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North Carolina Campus Compact Digest                                                   November 2012

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In This Issue
President's Honor Roll
Duke Engage Summer 2013 Opportunities
Clinton Global Initiative University
Database of Faculty Mentors
MLK Day Planning Webinar
Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts
Related Links
NCCC Webinars This Week
Engaged Campus Webinar Series
2012 CSNAP Highlights
PACE Call for Proposals
CC Annual Membership Survey
General Calls for Proposals
Awards & Contests
Grants & Funding

Honor Roll

President's Higher Education  Community Service Honor Roll


for the 2013 President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll are now available and are DUE BY 5PM EST ON NOVEMBER 29, 2012. The Honor Roll is an annual program. Previous applicants must apply each year.


Learn more... 


Upcoming Conference Calls


Save the date for these upcoming conference calls that will answer some of your questions about completing the Honor Roll Application. Sign up for a conference call here.


November 15th @ 2 PM ET

November 27th @ 2 PM ET 

Summer 2013 opportunities for graduate and professional students to work with the DukeEngage program


DukeEngage, the University's renowned civic engagement program, is now accepting applications for the position of site coordinator.  Numerous two-month, paid positions are available for current and recently graduated professional and graduate students with three or more years of work experience.  Openings are in programs located in the United States, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, India, and Haiti.  Some positions require specialized language skills, but many are open to any mature, motivated individual with a strong desire to support undergraduate students who are engaged in volunteer service.


To decide if this is the right opportunity for you, you can browsing the web site, where you will also find a detailed job description.  You may also visit the DukeEngage YouTube channel to view several of our programs. 


To apply for a site coordinator position, you must submit your application on online, a process that will take about 30 minutes.  The first round of employment interviews will take place during the first two weeks of November, but we will continue to interview eligible candidates until all positions are filled.


Contact:  Elaine Madison, emadison@duke.edu, 919.684.4377.

Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) 2013
April 5 - 7, 2013
Washington University in St. Louis
Applications Available Now!
Students can apply now to attend CGI U 2013 CGI U is President Clinton's initiative to engage the next generation of leaders from college campuses around the world. Each CGI U participant makes a Commitment to Action: a specific plan of action designed to address a challenge on campus, in the local community, or around the world.  

The meeting is free to attend for all accepted students.

Limited assistance for travel and lodging is available to students with demonstrated financial need who apply by the early decision deadline. 


Key application deadlines


Early decision and travel assistance deadline:  November 30, 2012


Final Application Deadline: January 30, 2013

Database of Faculty Mentors & Portfolio Reviewers


Community-Campus Partnership For Health (CCPH) offers a free online database of faculty mentors & portfolio reviewers who are available to support community-engaged careers in the academy. This database is provided for community-engaged graduate students, post-docs or faculty members who may need a mentor or reviewer. Likewise, community-engaged faculty members are also sought who are willing to sign up as mentors and reviewers to support those coming through the pipeline behind them.





MLK small

MLK Day Planning Webinar: Creating a Communications Plan

Wednesday, November 14th
3:00 p.m.


This webinar will include information about how to create a communications plan, such as:

� Identifying MLK Day 2013 key messages
� Training spokespeople
� Developing a communications timeline
� Reviewing tools available online 
�Harnessing the power of digital media
� Managing media on MLK Day

Click here to access a full list of upcoming MLK Day webinars and register. 

Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts


Thanks to those campuses who shared your Hurricane Sandy Relief plans. We invite all campuses to keep us updated.  Contact Lisa Keyne.


Appalachian State University


Appalachian & the Community Together is making plans to send a group of students to the New Jersey/New York area (details to come) with the Alternative Service Experience over spring break to assist with relief efforts. For more information: act.appstate.edu/ase 


Elon University


Habitat for Humanity and Students for Peace & Justice co-sponsored a bake sale to donate funds to the American Red Cross Hurricane Sandy Relief initiative.


Contact:  Evan Small


Wake Forest University


Organizing a Wake Alternative Break trip to the Northeast in response to Sandy, March 10-16, 2013. 

Contact:  Shelley Graves Sizemore




Related Links  

Civic Engagement Jobs


Digest Archive


National Civic Engagement Calendar


NC Campus Compact VISTA blog 


Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement

NC Campus Compact Webinars Tomorrow and Friday!


From Homelessness to Housing

Facilitator:  Martha Are, Housing and Homelessness Unit Manager, Division of Aging and Adult Services, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.


Ms. Are was unable to attend the CSNAP conference due to illness.  She has agreed to facilitate this webinar which explores the new data that is shaping the way communities provide services to homeless people, with an emphasis on getting people stably housed. 

