Real World Pagan Ethics (Rhizomes)

What does it mean to be an ethical magical practitioner? How can you tell if a teacher or coven leader has good boundaries? When we step into leadership, how can we make sure we are doing right by our communities?
This course is designed to help clarify our internal ethical code, and then apply it to the areas of Community, Service, Ritual, and Leadership. We will approach the formation of healthy, rigorous ethics and boundaries in the spirit of deep listening and open conversation, and follow where it leads..

A Rhizomes Course
Tuesdays 7:30 pm ET
Jan 14 - Feb 10

Heathenry: Altered states and non-human people 

Heathenry can be seen as a development of North European and Eurasian understandings of the relationships between humans, place, and other-than-human people or wights of land, rivers, houses, gardens and so forth. Focus is on Britain-North Europe, though the worldview shares much with accounts of indigenous animist religions elsewhere. Discuss the re-emergence of seidr, its lore and historic and present-day performance, and  understandings of "ancestors" conceptualized as those who have involved themselves with that landscape on which today's practitioners now dwell.
Master's level. Instructor: Jenny Blain.
No live class meetings.
More Info & Register
Mediation for Peace
The art of mediation involves getting people, or the entities they represent, to resolve a dispute by mutual agreement.
The skills are generic.
They apply equally well to political disputes as they do to relationship disputes.
Exciting new findings in moral psychology reveal the delicate interplay between emotion and reason: providing powerful tools for truly understanding those with differing views.
You will be among the first to learn how to use these exciting new discoveries in the art of bridging that which divides us.
Master's students
and Certificate students meet concurrently.
Thursdays 9 pm ET
Psychology of Religion and Paganism


An introduction to key issues in the psychology of religion including religious development in individuals, the social psychology of religious organizations, religious experience and mysticism, and mental health and religion.
The course also introduces students to the work of influential theorists, such as Freud, Jung and William James. Students will become familiar with the application of psychological principles and research to religion in general, and to Paganism in particular.
The course provides clergy with a basic understanding of psychology, which enhances later study.
Instructor: Vivianne Crowley
Class meetings 4pm ET every second Sunday from January 26.
More Info & Register  

Sacred Nourishment: How What We Eat Connects Us to the Earth and Our Ancestors
What we eat ties us to our planet, our environment and our communities. Sustainability means eating low on the industrial food chain, but sustainable eating also connects us with spirit, creates community, and heals and nourishes our bodies, and the Earth. Learn about sustainable models of food production, and how these interact with the traditional foods consumed by our ancestors. Instructor: Selina Rifkin, Pagan Kosher series.
An Insights Course
Sundays 7:00 PM ET, Jan 14 - Feb 10


Leading a Spiritually-Centered Enterprise
Leading a spiritually-centered enterprise requires practical applications of and skill in management, marketing, and finance. In this course, we will look at taking vision to reality, tackling the nuts and bolts of creating a goal-oriented organization that is successful and solvent. We will also investigate intellectual property laws, types of insurance, and sources and uses of funding.
Instructor: Chandra Alexandre
No live class meetings.


Just Talk With Them! Animal Communication for Pagans

Beliefs and practices of human-animal communication in various Pagan traditions (including indigenous spiritual traditions). Learn various cultural attitudes towards the role of animals in Pagan spiritual practice, develop new respect for the teachings of our non-human friends, and find animal allies who can help with any challenge.
Pagan cultures addressed include Celtic, Native American, and Asian.
Instructor: Valentine McKay-Riddell 
An Insights Course
 Wednesdays 8 PM ET, Feb 11 - Mar10

Introduction to Pagan Theology

Theology-the study of Deity-calls us to make connections between reason and experience, history and contemporary life, our own traditions and practices and those of others. It is something we *do*-a practice by which we grow in deep understanding of our relationships with the divine and others, not a matter of mere theory. Encounter significant voices in Paganism, the Western occult tradition, earth-centered and feminist Christianity/post-Christianity
Instructor: Christine Kraemer
 Meets concurrently with students in the CHS certificate program.
Mondays 8 pm ET
Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan  

A chronological overview of physical, cognitive, social and emotional development from conception through death.
Theories and research examined with an emphasis on the application of these concepts and encouraging the students to draw connections and conclusions between the material and their own subjective experiences.

Instructor: David Oringderff
 Master's level
Tuesday 9 PM ET
Leading Like Water (Rhizomes) 
"Leading Like Water" is for everyone, whether a public "leader" or not. This relationship shift enhances lives both personally and professionally, making families more joyful and careers more successful. Students completing the course are empowered to lead "for the good of all" more gracefully and powerfully in every setting.
Instructor:  Ave Park
A Rhizomes Course
Mar 11 - Apr 7, no live class meeting


Sacred Choices

What can Pagans contribute to the current political debates over choice and reverence for life?
In this short course we'll learn about the distinctions among reproductive health, rights, and justice; relate reproductive justice to respect for our spirituality, sexuality, diversity, life, and freedom; and gain strategies for reproductive justice advocacy.
Instructor: Sarah Whedon

An Insights course
Feb 11 - Mar 10, no live class meeting


Honoring Our Beloved Dead

When we're down and out, we can count on our beloved dead to protect us, comfort us, and give us advice. Who has your back? Whether you need help or you just want to make a connection, this class will help you determine which of your ancestors to address, who counts as an ancestor, and how to get their attention. Creatively keeping an ancestor altar and visiting graveyards.
Instructor: Selina Rifkin
An Insights Course
Tuesdays 8 PM ET, Mar 11 - Apr 7