Club News MARCH 2016

From the Owner, Robin Robertson
Jackie and Robin with
Todd Durkin
Changes are in the Air! 

I love spring.  I love the sense of renewal and hope and all the luscious smells of growth.  Spring always inspires me to think big and think about ways in which I can grow as an individual and how we can grow as a club.  I'm not talking about growth as more (after all, our Tennis Memberships are currently capped), but growth as better.  I always think that there is a way to improve and actively look for this to benefit all.

Along these lines, in February, Jackie and I spent a long weekend with 60 other fitness professionals at the Todd Durkin Mentorship program.  This was not so much about how to run a fitness business, but more about WHY we do what we do.  If you want a wonderful book about your own "why" - I highly recommend "Start With Why" by Simon Sineck
(available at Village Books too.)
I am a fairly driven individual, and sometimes not so "touchy feely", but the weekend with the Mentorship helped me to reconnect with my absolute passion to help others live healthier, happier lives.  We have a pretty wonderful resource in our team of staff here at the Club and I want you to know that we are here to help you with the positive health changes you want to make - to do more, move more, play more, live more!  

Now...for the changes right here at the Club.  Doug and I, along with our staff team, have been evaluating what is workin', what needs fixin', and doing a little dreamin'.

We are planning on a major investment in the Club facilities and would like to hear your ideas as well. I'll just say it now so you can cross it off your list, no, we cannot build a swimming pool or add hot tubs.  Sorry!  But if there are amenities that you'd like or features you'd like to see, please send me your ideas.  What is missing?  What would make our  Club even better?

 GREEN = Done, RED= NoGo, PURPLE= In the works
Now, I only like to tell you about things that I am more than 80% certain will occur.  We will do our best to get it done!   


*  New Toilets:  Taking care of our environment is important to me and for us all. All new low-water using toilets have been installed!

*  2nd Floor Court Viewing:
Some you you may know that we were investigating the potential to open the area above the fitness room for viewing out onto the courts.  It turned out not feasible. 

*  Lobby Remodel: We are making the plans to remodel to transform this space to become a more effective, efficient, and welcoming, comfortable environment. 


*  Fitness Area Flooring:The carpet will be replaced with a more fitness oriented surface.

*  Club Facelift: 
Say goodbye to the shake shingles and green awning.  We are stepping into the 21st century.


*  Locker Room Enhancement:  The showers and saunas will remain the same, but we are looking for improvements for the locker room and service areas.


* Upgraded Mechanical Systems:  Very un-sexy, but our HVAC system will be upgraded.

* Upgraded Tennis Court Lighting:  We are investigating conversion to LED lighting before the end of summer to improve the brightness on the courts.


WHEW!  That's an ambitious list. We even have a few more things up our sleeves that I'm not quite ready to share. Please have patience with us as we improve facilities for you! Our target for much of the work is late summer. ~Robin

PS - Todd Durkin, leader of our mentorship program will be featured on an NBC television show named  "STRONG" that will premiere on Wednesday, April 13th!
ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tell your friends! 
Our Tennis Memberships are Capped!
And then we will cap membership

We have started a waitlist and give priority
to Fitness Members who'd like to upgrade to tennis.
Last time we had a waitlist it was a year-long!

March 30, 6:30-8:00pm

Our Business to Business Social is open to all members - business owners and professionals who would like to network with other members!
Appetizers and beverages will be served.
Please RSVP to Betty.
**We would like to promote your product or service! Please bring an item to donate to our New Weekly Social Media Raffle! We will provide details about it at the social!**


Word of the Week

"As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other
people permission to do the same."

--Nelson Mandela
Let your light shine. And inspire others.
Member of the Month: Cheryl McCarthy

When Cheryl and her husband Bob moved to Bellingham five years ago, they chose their house because it was close to the tennis club! They like being able to cycle or walk here. It takes Cheryl three minutes to ride here on her bike, because it's downhill. Going home, uphill, takes longer.

Cheryl plays three matches per week, and takes a drill or lesson from Matthew, TJ, or Griffin. Her tennis mantra is, "If I don't give up, I WILL get better." And it's true! She says the game has become much more enjoyable as she's improved. She loves the mental challenge of figuring out an opponent's game, and the emotional challenge of staying positive when the score's against her. The most fun is when a match plays hard and fast, with long rallies. "It's funny," Cheryl says, "years ago, I used to hate sweaty exertion, but now I love it because that's when the game is at its best."
Bob introduced her to tennis. She picked up a racquet when their three daughters were school-age, but didn't play regularly until they moved here. Bob's been a strong player since high school. Cheryl says he's a great coach, and a loyal mixed doubles partner. "I tell him if he got a better partner, he could win more, but he keeps choosing me. I'm secretly pleased about that."
One of Cheryl's favorite things about the club is Elizabeth's 5:45 a.m. class. It's strength training three days/week, and indoor cycling the other two days. She says her neighbor Joyce Pedlow set a good example: Joyce is strong and fit, and was coming to Elizabeth's early class every weekday. Last August, Cheryl made a commitment to do the same, and is now seeing real results. She's lost 10 pounds since joining the club, while increasing muscle mass.
This club is so welcoming, Cheryl says. "Betty, Erin, and the rest of the front-desk staff make it a pleasure to come in every morning. I know I'll see friends here. The locker room amenities, fresh flowers, and now the Wall Street Journal, are nice touches I appreciate. I'm here so often, it feels like a second home."

Our Member of the Month receives a $25 gift certificate to the Pro Shop

Welcome New Members!
Please help us welcome the following members to the Club by introducing yourself and helping them feel at home around the club!  
Burt Stokesbary
Laura Melly
Pam Stewart
Tofer Wade

Alex Wei
Ava McIllvaine
Carl Peterson
Cecilia Mathias
Erin Von Fempe
Larry Guevara
Paula Plumer
Wes Herman
*At this time, our Tennis Membership is currently capped and we have started a wait list.  We will add Tennis Memberships from the wait list as spots become available.


Tennis & Fitness
Make Your Own 5-Week Tennis Clinic:
For a limited time, if you have 4 or more friends who would like a series of lessons at a discounted price, you can make your own clinic!!

Choose one of the following days and time: 
  • Mondays OR Wednesdays: 3-4 pm OR 4-5pm OR 5-6pm
  • Tuesday OR Thursdays: 3-4pm OR 4-5pm
You must have a minimum of 4 players (max 6).
Only $99 per player!
Offer ends March 25th. Please see Matt for details.

Two Opportunities for Heart Rate Assessments!
If you'd like to know more about heart rate training and determine how and why to work in specific zones, join us for a Cycling Heart Rate Assessment. If you are enrolled in Cycle Moles 1 or 2, your Heart Rate Assessment is included in your camp and you may attend one of the dates below for free (please sign up!)
$85 or free for Cycle Moles 1 and 2

Saturday, March 12th at 9:30 am
Sunday, March 20th at 9:00 am  

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Get a FREE $25 Gift Card or 30 Minute Tennis Lesson or Personal Training Session as our
"thank you"  for every new member you refer.
Bellingham Tennis Club & Fairhaven Fitness

Bellingham Tennis Club | 800 McKenzie Avenue | Bellingham | WA | 98225