Click on the "guest" button and enter your name.  


Be sure to have speakers set up so you can hear! 


Undocumented and Unafraid:  The State of Immigration in America

Facilitator:  Elisa Benitez, immigration community organizer and sophomore at UNC Charlotte
Friday, November 16, 2012 at 3:00 p.m.


Elisa was unable to attend CSNAP due to death in the family.  She has agreed to facilitate this webinar about the work of the NC Dream Team/National Immigrant Youth Alliance and immigration issues facing NC and the nation. Topics include current Obama Administration policies, the recent DOJ case against Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson, Deferred Action, and deportations.  




Campus Compact's   Engaged Campus Webinar Series 


The Compact has launched a series of webinars desigined to encourage member dialogue about impact, assessment and the connection between civic engagement and emergent trends.


The Engaged Campus: Approaches to Measuring Community Impact  

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
2:00 - 3:00 PM EDT

Presenter: Dr. Barbara Holland


Join Dr. Barbara Holland in a presentation and discussion about strategies for measuring community impact. She will share a variety of approaches for getting started with the development of community impact measures including important factors to consider in planning and implementation. This is a great offering for those interested in developing a focused impact assessment.


Cost: $50 for members, $100 for non-members

Note: Please note that each offering requires individual registration.


Click here to register .


Mark your calendars for the upcoming webinars:

Engaged Learning Economies: Linking Civic Engagement and Economic Development

January 17, 2013 from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 



The Engaged Campus: Linking Civic Engagement and Social Entrepreneurism  

 February 14, 2013 from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.


The Engaged Campus: Linking Student and Academic Affairs 
March 21, 2013 from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.  

2012 CSNAP Highlights



Nearly 125 students, staff and faculty from 18 campuses participated in the 2012 CSNAP student conference at UNC Wilmington on November 2nd & 3rd. Thanks to the Center for Leadership Education and Service, especially Dr. Donna Chapa Crowe, the Director, for all their hard work to host the conference. 




The Friday night pre-conference event, which focused on using film for social change, included a visit to  Wilmington-based studio EUE/Screen Gems, the largest film studio on the East Coast. Students heard from local film-industry experts and toured the facility. A highlight was an interaction with Robert Downey, Jr. who was on set working on Iron Man 3.  Participants concluded the evening at UNC Wilmington with a screening of the film #ReGeneration.



Satuday featured a keynote address "Soul of a  Citizen: Hope in a Time of Fear..." from writer and activist Paul Loeb as well as multiple workshops focused on issues facing North Carolina and skill-building sessions facilitated by experts and students, faculty and staff.


Ten students were recognized for their community  impact and campus service, receiving 2012 Community Impact Student Awards and Elon University senior, Rachel Stanley, received the 2012 John H. Barnhill Civic Trailblazer Award.


Other highlights included a Mock Election, the My Impact Photo Project, and announcement of the Documentary Film Shorts Competition winners. Sean Dolan, Elon University senior won for his documentary "Hear for Me" depicting the work of students and faculty to raise awareness about and advocate for the needs of the deaf community.

See more conference highlights here. 


Mark Your Calendars


Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, NC is hosting the 2013 CSNAP on November 2, 2013.

PACE Call for Proposals  
Deadline: December 10, 2012

 Campus Compact is now accepting workshop proposals for the 2013 PACE (Pathways to Achieving Civic Engagement) Conference. This annual conference, now in its 15th year, is for community engagement faculty, staff, researchers and community partners who want to gain skills, knowledge and best practice models for a spectrum of civic engagement pedagogies and activities from service-learning to social entrepreneurship.  
Special guest speakers include Dr. Peter Levine, Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Director of CIRCLE (The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement),  Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University and Dr. Judith Ramaley, Distinguished Professor of Public Service at Portland State University in the Hatfield School of Government, President Emerita of Winona State University, and former president of the University of Vermont (UVM), and Portland State University.


See the Call for Proposals here. 


Registration opens on November 15th!

Campus Compact's
Annual Membership Survey

Deadline: December 14, 2012
 CC logo 


Campus Compact's Annual Membership Survey is now live. Your institution's participation in this national survey is very important.


1. As a first step, download the 2012 Annual Membership Survey PDF document and use it to determine responses before entering and completing the online survey itself.


2. Once you have gathered and determined your responses, you may then obtain and complete the 2012 Annual Membership Survey online.


Conducted each year since 1986, the survey is the most comprehensive and widely distributed review of service, service-learning, and civic engagement in higher education. Results allow campuses to compare their progress with state and national trends and help all of us better articulate our case to elected officials, funders, and the media.


 Visit this link to learn more.

