Case # 213 The Baffled Babysitter XIII: A Trip to NYC Part I
1. "Ding Dong. Ding Dong. Watch the closing doors!" Angling her back just so, preventing the subway doors from closing on her charges; two by two, Naomi's left hand led her four energetic nephews aboard the 1 Train towards Battery Park as her right fist clutched a carbonated apple drink can she opened moments ago for the kids while waiting for a challenging half hour on the stale-aired platform. A silent expression of gratitude - to her gymnastic teacher crossed her mind; till the feeling of cold brass swiftly pressed hard against her forearm. A tuba held by a six foot teenager forcefully maneuvered its way through the crowd. Naomi's hand lost its equilibrium and the can sent an apple juice shower down an attorney's suit pants.
2., 3. Before the three-way brawl involving the attorney, Naomi and the tuba bearer ensued, Naomi made a beeline to the lone available seat; promptly sat down, piled the kids onto her lap only to have sensed the crush of a hot paper cup and felt her dry clean-only skirt swimming in a gush of mocha and whipped cream. "Madam can't you watch where you're sitting?" yelled the irate tourist sitting next to her. "You owe me a cup of coffee." Then, the expected five-way symphony of incensed passengers instantly erupted in the car - only to be drowned out by an ear piercing chorus of four banjos and five bongo drums.
Though still dripping from mocha, Naomi gasped a sigh of relief when the doors flung opened and the victims of her juice and espresso debacles dashed out to catch their departing transfer across the platform.
4., 5. Manipulating her foursome down Broadway towards the park, Naomi eyed a symmetrical tower of mouthwatering mangos prominently perched atop Peter's Produce Parlor checkout counter along the exterior of the shop. On brief lunch break, family friend Natan Teeberg whisked by en route for bagels, pulled a mango down for Naomi and kept on scurrying. Crash! Down rolled the pile of mangos behind the counter. A mango's bull's-eye fall onto the cashier's beer can on the floor, splattered the fruit and sent a carbonated geyser billowing upwards; painting the white ceiling and nearby bananas with a sticky layer of green beer gloss. Instantly, Peter's shelf stackers chased after Natan and subdued him two blocks yonder. Fruitlessly frisking him for compensation cash, they sped off with Natan's Metrocard for recourse.
1. Who is responsible to pay for the attorney's cleaning bill - Naomi or the tuba bearer?
2. Is Naomi required to pay the tourist for her coffee?
3. Is the tourist required to pay Naomi for the cleaning bill?
4. Is Natan required to pay Peter for the damaged Mango? Cleaning the beer off the ceiling and bananas?
5. May Peter's boys seize a Metrocard from Natan to cover possible expenses?
What is the law?
Please email us with your comments and answers at
Read next week's issue for the answer!