Are Aftermarket Parts a Good Option?
Many insurance companies use aftermarket and/or LKQ parts, which are parts of Like Kind and Quality, instead of using OEM parts (Original Equipment Manufacturer). They will use them because in some cases, they are less expensive than an OEM part. Why is that important? Obviously, there is a cost savings to the insurance company but also there is a savings to the insured as well.
If you own a 2006 vehicle, the insurance company only owes you a 2006 mfg. part. They are generally allowed to go out and find you a 2006 part of like kind and quality. That can be a used part (generally from a salvage yard) or an aftermarket part. Rather than put on a used part, they may elect to put on an aftermarket part. Those parts can also be of like kind and quality only it's a new part manufactured in 2013 to fit on a 2006 auto. A lot of companies will elect to do this rather than put on a new OEM 2013 part, which a lot of the time is more expensive. If they do that, then they can depreciate the part, which would mean the insured would have to come up with additional money over and above their deductible to fix their vehicle. A lot of companies will go with the OEM part only if they can't find a LKQ part either aftermarket or used, or the aftermarket part doesn't fit properly for some reason. Most times, a company, if it cannot find those LKQ parts, will elect to go with an OEM and will not charge their insured the depreciation.
Using aftermarket parts instead of OEM, whenever possible, reduces cost to the company which keeps your premiums lower and also keeps you from paying additional out-of-pocket costs for depreciation. Aftermarket parts generally have as good a warranty as the OEM. Please contact a Kinney Pike Business Insurance Specialist for more information.
Source: MMG Insurance
Dancing with the Rutland Stars -- featuring our very own Adam King!
On October 12th, the Paramount Theatre will light up with the energy and talent of several local celebrities competing in the Dancing with the Rutland Stars competition.
Kinney Pike is a proud sponsor of Dancing with the Rutland Stars. Our very own Adam King, Account Executive in Rutland, will be dancing with several other local "stars." All proceeds from this event benefit Kids on the Move, an organization dedicated to serving children of all ages with rehabilitation needs, providing physical, occupational and speech-language therapy services to children from birth to 21 years of age.
We'll be there, and we hope to see you there!
Thinking About Adding or Combining Your Policies?
It's a smart idea! Often times, you are able to save money by combining your homeowners/renters and auto insurance. AND you will also have your name entered into our quarterly drawing for a $25 Visa card!
Our employees had a busy summer attending several events that Kinney Pike sponsored throughout the state. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello and entered our drawings! Here are the latest winners!
Prouty - Michel Sturm had a $200 donation made to the Norris Cotton Cancer Center on her behalf.
Harpoon Point to Point - Samantha Marcil had a $200 donation made to the Vermont Food Bank on her behalf.
SHRM Conference - Cathi Sorrentino of Smugglers' Notch was the winner of our Fall overnight escape!
Rain Gutter Cleaning & Maintenance
 Proper maintenance and cleaning of your home or business gutters and downspouts may prevent damage to the building's interior due to the flooding through the foundation and walls or leaks in the roof due to the seepage of water. Gutters and downspouts should be cleaned and checked for signs of necessary repairs at least twice a year. The best time to do this are late spring and late fall. If you choose to do it yourself, make sure you have a sturdy ladder, never work in wet, windy conditions and wear non-slip shoes and heavy gloves. Here are some helpful tips: - Remove Large Debris. Begin at the part of the gutter closest to the downspout. Use the garden trowel or hand spade to scoop out the debris. Place it into the bucket or trash. If any pieces resist being scooped up, remove carefully, by hand.
- Rinse the Gutter. Once you have removed all of the larger debris, get the garden hose. Rinse the gutter in the direction of the downspout using the spraying attachment on the hose. Spray the gutter until no signs of debris remain.
- Clear Clogs. If the downspout is clogged, you will need to clear it. It's probably easiest to begin by using the spray attachment on the hose to direct water into the downspout from the bottom end. This may force any clogs loose. Additionally, you can use the spray attachment on the hose to direct water into the downspout from the upper end. This may also knock the clog loose. If that does not work, then you need to work a plumber's snake into the downspout to loosen the debris and draw the debris out.
- Find and Repair Damage. Inspect the gutters and downspouts now for any signs of damage. Look for holes, dents or cracks. If you discover any signs of damage, repair them as soon as possible. Dispose of the debris by placing it in your compost pile or in the trash.
Please contact our Personal Lines Insurance Specialists for more information about Personal Lines of insurance.
Source: MMG Insurance |
Small Businesses and Individuals - Are You Ready?
By now, you have likely heard quite a bit about the Affordable Care Act and Vermont Health Connect (Vermont's online marketplace or Exchange), and have likely been digging for more information and/or asking your friends what it all means.
On 10/1/13, enrollment opens on the Exchange to begin looking at and selecting plans for individuals and businesses with 50 or fewer employees. Any business with 50 or fewer employees will be required to buy their health insurance on the Exchange effective January 1, 2014.
We know it's confusing and would be happy to help you through this. At Kinney Pike, we are prepared to help answer your questions now, and into 2014. Visit our website for a short, fun YouToons video that explains the Affordable Care Act, in general. Please contact our Employee Benefits Division if we can help you.
** A QUICK SURVEY **Please take a moment to answer our quick three-question survey! We appreciate your responses! Click here for survey.
Client Feature Rutland Area Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice
 Since 1946, the Rutland Area Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice (RAVNAH) has provided skilled, compassionate home care to family, friends and neighbors of all ages. From infants with hi-tech needs to our most senior population facing end-of-life care, we bring progressive home care, hospice and wellness services right to the door of thousands of community members each year. RAVNAH patients receive clinically-excellent, professional care in comfortable, familiar surroundings -- the place they call home.
RAVNAH's services include:
- Skilled nursing care
 - Hospice & palliative
- Pain management
- Telemedicine program
- Hi-tech nursing
- Community health & wellness
- Nurse Family Partnership
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
- Infusion therapy
- Maternal child health
- Psychiatric nursing
- Medical social services
- Bereavement care
- Choices for Care
- Homemaker program
- Personal care assistance
- Private duty nursing
- Nutritional counseling
- Supportive housing services
- Childbirth classes
- Pediatric rehabilitation
In addition to our essential home care services, RAVNAH provides valuable community health and wellness services such as blood pressure monitoring, cholesterol screenings, flu immunization clinics, travel health services and other adult immunizations, foot care clinics, worksite wellness programs, and resident support services for low-income elders and disabled adults.
RAVNAH was named a top agency of the 2012 Home Care Elite. This distinguished designation places RAVNAH in the top 25% of 9,300 home health agencies evaluated in the United States. Home Care Elite is the industry's standard for measuring organizational performance through an analysis of measures in quality outcome, quality improvement and financial performance.
For more information related to the many programs and services offered through RAVNAH, visit or call (802) 775-0568.
RAVNAH is a member agency of the United Way of Rutland County.