Sometimes plants, animals, and other species wind up in places they don't belong. These species can become invasive if they thrive in the new environment and take over turf that had been home to native species. This week’s Research Missions are about locating or catching invasive species of particular concern to scientists.
Plus, Discover Magazine and SciStarter present a bonus Research Mission this week: a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bear witness to the Transit of Venus across the sun on June 5 (USA) and help measure the size of the solar system using a free smart phone app in the process! Learn more about the Transit of Venus Research Mission and how you can take part.
The projects featured below, and dozens more, can be found in the SciStarter Project Finder.
Calling all researchers and science team leaders! Are you looking for citizen science volunteers to help with research? SciStarter brings projects and people together. If you’d like your project featured, submit it to the SciStarter Project Finder for consideration by the editors.
Would you like to contribute to the SciStarter blog? If so, email Dr. John Ohab, Director of Community Engagement:
Keep experimenting!
- The SciStarter Team