Calls for Proposals/Information

IARSLCE Seeks Input 

Deadline: November 15th


The IARSLCE Editorial Fellows create this wiki-based format, the Proceedings, to increase the public visibility of research related to service-learning and community engagement and to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers and practitioner-scholars. Editors would like to gather information about how the Proceeding is being used and how to improve it for future years; they seek those willing to complete a short 10-item on-line survey that can be accessed from the navigation bar of the Proceedings website.


Learn more... 


CU Expo
June 12-15, 2013, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada  
Call for Proposals
Deadline: November 15th

CU Expo is the Canadian-led international conference on community-university partnerships.  

Learn more...


11th Annual Gulf South Summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement through Higher Education 
"Re-Engaging Democracy in the 21st Century: Preparing Students to Lead Civic-Minded Lives"
February 27-March 1, 2013, Louisville, KY  
Sponsored by Kentucky Campus Compact 
Deadline: November 19th 


Proposals are welcome that further explore the theme, sharing best practices, innovative partnerships, challenges, and successes involving community engagement as it takes its various forms: research, service-learning, and community-engaged scholarship both curricular and co-curricular. Presentations may be targeted to introductory or experienced audiences as designated on RFP. 

Learn more...  


The IMPACT Conference

February 21 - 24, 2013, University of New Mexico

Call for Proposals

Deadline: December 10th

The IMPACT Conference brings together college students, nonprofit professionals, campus administrators, and year of service members to share best practices, experiences, stories, and resources in their work for social change. 

Workshop Categories:

  • Building and Enhancing Community Service Programs
  • Administrators
  • Alternative Break Programs.
  • AmeriCorps/National Service/Year of Service programs
  • Issues and Advocacy
  • Leadership and Professional Skills/Career Development
  • Life after College/Recent Graduate
  • Service-Learning
  • Spirituality/Faith and Service

Submit here:



The Institute for Nonprofit Research, Education and Engagement (INPREE)
12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference
"Globally Engaged, Locally Responsible: New Challenges for Social Equity"
June 5 - 7, 2013, Raleigh, NC

Call for Proposals
Deadline: December 15th


Conference tracks focus on existing and emerging issues of social equity and governance in the following areas:

*             Education

*             Policing and Corrections

*             At-Risk Communities, including Immigrants

*             Aging and the Elderly

*             Housing

*             Transportation

*             Environmental Protection

*             Inclusive Excellence


Proposals addressing issues of fairness, justice and equity in the tracks listed above are welcome. Proposals that feature knowledge, research, practice and policy in public affairs, public administration and the nonprofit sector are preferred.


Learn more... 


eJournal of Public Affairs:
Special Issue on Global Engagement 

Call for Papers
Deadline: January 15, 2013


In this special issue of the eJournal, they are looking for submissions that report on projects and approaches to student engagement with global issues. Submissions should focus on describing best practices or successful models, or present quantitative and/or qualitative results of global engagement initiatives.

  Learn more... 


American Democracy Project and The Democracy Commitment Joint National Meeting:

"21st Century Citizens: Building Bridges, Solving Problems"

June 6 - June 8, 2013, Denver, Colorado

Call for Proposals
Deadline: February 1st


The theme calls attention to the educational experiences and civic skills needed by today's college graduates. In order to prepare students to engage in our communities, students must be equipped with 21st century skills: working with others, critical thinking, communication, creativity and problem-solving, to name a few. Such skills are as valuable in the workforce as they are in our communities and are essential if we are to bridge existing gaps between learning and doing, intention and action. The first step in problem solving and working with others is building bridges to understanding different perspectives; skills required not only in the workforce but needed even more in our fractured democracy.


Learn more...



The Educational Forum
Themed Issue: Global Citizenship, Digital Democracy & The Classroom

Call for Proposals 

Deadline:  February 15, 2013   


The Educational Forum, Kappa Delta Pi's premier educational research journal, is seeking articles for its upcoming Fall 2013 themed issue on "Global Citizenship and Digital Democracy" and its relationship to teaching, learning and other major educational dimensions.


Learn more... 


Society for Values in Higher Education
Debt: Obligations that Shape our Lives

July 24-28, 2013, University of Denver, CO  
Call for Papers
Deadline: April 15, 2013



Societies are structured by webs of financial, legal, psychological, moral, and spiritual obligations. All of these involve debt, broadly construed. From the most mundane, everyday interactions to the complexities of international relations, the language of debt pervades our thinking and discourse. The Society for Values in Higher Education seeks paper and panel proposals to address the concept of debt from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.



