The Update Newsletter                September 2013

The Meaning & Celebration of Michaelmas 

at Cedar Springs:

Friday, September 27, 11:00 am - 1:15 pm


Michaelmas As the land around us begins its inward turning, evidenced by the changing foliage, shorter days, and cooler mornings, we too begin a journey inward to reconnect with those inner forces of light and strength that propel us onward during this time of outer darkness and recapitulation. Far from a time of "sleeping," these shorter, darker months offer us an opportunity to go ever deeper into our own soul life and more fully ignite our inner light and shine it outward into the world.


Here, at Cedar Springs, we bring that inner journey to life through our annual Michaelmas festival, which offers to the children and families of our community an imaginative picture of harnessing the powers that each of us holds within to overcome our own fears and bring forth the gifts of that inner resolution to the greater world. 


Michaelmas The Michaelmas Festival and Play, written by CSWS Founding Kindergarten Teacher, Nancy Jewel Poer, commemorate the mythological, heavenly battle between the Archangel Michael and the powers of egoism/materialism, represented by the Dragon. With the guidance and support of both elemental and cosmic forces, the characters in the play are able to embrace the challenge to face and subdue the dragon that threatens to consume them. In our own lives, we can draw on the spirit of Michael to guide and inspire us to find courage within ourselves to meet the darkness.


Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf education, offered us the following verse to recite and inspire us during this powerful time of the year. It also serves to remind us of the spiritual forces that are available to us during this time of seasonal and inner transition:


MichaelmasVictorious Spirit!

Flame through the impotence

Of irresolute souls

Burn out the egoism

Ignite the compassion

That selflessness,

The life stream of humankind,

Wells up as the source of spirit rebirth.


In the spirit of these words, the faculty and staff of CSWS invite you and your extended family to join us on Friday, Sept. 27 for our annual Michaelmas festival as well as the school's 24th birthday celebration. Festivities begin at 11 a.m., with the Second and Sixth grades presenting the Michaelmas play. Our "Feats of Courage" children's activities will follow in the back meadow, and we will close with a community blessing and a meal.  Family and friends are welcome.  Overflow parking will be available in our basketball court and next door in the Livery field.

We hope you will join us for this special celebration.


Nicole Deutsch, Third Grade Teacher

For the CSWS Faculty


Schedule of the day:


Gather in amphitheater


11:00 - 11:10 
Opening remarks by Paula ThompSon
11:10 - 11:30 
Michaelmas Play performed by 2nd Grade, with special appearances by 1st and 6th Grades
11:30 - 11:45
The Story of our School's Birthday on Michaelmas by Janet Langley
Feats of Courage children's activities in the back meadow (will begin with a gathering in a circle and singing of the Michaelmas song)

(Ringing of the bell - gather in circle for lunch blessing)


Lunch - classes eat together in amphitheater, families are welcome to picnic/enjoy hot fresh pizza from 8th Grade and cold drinks from 7th
Regular dismissal (families can check their Grades children out at lunchtime, if they wish)


Michaelmas in the Kindergartens  

This year we will celebrate Michaelmas in the Kindergartens by creating an obstacle course that will lead to Mr. Gnome's home, where the children will find the courage to reach into his treasure box and find a treasure.  After everyone has had a turn we will gather for a special treat, homemade in our classrooms that morning.  Our obstacle course and Gnome home will begin at 10:45 am and last no longer than 15 minutes after which we'll have our treat and play/pick-up/extended care as usual.  We will not be taking the children to see the play because some of them might be frightened by the dragon and won't all have their parents there to buffer the experience.  If you'd like your children to see the play you are welcome to pick them up early from school that day and attend together.  You may also take them to the feats of courage in the back meadow, however, in the interest of community harmony it would be most supportive if you didn't bring them to the KG yard after they're done, as the children who will not be attending might feel left out.  If you have any questions, your teachers are available to answer them, as usual.  

Ms. Veronica on behalf of the Kindergarten Faculty


Free Kindergarten Tour

Saturday, Sept. 28

10:00 am - Noon


Invite your friends and family!

