November 2014
Cedar Springs Waldorf School
Monthly Newsletter

Join the Grades Students in a Gratitude Assembly - Friday, November 21, 12:30 PM in the Outdoor Amphitheater

"Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse."

 - Henry Van Dyke

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we will be taking a moment to make our gratitude visible on campus.  Saying thank you for our many blessings has the benefit of making us feel positive and motivated.  That motivation, in turn, inspires us to share our individual gifts and talents with our community and loved ones. 

Friday, November 21st each student from first to eighth grade will be asked to consider something for which he or she is grateful.  We will be writing them on vibrant, autumn leaves which will be hung on our gratitude tree the morning of Friday, November 21st.  This tree will be the centerpiece of our school assembly on the same date at 12:30 PM in our outdoor amphitheater.


In an ideal world we would be able to live in a constant state of gratitude, and it is lovely to live into the reminder that Thanksgiving brings us each year.  It is an excuse to stop, take a pause, and give thanks for all things, both big and small. We are surrounded by a world that is relentless in its quest for more and more.  Let us all come together to say, "Thank you" for the abundance we are already surrounded by. 


"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can transform a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend."

- Melody Beattie

Join us for our Annual Holiday Bazaar
Saturday, November 29, 11-5 PM
Shakespeare Club, Placerville

Holiday Tree and Bake Sale by the Seventh and Eighth Grades at the Holiday Bazaar the Saturday after Thanksgiving!


Support Cedar Springs sipping on excellent coffee as you peruse the market. You're warm and happy. You feel connected here. The beautiful space embraces this intimate event, the vendors' smiles light up the room while their displays of earthy organic crafts sell themselves...oh, how you love the Holiday Bazaar! 

WHEN: Saturday, November 29, 11-5 PM
WHERE: Shakespeare Club, 2940 Bedford Avenue, Placerville


Visit our Facebook Page

All Cedar Springs families are warmly invited to attend our Advent Spiral 
Saturday, December 6

A celebration of light in the darkest of seasons

Reserve your family's timeslot in the School Office. Arrive 15 minutes before to allow for seating.


This special event is a gift to all CSWS families from our Faculty.  We encourage families with younger children to attend  the earlier shows.

Why Juggling Matters

"Juggling leads to improved hand-eye coordination, bi-manual dexterity, focused concentration, goal-setting skills, problem solving skills, and delayed gratification.  Research has shown that there is a direct relationship between the hand-eye coordination learned through juggling and the ability to read, write and reason.  Much research has also been published on the positive benefits that juggling has on the development of the brain." via City of Lakes Waldorf School 


Read more: Why Waldorf Works.



Have you ever wondered what Waldorf Alumni go out into the world & accomplish?
Eighth Grade Class of 2015
Save the Date - Cedar Springs Annual Auction Party
Saturday, March 14, 2015 The Night Circus
The Night Circus is Coming....
Mark your calendar, schedule your babysitter, and start searching for your fabulous costume!
Upcoming Important Dates

November 24 - 28 No School Happy Thanksgiving

November 29 - Holiday Market, Shakespeare Club Placerville 11-5 PM

December 5 - CSWS Winter Concert, El Dorado Adventist Academy 6:30-7:30 PM

December 6 - Advent Spiral, please RSVP for seating times

December 9 - Grades Tour 9-11 AM, please RSVP 642-9903

December 11 - Board of Trustees Meeting

Thank you to our Sponsors
El Dorado Community AcupunctureAcupuncture Ad



Effective, affordable health care for everyone Sliding scale, $20-40 per visit YOU decide what you can afford!

Located just off Hwy 50 at the Ponderosa exit 4068 B Mother Lode Dr, Shingle Springs / (530)424-8654


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Take advantage of our Winter Wellness Special: 

 10 visits for just $150 or 5 for $85! Available December 1st -31st, 2014

Limit one per person, customers may buy additional cards as gifts.

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6029 Gold Meadows Road, Placerville, CA 95667� 530.642.9903