June 29, 2016

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Mike Brady

Money can and should do good things:  for you, your family, and the causes you believe in


Michael Brady, President
Generosity Wealth Management
  885 Arapahoe Ave.
Boulder, CO  80302

P 303.747.6455
F 858.947.3807
Registered Representative of and securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc.  Member FINRA/SIPC
Investment Advisor Representative, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc, a Registered Investment Advisory firm. 
Generosity Wealth Management, LLC and Cambridge Investment Research, lnc. are not affiliated companies 

The information being provided is strictly as a courtesy.  Our company makes no representation as to the completeness or accuracy of information provided at these sites. Nor is the company liable for any direct or indirect technical or system issues or any consequences arising out of your access to or your use of third-party technologies, sites, information and programs made available through this site. When you access one of these sites, you assume total responsibility and risk for your use of the sites you are linking to.


The Dow Jones Industrial Average is an unmanaged, price-weighted index of 30 large capitalization stocks with dividends reinvested.


The Standard & Poor's 500 Index ("S&P 500") is an unmanaged, market capitalization weighted index of 500 widely held stocks, with

dividends reinvested, and is often used as a proxy for the stock market. 


The Nasdaq Composite is an unmanaged, market capitalization weighted index of stocks listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, and are reported as price return without reinvestment of dividends.


Indexes are often used as a proxy for the stock market and cannot be invested in directly.


Diversification and Asset Allocation Strategies do not assure profit or protect against loss in a generally declining market  

Brexit Thoughts
"We must, indeed, hang together or, most assuredly, we shall hang separately" - Benjamin Franklin 

Have you heard they had this little referendum in Britain last week?  Of course you did, because unless you're on a deserted island (and you're not because I just emailed this to you), that's all the news seems to be talking about.

Is this the end of the world as we know it? 

What is my view of the year to date markets, and it's place in the bigger picture?

What are my 5 tips for how to handle volatile situations?

Answers to all of these (and more!) in the video below.  Click on it!

2016 06 27 - Brexit Thoughts 
2016 06 27 - Brexit Thoughts

Wealth Does Not Always Equal Wellness

I was interviewed last month about "does wealth always equal wellness?", and "does money buy happiness?".

My answer is an emphatic NO!

I know people with lots of money who have anxiety, and those with very little who are happy.  Your relationship with money is important, and one of the best things a parent can do is to prepare their children for the proper relationship with that money.

This article appeared in Financial Advisor Magazine, so it was targeted towards other advisors, but those of you who know me well will recognize my philosophy within the article.

Click here for the full article 




Hillary vs. Donald Trump - Here's How Wall Street Sees it   

In the midst of this election year, the question of Hillary or Donald is on everyone's mind.

I seem to get asked it all the time, and was recently asked by US News and World Report for one of their articles.

I basically went back to 1976 and did an analysis of other presidential elections.  8 out of 10 since 1976 have had election years positive.  Interesting........

Read the full article here. 


Full Article - Hillary Client vs. Donald Trump: Here's How Wall Street Sees It


U.S. Stocks were positive 73% of the time


With an unmanaged stock market index going back to 1926, 73% of the time U.S. Stocks were positive.  When you add in the "slightly negative" column of declines from 0 to 10%, that adds up to about 87% positive or slightly negative.

The future could absolutely be different, and you have to ensure it fits with your individual goals. 
Blue Belt - Muay Thai    
After years of wanting some kind of Martial Arts training, I joined a Muay Thai Kickboxing gym about 1.5 years ago.  Since then, I've lost 43 lbs, added muscle, and am having a ball. 

I tested for my most recent belt (blue) this past month.

The important thing is that I'm having fun, in the best shape of my life, and staying healthy.

I'll keep you posted in the coming years as I work towards my black belt and beyond.

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I'm here to help!....

I'd love to talk more with you about the above topics or anyway I can help you grow and preserve your money while providing for yourself, your family, and community. 
