Fellow Weekly - Issue 86 



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Walder Education Pavilion of Torah Umesorah

Practical Choshen Mishpat Halacha: Case Studies Curricula for High Schools



Mrs. Rouhama Garelick, Director
Mrs. Merzel, Assistant Director, Project Coordinator
Rabbi Yosef Ettlinger, Curriculum
Mrs. Leah Miller, Walder Curriculum Department Head, Curriculum
Graphic Artist
Mrs. Faigie Ettlinger, Photographer 


2 State-of-the-art versions (one for boys, one for girls) of workbooks, and comprehensive teachers guides, powerpoint presentations, etc, for Hashavas Aveida are slated to appear in time for the Torah Umesorah Convention.





Don't miss this opportunity



Teachers' Guide: $3,600 a unit

Business Ethics Patron $1,000 

Student Workbook Page: $180 


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CASE 186: Marvin & The Mariner Moose Tip Off


As the city of Seattle, Washington revved up for the exhilarating Purim festivities, Marvin Fried, a celebrated math teacher in Seattle Hebrew Academy, rolled up his crisp blue sleeves and began his rewarding, yet grueling efforts on behalf of the city's poor. The impoverished in Israel would benefit from his generosity as well. Each year, via numerous innovative and exciting promotions, Marvin would raise much needed funds from the Greater Seattle Jewish Community to distribute them appropriately on Purim day.

In addition to the various pre-holiday efforts, Marvin enlisted a Squad of tipsy Mariner Moose to span out across the town dancing the Yemenite Step with potential donors on Purim day. All Squad members were expected to show up with their fortunes at 3 PM on Marvin's front lawn.

At three PM some tipsy moose arrived. With pomp and spirit they danced their hearts out with Senior Marvin Moose until junior moose's antlers got entangled in Marvin's. The two fell crashing down and out of both of their pockets rolled a considerable amount of the charity's change in four directions.

Instantly leaping to their feet, the two scrambled to recoup their losses. Yet much to their chagrin, after considerable concerted effort, the two were short roughly $100 each.


What are Marvin's and junior Moose's respective responsibilities towards the poor?


What is the law?

Please email us with your comments and answers at weekly@projectfellow.org.
Read next week's issue for the answer!




CASE 185: Okemo Mt. Down and Out!


After enjoying a peaceful drive up I 87, from NYC; Aaron and Emmy Adler unloaded their belongings out of their blue SUV, and comfortably settled down in their spacious lodgings in Ludlow ,Vermont. For Emmy a young city girl, the five hour journey and picturesque excursion was a most spectacular experience. The rolling evergreen hills beneath the majestic snowcapped mountain peaks affected a breathtaking imagery bespeaking a glorious creation.

The Whitmans, good friends of Aaron's parents , owned The Blue House, Mills St. vacation home nearby the Okemo Ski Resort and were simply overjoyed to lend the newlyweds their quarters for the young couple to celebrate together the beginning of their marriage.

Lying on the dining room table were two free wonder passes for their use as well. Prior to each season, the Whitmans would purchase these wonder passes which offered them unlimited entries to the various local attractions. Aaron was expected to return them to their place after using them.

In the middle of the frigid cold night, Emmy woke up and heard running water in one of the washrooms. Concerned about Whitman's water bill, she nobly turned off the faucet.

A fun filled day packed with alpine skiing, snowboarding, and dog sledding, ended off with some piping hot chocolate near the fireplace on Mills St.

Aaron and Emmy readied to retire for the night when all went bleak. Emptying his shirt pockets, his face turned white. The passes... Had they fallen out of his pocket?

Holding in her frustration, Emmy walked to the washroom, then started to shriek. "Aaron, look, there's a leak, there's a leak." Aaron ran over to the washroom, followed Emmy's finger... "Emmy, I think the pipes froze over..." "You mean, that's why the water was running last night?" Emmy whispered sheepishly to Aaron.


Need Aaron and Emmy purchase new passes for the Whitmans?

Are Aaron and Emmy liable for the burst pipe


What is the law?




