NIMBioS News
 Bi-Monthly News from the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
March-April 2015, Vol 7 Issue 2


Evolution and Warfare Investigative Workshop: May 17 


Bringing Math to the High School Biology Classroom: A BioQuest Workshop: June 5


Postdoctoral Fellowships: Sept. 1


Sabbatical Fellowships: Sept. 1


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What Makes a Workshop Run Well: Best Practices
What does it take to run a successful collaborative meeting? At NIMBioS, you will be meeting and working with scientists from a variety of fields. While cross-disciplinary research can produce exciting results, it presents unique communication challenges. In the coming months, NIMBioS will host several new Investigative Workshops and Working Groups, and we want to help make them productive. The following web pages provide detailed instructions for how to conduct a successful Working Group and Investigative Workshop. Each page describes what Working Group organizers and Workshop organizers should do before, during, and after meetings to make them successful. In addition, for Workshops and Tutorials, NIMBioS offers a WordPress site, which aims to facilitate group communication and information sharing for the meeting. But a WordPress site is only as useful as the organizers and participants make it. Here are some tips on how to make the WordPress site work for you. If you are interested in requesting support for a new Working Group or Workshop, the next deadline is September 1. For more information about how to submit your proposal, click here.
Award-Winning Science: Bat Trackers

Bat conservation researchers and their partners associated with a NIMBioS Working Group were recognized recently with the U.S. Forest Service Wings Across the Americas Research Award for their contributions to the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat)The award recognizes outstanding conservation work by U.S. Forest Service and partner agencies. The NABat program involves collaborative monitoring and species distribution modeling across broad geographic regions. Researchers provide expertise on statistical survey design, statistical analysis of bat acoustic and colony count data and database development. Read more.

Education Spotlight: Summer Research Participants Announced
NIMBioS is pleased to announce the 16 participants selected for its highly competitive 2015 Summer Research Experience (SRE) program for undergraduates and teachers. Participants were selected from a pool of more than 150 applicants. The program runs for eight weeks, from June 8-July 31. Participants from all over the country will work in teams with NIMBioS postdocs and UT faculty on research at the interface of mathematics and biology. Projects range from modeling canine distemper to exploring stressors in host-pathogen interactions. For more information about this year's projects and the complete roster of participants, click here.
Postdoc Spotlight: Q&A with Dr. Suzanne O'Regan
Our newest postdoctoral fellow is Suzanne O'Regan who comes to NIMBioS from the Odum School of Ecology at the Univ. of Georgia, Athens, where she was a postdoctoral research associate studying the regulation of infectious diseases. At NIMBioS, O'Regan's research involves developing mathematical models to better understand the critical transitions related to the emergence and elimination of infectious disease. An applied mathematician, O'Regan developed the first theory of early warning signals related to pathogen behavior in disease. In this Q&A, O'Regan shares what inspires and surprises her most about her research. 
Featured Video: R for HPC Tutorial
The complete set of videos for the popular R for HPC Tutorial, which ran remotely and on-site at NIMBioS, is now available on our website. This half-day tutorial, viewed remotely by nearly 400 people, introduced participants to debugging, profiling and performance analysis, optimization, foreign language API's, and parallel programming with R. A hands-on component reinforced the lecture topics. The videos, totaling about three hours of viewing time, include an introduction, basics, improving R performance, interfacing compiled code and parallelism. To view the videos, click here.
Upcoming Research and Training Opportunities at NIMBioS
Applications are now being accepted for the NIMBioS Tutorial: Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics, to be held August 10-15, 2015, at NIMBioS. Quantitative genetic theory has been applied to a wide range of phenomena including the evolution of differences between the sexes, life history traits, evolution of body size and much more. This tutorial is for evolutionary biologists interested in how quantitative genetics theory can be tested with data. Application deadline: May 1, 2015For more information and how to apply, click here. 
Applications are now being accepted for the NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Evolution and Warfare, to be held September 16-18, 2015, at NIMBioS. This workshop will begin working toward an integrated approach to the study of warfare under decentralized or only loosely controlled conditions, combining empirical data, evolutionary theory, and mathematical models. Application deadline: May 17, 2015. For more information, click here.
Applications are now being accepted for the NIMBioS/BioQUEST Tutorial: Biology by Numbers: Bringing Math to the High School Biology Classroom, to be held July 20-22, 2015, at NIMBioS. Geared toward high school teachers, the program will feature hands-on experience with inquiry activities that use real data, tools for graphing, and modeling. The tutorial/workshop will be led by the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium. Application deadline: June 5, 2015. For more information and how to apply, click here.
Applications are now being accepted for the Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+ Workshop: Education for the Planet Earth of Tomorrow, to be held Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2015, at NIMBioS. The workshop will focus on planning for the multidisciplinary education of students as well as workforce development. This workshop is supported by the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) and funded by the National Science Foundation. Applications will be accepted until all slots are filled. For more information and how to apply, click here.
September 1 is the next deadline for submitting requests for postdoctoral support. All areas of research at the interface of biology and mathematics will be considered. We are especially interested in activities expanding beyond the research supported to date, including research in areas of molecular biology, cell biology, network biology, immunology and systems biology. To read more about our current postdoctoral fellows and their research, click here. To apply, click here. We also have a few tips on what makes a successful application. 
See NIMBioS Live!

Can't make it to NIMBioS in person? NIMBioS offers free live streaming of many of its events, including Investigative Workshops, Tutorials and Seminars. Simply entering your name, organization, and email address takes you to the live stream and the live chat. A designated hashtag is used to curate and archive the conversation. For more information about the NIMBioS Live Stream and how to participate, click here. Finally, if you've also missed the Live Stream, you can watch the recorded event housed in the NIMBioS Video Library. Other videos include interviews with visiting scientists and science features.


The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) brings together researchers from around the world to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries to investigate solutions to basic and applied problems in the life sciences. NIMBioS is funded by the National Science Foundation, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.


NIMBioS is located at the Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
1122 Volunteer Blvd, Suite 106, Knoxville, TN 37996-3410
Phone: +1 865 974 9334
Fax: +1 865 974 9300
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