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Awards & Contests

The Thiel Fellowship

Deadline: December 31st


The Fellowship brings together some of the world's most creative and motivated young people, and helps them bring their most ambitious ideas and projects to life. Thiel Fellows are given a no-strings-attached grant of $100,000 to skip college and focus on their work, their research, and their self-education. They are mentored by our network of visionary thinkers, investors, scientists, and entrepreneurs, who provide guidance and business connections that can't be replicated in any classroom. Rather than just studying, you're doing.


Learn more

Generous U/Sillerman Prize for Philanthropy on College Campuses
Deadline: March 15, 2013 


Generous U is open to college student groups, clubs, and organizations that engage their peers in charitable giving. The winner will be awarded the $5,000 Sillerman Prize and earn the Generous U title for its college or university. The judges, a panel of volunteers from academia, philanthropy, and business, will be looking for creative initiatives that inspire student giving, have a positive impact in the community, and can serve as a model for other campuses.   

To compete, students must first submit their intent to apply. They will then submit a written essay and a three-minute video. 


Learn more



Grants & Funding
Champions for Healthy Kids

Deadline:  December 3rd

The goal of the Champions for Healthy Kids program is to encourage U.S. communities to improve the eating and physical activity patterns of young people. In 2013, the program will award 50 grants of $10,000 each to nonprofit organizations, schools, and government agencies throughout the country that offer innovative programs to help youth adopt a balanced diet and physically active lifestyle. 


Learn more...  

Home Depot Foundation
Community Impact Grants 

Deadline:  December 12th


Grants, up to $5,000, are available to registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, public schools, or tax-exempt public service agencies in the U.S. that are using the power of volunteers to improve the physical health of their community.  Grants are given in the form of The Home Depot gift cards for the purchase of tools, materials, or services.


Learn more...   


Bringing Theory to Practice Project
Deadline: December 14th


The Bringing Theory to Practice Project

invites proposals for projects that will promote engaged learning, civic development and engagement, and psychosocial well-being of college and university students. We are especially interested in efforts that will enable students to have transformational educational experiences, and proposals for how institutions can transform and sustain their priorities and practices.


Fiskars' Project Orange Thumb 
Community Garden Grants and Makeovers
Deadline: December 15th


Fiskars' Project Orange Thumb provides tools, materials, and other support to help communities reach their goals for neighborhood beautification, community collaboration, and healthy, sustainable food sources. 

Learn more... 



American Association of University Women (AAUW): Community Action Grants 

Deadline: January 15th

The AAUW Community Action Grants program provides funds for innovative programs or non-degree research projects that promote education and equity for women and girls. Special consideration is given to projects focused on K-12 and community college girls' and women's achievements in science, technology, engineering, or math. One-year grants of $2,000 to $7,000 provide funds for community-based projects that include a clearly defined activity that promotes education and equality for women and girls. Two-year grants of $5,000 to $10,000 provide start-up funds for new projects that address the particular needs of the community and develop girls' sense of efficacy through leadership or advocacy opportunities.


Learn more...


Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)
AmeriCorps State & National Grants  

Deadline: January 23rd


The FY2013 AmeriCorps State and National grant competition is designed to help national service programs achieve greater impact by targeting resources on a core set of challenges: disaster services, economic opportunity, education, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, and veterans and military families. In order to maximize the impact of the public investment in national service, the CNCS will fund programs that can demonstrate community impact and solve community problems using an evidence-based or evidence-informed approach (e.g. performance data, research, theory of change). 

Learn more...


Sodexo Foundation Youth Grants 

Deadline: January 31st


More than 16 million children live in food insecure homes, not always sure where their next meal will come from. That's why YSA and Sodexo Foundation are calling on young people to "take hunger personally" and join the fight to end childhood hunger. Sodexo Foundation Youth Grants of $500 grants are available for youth-led service projects that bring together young people, families, Sodexo employees and other community members to address childhood hunger. U.S. young people, ages 5-25, are eligible to apply. Projects will take place on or around Global Youth Service Day, April 26-28, 2013.  


Kresge Foundation
Arts and Community Building

Deadline: February 1st


The Kresge Foundation supports efforts that create access and opportunity in underserved communities. The Foundation's Arts and Community Building program is shaped by six principles: (1) Community cultural development is a growing field with minimal national infrastructure; (2) The structure and dynamics of community cultural ecosystems are not well understood; (3) Cultural development is local; (4) Local community development requires an indigenous support system; (5) Effective community cultural development requires sustained engagement; and (6)   


Do Something Seed Grants

Deadline - Ongoing, one grant awarded weekly 


These $500 grants are for youth-led (25 and under) project ideas and programs that are just getting started, or to jump-start a program. These grants can also be used towards projects that are already developed and sustainable, towards the next steps of a project and organization to help expand the project and increase impact.