Get Rewarded for Referrals!
We value your loyalty, and want to reward you for referring new clients to Kinney Pike.
Watch your email for information about our Customer Referral Program! Earn gas cards for referring clients to Kinney Pike!
Thinking About Adding or Combining Your Policies?
It's a smart idea! Often times, you are able to save money by combining your homeowners/renters and auto insurance. AND you will also have your name entered into our quarterly drawing for a $100 Visa card!
It's a great time to be a Kinney Pike client!
We are working hard to roll out two great new services for our Business and Benefits clients!
Business Clients - You will soon be receiving information about Kinney Pike's new Risk Management Center. This unique web-based program allows you to reduce risk and enable employee safety by creating effective risk mitigation programs.
Benefits Clients - Think HR is a world-class solution to many of your HR questions and problems. You will have access to a free HR Hotline staffed by live Benefits Experts, an HR Library with thousands of forms and documents, and over 200 on-demand training courses for both management and employees!
Watch your email, as you will hear more about these great new services soon!
Support Listen Community Services Using Facebook!
Kinney Pike is partnering with LISTEN for our July Facebook Challenge. For every new "LIKE" that Kinney Pike receives on its Facebook page for the month of July, we will donate $1 to LISTEN! It's the easiest donation you can make!
Please support LISTEN by liking our Facebook page (if you have not yet liked us)!
Thanks, and here's the link!
Protecting Your Home-Based Business |
Owners of in-home businesses should have adequate insurance coverage. Find out how to protect your business and employees when working out of your home.
Click here to view a helpful 2-minute video.
To contact a Kinney Pike Business Insurance Specialist, click here.
Community Corner | |
One of the things we truly enjoy at Kinney Pike is getting out in the community and meeting our clients and neighbors. We had a great time at the Vermont Business Expo, Bethel and Randolph Chamber Mixers, Rutland March of Dimes Walk, and the Quechee Balloon Festival!
Kinney Pike employees are looking forward to the start of the Lake Monsters' baseball season, and finding our billboard in a new location, due to the renovations at the ballpark this year. Kinney Pike gives away home game tickets to youth groups each baseball season. Do you know an organization serving youth or families that may be interested in tickets? If so, please email Ann with your request and a brief note about who they are and how they will benefit (limit of 4 tickets per group).
Watch for our Free Water Station at five Relay for Life events in Essex, St. Albans, Rutland, St. Johnsbury, and Springfield, going on in late June! We are delighted to be able to support the participants, survivors and caregivers at this great event.
Look for our employees at other local events this Summer:
- The Prouty, Hanover, NH July 12 - 13 - Harpoon Point to Point Bike Ride - Windsor August 10 Drawing Winners Maria and RJ Fisher and Vickie Seaver won $100 Visa cards as winners of our Spring Photo Contest. Barb Getty of Stowe and Marisol Reyes of Boston won hot air balloon rides at the Quechee Balloon Festival. A donation of $250 was made to David's House on behalf of Polly Forcier of Quechee, our alternate winner at the Quechee Balloon Festival. The winner of our iPad from the Vermont Business Expo is Amy Poirier of Nerium International! Derek Cushman's name was drawn as a $50 Visa card winner for completing our Personal Lines survey. |
Best Wishes to Margaret Steele as she retires after 39 years of service with Kinney Pike Insurance!
Sizzling Summer Safety Tips!
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* Food from the grill tastes great, but keep your grill at least 5 feet away from the house, shrubs and bushes.
* Check the propane connection on your gas grill and never use a match to check for leaks.
* When starting your charcoal grill, only use starter fluid made for barbecue grills.
* Fireworks are fun, but potentially dangerous. Know the laws in your community, don't let children handle fireworks, keep water nearby and stay a safe distance from your house and woods.
* If you're traveling, enjoy!! Be careful while driving to avoid driving distractions, be patient in heavy traffic, and stay 4 to 5 seconds behind the car in front of you.
* Weather can change quickly! Be prepared for thunderstorms. Keep disaster supplies at home and in the car, including a flashlight with batteries, battery-operated radio, emergency food and water, medicines, cash, and sturdy shoes.
* Keep your yard free of dead or rotting trees and branches that can fall in high winds. When a severe thunderstorm warning is issued, go to a safe place in your house with a flashlight and battery-operated radio and wait for the all-clear.
Client Feature - Listen Community Services
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 LISTEN COMMUNITY SERVICES provides services and support to meet the critical needs of Upper Valley individuals and families.
LISTEN was incorporated in 1972 as a 501(c)3 non-profit to aid Upper Valley low-income families who were burdened with high rents while battling issues of food insecurity. By 2008, the rising cost of energy was added to the list of basic human needs that had a strangle hold on their low wages.
