Recently, a number of Spanish scholars, such as Jose Erugo, Celso Garcia de la Riega, Otero Sanchez and Nicholas Dias Perez, have concluded that Columbus was a Marrano, whose survival depended upon the suppression of all evidence of his Jewish background in face of the brutal, systematic ethnic cleansing.
Who financed Columbus' voyage?
Was it King Ferdinand V?
Was it Queen Isabella? Did she really finance it with the jewels in her crown or did she just say that she would be willing to do so?
Did the Converso Luis de Santangel , chancellor and comptroller of the royal household and great-grandson of the Jew Noah Chinillo, lend Isabella money to finance Columbus' expedition to America?
Or did her Marano chief treasurer Gabriel Sanchez and/or the venerable Rabbi Yizchak Abarbenel finance Columbus' voyage?
Sanchez, Santagel and the Abarbenal were Jewish. Historians claim that the three knew that Columbus was too, and we'll see soon that the Abarbenal was in fact a cousin of King Ferdinand and Isabella!
Who laid out the 17,000 ducats to whom?
What were the terms of the loan?
Were the King and Queen perhaps Jewish too?
Let's take a look at what we have found thus far:
Alfonso XI of Castile begot children from Eleanor de Guzman a Jewish converseo.
Three of Eleanor de Guzman's sons are:
1. Henry II of Castile,
2. Fadrique Alfonso and
3. Sancho Alfonso, 1st Count of Alburquerque
They are all Jewish-
Let's begin with Fradrique Alfonso:
Alfonso XI took his Jewish son Fadrique Alfonso and raised him in the palace.
In a tragic story, the Jewish Fradrique Alfonso had illegitimate children from Paloma.
Who was Paloma? Paloma in Spanish means Dove.
Her Hebrew name was Yonasi ibn Yehiyha bas R. Gedalya Shlomo Hazaken.
Her father was a Torah giant and advisor to the monarch.
She was a direct descendant from Zerubabavel, the Reishei Galutha and Dovid Hamelech.
The Ibun Yehiyah family was perhaps from the most prestigious rabbinical families for centuries. Relatives include R Yosef ibn Yehiyha buried in Tzefas, the Abarbenel, the Kabalist, R Abulafya and many more.
One of Fradriqu Alfonso and Paloma's sons is: Alfonso I Enríquez de Castilla y Angulo
Alfonso and his siblings, having both a Jewish father and mother are Jewish and are carrying royal blood from Yehuda from Paloma.
Jewish Alfonso Enriquez who is a direct descendant on his mother's side from Zerubavel marries Juana la Ricahenbra de Mandoza .
While it I have not found yet indication that Juanna was halachically Jewish, some historians claim that the Mandoza family descends from the Reish Galutha's too.
Now, Jewish Alfonso Enriquez carrying Davidic blood from his mother and Juana de Mandoza have a son Fadriq.
Fadriq marries Mariana of Cordova have a daughter Juanna
Juanna marries Juan II of Aragon. Their son is
King Ferdinand.
So, Alfonso who descends from Zerubavel a direct descendant of Dovid Hamelech, is King Ferdinand's maternal great grandfather.
King Ferdinand who inherited Davidic blood from the ibin yehiya family turns out to be a distant cousin of his advisor, the Abarbanel
Let's go to back Eleanor de Guzman's first son Henry II of Castile who though being Jewish, was potentially the first ruler since the Visigothic King Ergica to implement anti-Jewish policies in the Iberian Peninsula.
Henry II is Jewish.
Henry II's grandson Henry III marries Catherine of Lancaster.
Who is Catharine of Lancaster?
Catharine is the daughter of John Gaunt and Costanza.
Costanza is the daughter of a baptized Jewess Maria De Padila.
That makes Costanza and Catharine Jewish!
In other words, Henry III marries a Jewish woman Catharine of Lancaster they have a son
John II who is Jewish! Jewish John marries Isabella of Portugal.
Their daughter is Queen Isabella
So Queen Isabella's father is Jewish.
More to come...
How did they finance Columbus' voyage in accordance with Torah Law?