NIMBioS News
 Bi-Monthly News from the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
May-June 2013, Vol 5, Issue 3
Report Your Results
Good Colleagues + Ample Resources = NIMBioS
  Working Group on Nonautonomous Systems & Terrestrial C-Cycle

More than 3,400 participants have attended NIMBioS events since NIMBioS was established in September 2008. Participants came from 55 countries, including all 50 states in the U.S., as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. A total of 630 different institutions were represented, primarily colleges and universities. What have we accomplished during this time? NIMBioS has hosted 68 Working Group meetings, 22 Investigative Workshops, 149 short-term visitors, and 34 long-term visitors (postdoctoral and sabbatical fellows). NIMBioS research activities have led to more than 270 publications, many in high impact journals, across a vast array of different areas of science and education. Interested in pursuing support for your research at NIMBioS? Apply here.
Featured Science: Friend or Foe?

Just as humans can follow complex social situations in deciding whom to befriend or to abandon, it turns out that animals use the same level of sophistication in judging social configurations, according to a new study that advances our understanding of the structure of animal social networks. The study, which appeared in the journal Animal Behaviour, is the first in which researchers applied a long-standing theory in social psychology called "structural balance," which is used to analyze human relationships, to an animal population to better understand the mechanisms that determine the structure of animal social groups.   

Citation: Ilany A, Barocas A, Koren L, Kam M, Geffen E. 2013. Structural balance in the social networks of a wild mammal. Animal Behaviour. Published online 22 April 2013.
Education Spotlight: Fifth Annual Undergraduate Research Conference
Applications for financial support are now being accepted to attend the fifth annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Mathematics and Biology, to be held Nov. 16-17, 2013, at the University of Tennessee Conference Center. A limited amount of support is available to cover the cost of registration and lodging. General registration for the conference will be available soon on our website. Student talks and posters are featured as well as a panel discussion on career opportunities. The deadline for requesting NIMBioS funding is September 23, 2013. Click here for more information.
Video Feature: How Will Climate Change Affect Species?
NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow Michelle Lawing uses methods from the biological and geological sciences to study how species respond to climate change. In a recent study on the effects of climate change on rattlesnake geographic distributions, Dr. Lawing and her co-authors found that rattlesnakes do not adapt as fast as the climate has changed, and the changing climate, as opposed to evolutionary change, was the driving force behind shifts in distributions of rattlesnakes in the past 320,000 years. Dr. Lawing explains in this video interview.
Upcoming Research and Training Opportunities at NIMBioS
Applications are now being accepted for the NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Analyzing Animal Vocal Sequences, to be held Oct. 21-23, 2013, at NIMBioS. The workshop goal is to bridge the gap between mathematical and biological researchers with an interest in the quantitative analysis of animal vocal sequences. The workshop will define the state of the art, explore new horizons for collaboration, and provide new techniques. Application deadline: June 24, 2013. For more information about the workshop and how to apply, click here.
September 1 is the deadline for submitting proposals for new scientific and educational activities at NIMBioS, including Working GroupsInvestigative WorkshopsSabbatical Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Fellowships. Although all areas at the interface of mathematics and biology are acceptable, potential organizers are particularly encouraged to submit requests for Working Groups and Investigative Workshops in areas of molecular biology, cell biology, network biology, and systems biology. Click here for details.
Applications are now being accepted for the NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Transmission of Vectored Plant Viruses, to be held March 17-19, 2014, at NIMBioS. This workshop will bring together experts in plant pathogens, agronomy, and vector and plant virology, physiology, and ecology with mathematical and statistical modelers to discuss problems in prevention and control of vector transmission of plant pathogens. Application deadline: October 28, 2013. For more information and how to apply, click here.
Are you a graduate student interested in getting more research experience in mathematical biology with top-notch scientists? The new Visiting Graduate Student Fellowship supports visits to NIMBioS for up to several months by graduate students interested in pursuing research with NIMBioS senior personnel, postdoctoral fellows or working group participants.Applications are considered year-round. For more information about the fellowship and how to apply, click here.


The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) brings together researchers from around the world to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries to investigate solutions to basic and applied problems in the life sciences. NIMBioS is funded by the National Science Foundation in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.


NIMBioS is located at the Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
1122 Volunteer Blvd, Suite 122, Knoxville, TN 37996-3410
Phone: +1 865 974 9334
Fax: +1 865 974 9461
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