Thanks for all your contributions to our 6th grade leadership FOOD DRIVE for Philabundance. We will continue collecting these items in the VFMS main lobby through 6/20 and at the Pathmark store on Swedesford Rd. through Friday 6/20 at Pathmark.

These food donations will be taken to Philabundance in Philadelphia to be shared with our neighbors who do not have enough to eat. Please ask your parents to contribute to our food drive here or at Pathmark.  Look for the bright yellow box in front of the main office.


Much Gratitude!
Words of Thanks given by many... please take a moment to read.

VFMS Parents,


As a reading teacher at VFMS, I am so excited and grateful to hear the news that iPads will be coming our way!  I am sure these technologies will help to further enrich the reading program at Valley Forge and I am so excited to find ways to incorporate the use of the iPad into my curriculum.


Thank you to the PTO for such a generous gift!  Enjoy your summer!


Jen Reid

6th Grade Teacher

Valley Forge Middle School


Thank you to our VFMS parents who supported our Hershey Park fundraiser!  Not only were we able to raise money for VFMS but based on our sales, we were awarded with additional free tickets that the PTO donated to T&E Cares. Not only did we help our school, but we also helped our community!  Way to go VFMS!  


We are so appreciative of the Hershey Park tickets
 - we went today and had such a great day!!  I had no idea what to expect and was impressed by how orderly, clean and easy it was to find our way.  Glad we went before it gets too hot, although the park has a lot of shade areas and refreshment stands.  The kids loved the water play areas. Had a blast in the wave pool and are begging to go back again!! We made it there easily (1.5 hour drive, no traffic).  Would recommend this time of year - the crowds were orderly and very manageable. 


Thanks again for this incredible adventure!  We haven't been to such a park and have such fond memories of Hershey. The children were in awe and had smiles plastered across their faces the entire day!


- a local family


Dear PTO Friends,


The new heavy duty art aprons have already arrived and been unpacked. The students put them to use right away with great excitement!


Here are just some of the comments we've heard while the students wear them:


"They fit!" "The neck strap is adjustable!" "These are so much better than the old aprons!" "I love how it wraps around and keeps more of me covered!" "These are so cool!" "Boy, did we need new ones, or what?!" "They even have double pockets!" "Thank you, PTO!"


We second those sentiments and are really honored with the generosity you have shown to the Art Department this year. It's been a memorable year with lasting results to show for it! The ceramic mural project with Rhoda Kahler will forever define our school and our commitment to excellence. The aprons are a fabulous addition to our program.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We appreciate your support and the ways you have listened, responded and participated to make our school a great place, full of art and happiness. Please share our gratitude with all the parents. You're a dynamic organization and we love you.



Zan Lombardo

Courtney Jaggers

Ginny Cataldi


thank you

As the school year draws to a close, there are so many that the PTO needs to thank for helping to make this year such a success!
The following parents have chaired our recent or ongoing fundraising events:

Karen Ridder 
Box Tops for Education

Fran Arvan
Barnes & Noble 
Spring Fundraiser

Trish McFillin
Hershey Park & Locker Shelf Fundraisers


THANK YOU to all the 
8th Grade 
Graduation Chairs:

Mary Broadhurst
Wendy DiRico
Elizabeth Castleman

& their Helpers: 

Holly Amsterdam
Bridget Tomasicchio
(Organized Reception Volunteers)
Phyllis Ivey
Melanie Gerrity
Erin Shine
Leanne Rush
Ellen Brace

As well as to 
Jackie Brockman, Coordinator Extrodinaire 
of the 
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon.

Thanks Everyone!

(Click for PTO Website)

Blast Submissions

If you have school news you want to have published in the Blast, please write it up exactly how you want it to appear and send it in email to the editor, at 
sydneyruth@me.com by the preceding Friday afternoon. Blast will go out each Sunday afternoon.