Parents Only Please


We have openings in our Rose and Lily Kindergartens.  We are especially seeking 5-year olds who will turn 6 by May 31, 2014.  Please invite all your friends and family.  


Our Kindergarten Tour is a great way for parents to learn more about what we do and why in our Kindergartens, visit each of our beautiful Kindergarten classrooms, meet Kindergarten Faculty and ask questions.


RSVP to or the School Office 


Hot Lunches

Just $4 each ($40 for card with 10 lunches)

Make checks payable to each class

Our hot lunches are graciously provided by the Upper Grade Classes and are fundraisers for their class. Send your children with their lunch money to school and it will be collected at the lunch serving table.


Mondays Starting Next Monday, 9/23

Class of 2015

Organic baked potatoes, veggie chili, toppings, side of fruit      


Tuesdays Starting Next Tuesday 9/24

Class of 2015

All beef, nitrate free hot dogs with whole wheat bun, side of fruit (veggie hot dogs also available)


Wednesdays Starting This Wednesday, 9/18 

Class of 2016


Taco Mountain: Organic pinto beans, brown rice, cheese, lettuce, and corn chips. Sides include salsa, hot sauce and sour cream


Fridays Started 9/13
Class of 2014

Cheese pizza, carrots, homemade ranch dressing    

csws new sign Campus Beautification


Thank you to Jimmy and Cindy Stephens for their extra care of the space around our new wooden school sign in the upper campus.  The Class of 2013 crafted the sign in their woodshop class with Mr. Taylor, and it is now in place and beautifully surrounded by a sturdy new fence, new plants and ground cover thanks to the Stephens family.


Welcome and thanks also to Luli Velasco (new Rose Kindergarten parent) who has enthusiastically taken on further beautifying and watering in the Kindergarten area. 


Any volunteers (parents, grandparents, alumni) who are willing to care for a particular area on campus are welcome!  Irrigation/drip lines help is especially needed.  Contact Gardener Chris to sign up for a specific area. or 530-305-4584


Dear Cedar Springs Community,


As some of you know, this is my daughter Kendall's 8th Grade year and, thus, it will also be my final year as Director of Community Development (DCD) for Cedar Springs.  I love my job, and I am excited about this coming school year.  There is still a lot I want to accomplish before I leave. Since open knowledge of my intentions will help us all in this transition, I am sharing this information early in the school year.


My husband, Jim Curtis, and I discovered Cedar Springs when our children were young (Michael began in 3-Day Kindergarten with Lauren Hickman and Kendall was only a toddler who soon enrolled in Parent-Child).  It is now going on our 14th year as parents at CSWS and my 7th year in the DCD position.  It has been a wonderful, hands-on journey for our whole family.  Choosing Waldorf education for our children proved life changing.  We don't think our children's nature-filled childhoods and love for real learning would have been as rich or enhanced, had we chosen another method.  Our son, Michael, is now flourishing as a Junior at El Dorado High School with a 4.0 GPA and serving as one of the Programming Leads on the county's high school Robotics Team, proving once again that early technology is not necessary for our Waldorf alumni to excel in these areas.  Kendall balances both her academic and athletic interests and is no longer that little toddler who helped me drop off Michael to the Morning Glory classroom.  In fact, both of my children are now taller than I am. 


In reflecting this summer about whether I would continue at CSWS past Kendall's graduation, it seems my family and I have grown alongside with Cedar Springs.  My background in Organization Development and management consulting seemed helpful to our school during this time span that I have been here.  As I look forward to what I feel CSWS needs next in its development, however, I believe deeper Marketing and/or Fundraising expertise will be needed to take our school to the next level of development and growth.  Although how we treat people and communicate in our community, project management, as well as juggling multiple demands will always be a part of good development work, more expansive marketing/outreach and experienced fund development is essential to our future growth.


I encourage anyone who may be interested in the DCD position or any elements of it to contact our Board of Trustees President, Nancy Weiner (530-906-7724 or for more information and to express your potential interest.  Although the Hiring Task Force will not be starting interviews until after the first of the year, Nancy and I both invite you to contact her in the interim.  I would also be happy to answer questions about the job specifically.


