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Meet Captain Dingfelder! 

When did you join the CRP Board? January 2013

How did you first become interested in conflict resolution? In law enforcement, we are always interested in conflict resolution as we deal with conflict on a daily basis and often are called to mediate, whether we want to or not.  As a supervisor, you can never have enough training or skills in conflict resolution.  So in short, in my professional life which spans 24 years, I've always been interested in conflict resolution.
What do you find rewarding about your current position? I find the entire concept of Restorative Justice intriguing, and more importantly, very useful.  For so long we've been trying to enforce our way out of societal issues with very little success. So when I was asked to be a part of board I jumped at the opportunity as I see RJ as a viable solution to restoring faith in the system. 

When is your favorite time of year? Why? Summer because I can be outside more.

What is your favorite drink? Coffee

Where can you be found on a Sunday night? Sitting on the couch watching TV.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be? A buffalo; my wife loves buffaloes so I know she wouldn't put me out to pasture.

What is your "guilty pleasure"?  Hot dogs; they are so bad for you but they are so good in so many ways; fried, grilled, boiled. 
Zehr Webinar Series
This year, CRP hosted Zehr Institute Webinars each month. The webinars covered a variety of topics, seeking to engage in a conversation on restorative justice. Consider joining us next fall for a new season of Restorative Justice webinars! 
For more information on these webinars or on the Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice, visit www.emu.edu/cjp/restorative-justice. 
May 2014
It is time, once again, for CRP's Annual Benefit! Join us!

June 20, 2014 ~ 6-10 PM
"Vintage Wines, Fresh Voices" 
Wine Tasting and Auction

To order tickets or view an ever-growing list of auction items, visit restorativeprograms.org or call (719) 589-5255. Questions? We're happy to answer them! We can't wait to see you there! 
Meet Joe! 
Welcome to our new office series. Stay tuned each month as we interview our staff and board members! Don't forget to check out board member Captain Dingfelder's interview on the left.
When did you begin working for CRP? April 2011

How did you first become interested in conflict resolution? 
I've always had some interest in it. I was a peer mediator in high school. However, it wasn't until I joined CRP as a Wraparound Facilitator that I began to learn more about conflict resolution. I began to read some of the literature and tag along on some of the different work Luke and Paula were doing, and I was fascinated for some reason by the processes and the skills needed therein. I think it had something to do with the creativity needed to do the work well.

What do you find rewarding about your current position?
When somebody realizes they have talent and potential that they
weren't aware of before, and that their life can look vastly different
if they so choose.

When is your favorite time of year? Why? 
Fall. It's the only time of year in the Valley when the weather is perfect. Winter is cold, obviously, Summer is deceptively hot and Spring is too windy and the weather can't decide whether it wants to be summer or winter. Fall is a nice, gentle time of year.

What is your favorite drink?
It's a tie between cream soda and green tea.

Where can you be found on a Sunday night? 
At home, hopefully being lazy before the new workweek starts.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be? Platypus

What is your "guilty pleasure"? 
If pressed, I would say eating fast food or occasionally listening to (and enjoying much of) "top-40" radio, but I don't consider any of my pleasures to be "guilty." Unless you're doing something morally or ethically unsound, I don't know why a person would feel guilty for enjoying something just because someone else says it's not pleasurable.
Special Note from CRP
At the end of April, Joe left CRP to begin a new position at Alamosa's Mental Health Center. We have greatly enjoyed working with Joe these past three years and will miss him! We wish him the very best as he continues to serve families in the San Luis Valley. Thanks for all the time and energy you give to our office and the broader community, Joe! 
"Another Day In The Office" 
Paula and our new office filing system plan to match!
Upcoming Events
Jun. 20        Annual CRP "Vintage Wines, Fresh Voices" Fundraiser @ 6-10 PM 
714 3rd St.
Alamosa, CO 81101
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