The Answer

We present you here with a concise ruling. For a more intricate elucidation, please see the detailed explanation below.


Aaron and Emmy are absolved from compensating the Whitman's for the Wonder Passes and the damages due to the burst pipe [See detailed explanation].



Detailed Explanation


 Okemo Mt. Down and Out!, implicates the following laws:


1. As noted in Issue 84, one may not directly or indirectly cause his/her fellow a financial loss.


2. One is liable for direct damages, both intentional and unintentional. One is liable and should pay as well, for intentional indirect damages. One is absolved from paying for unintentional indirect damages.


3. The Heavenly Court retains the sole right to prosecute an offender to pay for indirect damages. Beis Din is vested with the power to prosecute for direct damages [Choshen Mishpat 386].





4. Nevertheless, by assuming responsibility to safeguard 1) movable property 2) currency 3) fiat money or 2) livestock, [see Issue 72 for process] - (all of which bear inherent or attributed value and can be physically moved from the depositor's domain to the trustee's domain) a trustee becomes liable and can be held accountable in Beis Din for damages or losses due to his/her negligence etc. albeit an indirect cause of the loss or damage [Exodus 21: 6-14].



5. A borrower is liable for loss or damages even beyond his/her control [Choshen Mishpat 340].



6. [As noted in Issues 72 and 83, assuming responsibility to safeguard "people" implicates zero liability within the trustee framework. Unless otherwise specifically legally stipulated from the onset (or common practice dictates otherwise), a guardian over a child/adult is absolved from damages due to negligence etc.]


7. Similarly, the Torah excludes safeguarding instruments of debt (whose value simply indicates the existence of a debt/financial responsibility) and stationary property or real estate (which cannot be physically moved from the depositor's domain to the trustee's domain) from the trustee framework. Unless otherwise specifically legally stipulated from the onset (or common practice dictates otherwise), a guardian over instruments of debt or real estate is absolved from damages due to negligence etc.





Wonder Passes


Aaron and Emmy borrowed the Whitman's Wonder Passes. Aaron lost the Wonder Passes. Superficially, as a borrower, Aaron is liable to reimburse the lender should the pass go lost. 


However, employing a more critical look, the Wonder Passes are neither movable property, legal currency, fiat money, or livestock. Instead, they are instruments of debt, which oblige the attraction sites to deliver services to the pass bearers upon displaying the passes. Presumably, the Whitman's did not  perform a legally binding stipulation to hold  Aaron liable for trustee liabilities. Thus, while Aaron should have been more careful with the Whitman's passes, the Whitman's would not be able to require Aaron to reimburse them with new passes.


Burst Pipe

Aaron and Emmy borrowed the Whitman's vacation home. Emmy's turning off the running water resulted in the pipes freezing overnight. The extensive damage was an indirect result of Emmy's action.


There are two angles through which we can absolve Emmy from paying for the ensuing damages.  As a city girl, she was clearly unaware that shutting off the water could have put the pipes at risk of bursting. Unintentionally and inadvertently causing indirect damage, she would be absolved from paying for the damages.


Nevertheless, as a borrower, Emmy theoretically should be liable even for accidental damages. Nonetheless, as the vacation home is a piece of real estate, Emmy does not assume trustee liabilities without having entered a legally binding stipulation at the onset of the arrangement.


Generally,  home renters sign contracts which legally binds them to various damages to the property during the rental term. However, it is uncommon for people who lend out their home to have the borrowers sign a contract legally binding them for damages thereof. Hence, we can reasonably assume that the Whitman's did not have Aaron and Emmy sign such a contract. As they simply lend the vacation home to Aaron and Emmy, they are absolved from paying for accidental damages that occur during their stay. [Of course, they would be liable for direct damages they cause to the property].

 Answered by: The Fellow - Yesharim Research Center






















Although we aim to present the correct ruling, varying details are always important and decisively influence every individual case. Our readers are thus encouraged to present their personal cases to a competent authority and not solely rely on the information provided.

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