I invite all community members to get involved in Development efforts at the school this year. The more hands helping even with small pieces of the larger picture of Development go a long way to improving our school.

All interested community members (past or present) are invited to join us for a Development Kick Off Meeting on:


Friday, October 4


In the 3rd Grade Classroom



Lynn Morgan, Ed.D.

Director of Community Development

Parent Guild Steering Committee 2013-2014


Welcome and thank you to this year's Parent Guild Steering Committee.  We had our first meeting last Friday after school and enjoyed meeting one another and planning for our coming school year and September events.


Faculty Representative - Sarah Shaver (2nd Grade Teacher)

Development Representative - Lynn Morgan

Treasurer - Lisa Steinmetz

Secretary - Sarah Mayhew

Class Representatives:

            Morning Glory - Melissa Larsen

            Rose - Luli Velasco/Heather Obadashian

            Lily - Kat Azevedo

            1st - Lisa Mellberg/Melissa Larsen

            2nd - Maurya Drake

            3rd - Eric Nicita/Amy Doyon

            4th - Danielle Bean

            5th - Marcie Trujillo

            6th - Sarah Mayhew

            7th - Jane Andrew

            8th - Kari Benton


Next Parent Guild meeting: Friday, October 11, 1:45-3:15 pm.  Everyone welcome. 

Share Your Cloak and Help
to Spread Warmth this Winter


St. Martin, mounted on his shining steed, rode by with flowing cloak and girded sword; the downcast beggar with beseeching eye and hand in hope uplifted, stumbled forth; the rider's glance fell softly on the pain-wracked figure.  Tight the knight brought horse to halt and, taking cloak and sword, he slit in two the costly garment, wrapping lovingly the goose-fleshed shoulders, starved with Autumn's cold.

-Brein Masters


coats As you have surely noticed, the light of the sun is quickly dwindling and cold days are right around the corner.  In honor of the journey into colder weather, and of Saint Martin's great deed of brotherly love, we in the Second Grade will soon be collecting coats for the Koats 4 Kids drive.  Bins for collection will soon appear in both the upper and lower campus for you to place your donations until October 18. We will have them cleaned and pass them along to those who need a little extra warmth this winter. 


Thank you for your help,

Mrs. Shaver and the 2nd Grade  

Friday, September 20, 2013
Last Day to Get Your Taste of the Foothills 
Early Bird Tickets for Just $20

Don't miss our third "Taste of the Foothills" art and wine event benefiting the Cedar Springs Waldorf School on Sunday, October 20, 2013 from 1 - 4 p.m. at the Smith Flat House in Placerville.  Sample, sip and enjoy El Dorado County's extraordinary wine, food and artisans.
Visit or Facebook for more information.

Auction Brainstorming Potluck This Friday

Sept. 20, 6 pm

Please join our Auction Chair, Sharyn Mairani, for a brainstorming potluck party this Friday, September 20 at 6 pm at her home in Cameron Park. There is no need to sign up for a committee, this is one night only!  We will be discussing all sorts of ideas for the auction (including theme). So please come, have fun and help your wonderful auction team by sharing your inspirations.


To RSVP and get directions, please email Sharyn at

Cedar Springs Logowear On Sale Now!

T-shirt Logo

Need to make getting dressed easy?  Stop by the office and get your t-shirts and hoodies.  Adult and child sizes available.
Show your love of CSWS with a shirt!

This Month's Scrip Tip: 

Keep track of online shopping with AutoEARN


Do you do a lot of online purchasing?  You probably already know that Amazon and REI contribute to our school through scrip, but there are about 700 more stores on eScrip's online mall that contribute as well.  This may make you wonder, "How is a busy parent to keep track of which store contributes to scrip, and which doesn't?"  Well, the kind people at eScrip have made that easy. They have a handy little web app that you can download called AutoEARN. Once you have AutoEARN installed on your computer, the eScrip symbol will automatically appear on the left corner of the screen whenever you are on a contributor's website.  With a simple click of that button, you can activate your eScrip account on that site to earn CSWS money through your purchases. 