LISTEN programs reach out to provide rent, food and fuel assistance at no cost to our clients. Services that have been added since 1972 include Budget Counseling, Representative Payee Services, Benefits Assistance, Community Dinners, Summer Camp Scholarships, Holiday Baskets and our Teen Lifeskills Center, "The Junction."
In 2012, LISTEN provided over 16,500 meals through our Community Dinners Program and $117,649 in food through our Pantry. LISTEN also kept 482 households warm and lit by providing a total of $54,534 in fuel and electric assistance. We sent over 300 Upper Valley children in-need to summer camp and served over 175 individual youth at our Teen Lifeskills Center, "The Junction."
On July 2nd, LISTEN will open its new White River Junction facility at River Point Plaza, just over the bridge from West Lebanon into Hartford. The community has been watching, and supporting, the construction progress with great anticipation. This new facility will be a permanent home for LISTEN's Community Dinners, with a beautiful dining room and commercial kitchen overlooking Lyman Point Park. It will also house "The Junction" where teens can get a hot meal, connect with services and caring staff and have someone "LISTEN" to their fears and needs. This building will also house a much larger, brighter and cleaner thrift store space which will serve everyone in the Upper Valley. Our thrift store revenues go a long way toward sustaining important crisis and family services. You donations and your purchases support families and individuals in need. That could be anyone of us at any time.

View of new building from Lyman Point Park - June 2013
To access LISTEN's services, call 603-448-4553 to schedule an appointment with a counselor. LISTEN services are provided without cost or fees. They do not receive state or federal funds.
Visit LISTEN's website to learn more about their services, how you can donate, find their locations, and store hours at
If you would like your business to be featured in an upcoming issue of the Kinney Pike Report, contact us.
Health Care Reform - Are You Ready?
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In just 3 short months, open enrollment begins for individuals and small businesses to begin "shopping" online for their health insurance through Vermont's Health Care Exchange. Businesses with 50 or fewer employees will need to make important decisions about offering health insurance to their employees in 2014.
Vermont Health Connect,, is the online marketplace, or Exchange, for small businesses to compare and purchase qualified private health insurance, determine eligibility for and enroll in health insurance plans, and access tax credits and subsidies that may be available.
Important Deadline! The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that employers must provide each employee with a written notice of the Exchanges by October 1, 2013. This must include information on the availability of subsidies when purchasing individual coverage through a public Exchange. Employers are also required to provide the notice to each new employee at the time of hiring beginning October 1, 2013. For new hires, a notice provided within 14 days of an employee's start date will be considered timely through the end of 2014.
Guidance and model notice language can be found at
We're here to help! Your Kinney Pike Insurance Employee Benefits Team can assist you in the transition to Health Care Reform. If you would like to speak with a Kinney Pike Benefits Advisor, please click here.
Did You Know?
Each quarter, we will choose a common question about insurance coverage that clients often ask. If you have questions about what your policy covers or want to be sure you have enough coverage, click here to contact a Personal Lines Specialist.
Scheduled Personal Property Coverage - Should You Add it?
Every basic home insurance policy comes with some personal property coverage. But a standard homeowner's policy does not cover all types of property and sets limits on the amounts it will pay for certain types of losses.
Insurers have solved this problem by offering policy holders the option of scheduled personal property coverage. This endorsement can be added to your homeowner's insurance coverage, providing you extra coverage for valuable property items you specifically list. Some examples of items you can schedule on this type of endorsement include fine furs, antiques, paintings, guns, and expensive jewelry.
To schedule your item, you will need to obtain an appraisal from an expert. This may be a jeweler or a rare coin dealer. You will submit the appraisal to the insurance company with your request to have the item scheduled on the policy. Your insurance company must agree to the value before they will endorse the item.
Scheduled personal property coverage offers three distinct advantages over just a standard insurance policy.
1. Replacement cost value: Scheduled items are covered on a replacement cost basis, rather than cash value. A standard homeowner's policy covers losses to personal property on an actual cash value basis. Insurance companies determine actual cash value by taking the cost to replace an item and subtracting depreciation for each year of the article's age. With replacement cost, you get the real cost to replace the damaged or lost item, based on the appraisal you submitted when you scheduled the item, or based on a new appraisal you obtain after the incident, without a deduction for depreciation.
2. Covers more causes of loss: Scheduled property covers more perils than a standard homeowner's policy. By scheduling your valuable property items, you gain coverage for almost anything that might happen. Even if you just lose a set of earrings, you can put in a claim.
3. No deductible: With scheduled personal property coverage, you are not responsible for paying a deductible on any of your scheduled items.
Be aware that most insurance companies set limits on scheduled personal property coverage. Any items you own that are valued above that limit would have to be insured separately. Policies can also set per-item limits that might also force you to seek out additional insurance coverage.