HWC Logo
June 2013
E-Catalyst Newsletter
Inside This Issue
Young Leaders in Actiom
Staff Takes "Cruise" Around the World
Board Member Spotlight-Michael Dirden
June CEO Chat
In the News  
Upcoming Events
July 20th - Christmas in July


Field Day at the Shelter with the Young Leaders 
Young Leaders at the Shelter Field Day
Engaging Men Training
Reach Beyond Mission
T-shirt Created by Reach Beyond Mission Youth

Staff Retreat

Staff Enjoy Food and Activities at the Retreat
Back to School Luncheon
Stay Connected
 Funder Highlight  

*Office of the Attorney General - Sexual Assault Prevention and Crisis Services

This is a program of the Crime Victim Services Division of the Office of the Attorney General. Services include funding and technical assistance to sexual assault programs; certifying Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs); certifying sexual assault advocate training programs.

Young Leaders in Action
Staff Takes "Cruise" Around the World
Houston Area Women's Center employees enjoyed a cruise-themed annual staff retreat at the Hermann Park Garden Center. Staff enjoyed a variety  of multicultural food and activities, a panel discussion with board members, and a captivating speech by author, blogger and guest speaker Karen Walrond. Thank you to all who came out and helped put the staff retreat together! To view photos from the retreat, visit here. 
Board Member Spotlight, Michael Dirden
Board of Directors member Michael Dirden enjoys a nice cigar and a good book in his spare time. That is, when he's not busy working as the Executive Assistant Chief of Field Operations for the Houston Police Department. Michael, a 28-year veteran of the HPD, became involved with the Houston Area Women's Center after years of working to ensure HPD had an appropriate response when addressing family and sexual violence issues, investigation and outreach. Read more here.
Children's Court Services Celebrates 30th Anniversary
Children's Court Services (CCS) provides a wide range of unique services to any child, under the age of 18, who is the victim of/or witness to a crime. Crimes against children include aggravated sexual assault of a child, indecency with a child, injury to a child, kidnapping and child pornography. Services are also provided to children who witness crimes, including domestic violence and murder. In addition, services are provided to the non-offending parents/guardians of these children, as well as other family members who often suffer as a result of the crime. The services are offered to children and families who reside in Harris County or were the victim of/or witness to any crime in Harris County.

Read more about the history of Children's Court Services here.

June CEO Chat with Rebecca White
 Attention staff, volunteers and friends: we are now accepting submissions of questions for our CEO, Rebecca White to answer in our monthly newsletter. Do you have a question you'd like to ask? Send your questions here and they may be featured in next month's newsletter!    
About Houston Area Women's Center
The Houston Area Women's Center helps individuals affected by domestic and sexual violence in their efforts to move their lives forward. We provide shelter, counseling and advocacy to support them in building lives free from the effects of violence. We seek social change to end domestic and sexual violence through community awareness and education. Our services are confidential and available to everyone.
Domestic Violence Hotline: 713-528-2121
Rape Crisis Hotline: 713-528-7273
Houston Area Women's Center
1010 Waugh Drive
Houston, Texas 77019