So how does one download this app? Just follow these steps:


1.  Register for eScrip, if you have not already done so. 

Click Here to Register Now


2.  Click Here to Download AutoEarn. After checking the box where you swear that you have indeed read the EULA (End User's License Agreement), you can initiate the download by clicking the very obvious Download AutoEarn button.


That should do it.  Once the app is downloaded, the eScrip button should appear whenever you are at a registered contributor's website; but, you'll need to watch for it on the left corner of the screen when you're shopping.


Please click on the button when you see it; there will be no contributions made to the school unless you click on the button, and we all want our shopping money to stretch as far as we can.



Hopefully this helps with keeping track of online shopping contributions. If you have any problems with this process, or are in need of any new scrip cards for any of our programs, please contact me. I'll try to get back to you quickly.



Sabina Keller,

Scrip Coordinator



Read the latest AWSNA newsletter "Inform" for articles about Waldorf education.

Autumn Offerings at Rudolf Steiner College

Waldorf Education on CNN

Recently, DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN's chief medical correspondent, gave a warm report on Waldorf Education. "Parents all over, they wring their hands about the state of schools. And there's this big debate over high-stakes testing. Does it hurt creativity or does it actually offer accountability? So imagine a school then, with no tests, no technology, and not even traditional textbooks, it's the Waldorf way." 


Click Here to Watch the CNN Segment.


Super Sitters Babysitting Class

Saturday, October 26th in Placerville


Presented by Marshall Medical Center

Designed for young people 11-14 who desire to become competent, responsible babysitters.

Pre-registration required. Click here for flyer. Call Community Health Education at Marshall Medical for more information. 530-626-2990.

Dates at a Glance


September 2013


Michaelmas Festival
Friday, September 27 - 11:00 am - 1:15 pm

CSWS Family and Friends are welcome. This Festival includes our Michaelmas Play, children's activities, curriculum display, food vendors and
community picnic. Michaelmas is also CSWS's 24th Birthday! Please carpool and bring your camp chairs. 


Free Kindergarten Tour

Saturday, September 28 - 10:00 am - 12:00 noon

RSVP to or the School Office 

(642-9903). See article above.


October 2013 


Development Kick Off Meeting 

Friday, October 4 - 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm

3rd Gr Classroom 

Please join the Development Team as we kick off the school year with our overall plans for the year as well as specific tasks/committees. All CSWS present and past parents are welcome. RSVP to Lynn Morgan.  


Eighth Grade Fundraiser: Garage Sale

Saturday, October 12 

Come browse for treasures at the Eight Grade's Garage Sale.  Let Matt Taylor, Kyle Schaeffer or Lynn Morgan if you have quality items to donate.


NO SCHOOL - Founders' Day

Monday, October 14


Taste of the Foothills

Sunday, October 20 - 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Smith Flat House, Placerville
A Benefit for Cedar Springs Waldorf School featuring local wine, food and art. Buy your tickets online at


Pumpkin Path

Saturday, October 26 - 4:30 pm, 5:15 pm, 6:00 pm

More details to follow


NO SCHOOL - Faculty Inservice

Monday, October 28


Click here to view the full school calendar

Free Bunnies: We have 2 girl (we think) bunnies, white w/pink eyes, well handled, born the end of July, free to good homes. Contact the Vanderpools if interested ( 
Local grass fed ground beef: Offered in 1/2, 1/4, or 1/8 portions of the cow.  A 1/2 is approximately 100 lbs, price is $5.50 /lb 'cut and wrapped.'    We will also have heritage breed piglets available next month.  Please contact Guy Shaver for more info or (530) 295 7117.

Publication Information for The Update 


Submissions DUE: October 1      

Publication Date:  October 8


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To place an ad please contact:
Cedar Springs Waldorf School | (530) 642-9903 | |
6029 Gold Meadows Road
Placerville, CA 95667

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