WV Association of Geospatial Professionals
Message from the President
Dear WV GIS Community,
 | Hussein Elkhansa |
I am pleased to inform you that the Outreach and Training Committee recently completed another training survey which the committee will use the results to schedule training events for this next year. Thank you to everyone who completed the training survey.
I hope to see many of you at the Annual Conference, June 2-5, in Charleston, another excellent opportunity to learn about the latest geospatial activities in the Mountain State while networking with your colleagues.
Hussein Elkhansa, GISP WVAGP President Mapping the Mountain State
GIS Day (Wednesday, November 20, 2013)
Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 is GIS Day! Events are being held at the following locations:
For more information or to participate, contact individual organizations above.
Need help hosting an event next year? Go to gisday.com for more information about GIS Day and everything you need know to host an event for your community.
WV Flood Tool Highlights
|  The online WV Flood Tool allows floodplain managers, insurance agents, developers, real estate agents, local planners and citizens to make informed decisions about the degree of flood risk for a specific area or property. This tool has been updated with several improvement, including the addition of: - Effective digital flood hazard data for 16 counties
- Advisory Flood Height data for Approximate A Zones for select counties
- FEMA Flood Insurance Study Profiles
- Mitigated buyout properties, CRS communities, HUC-8 watersheds, WV Sheriffs Association imagery, parcels, 2-ft contours for Monongalia County
Communications Committee |
The Communications Committee has met twice since the 2013 Annual meeting in May via conference calls. The committee makes every effort to maintain all communication portals for the WVAGP members and community. Recent events include updating the Cadastral Listserv and adding a new Listserv group for Flood Mapping.
The Communications Committee is active in finding new ways to communicate through social media. If you haven't done so, "like us" on our Facebook page and keep updated as the conference in June gets closer. We have also recently established a Twitter account (follow us: @wvagp) and are looking into documenting events through Instagram. As we develop these further, we will post updates on our Facebook page.
- Adam Cottrell, GISP - Communications Committee Chair
Technical Issues Committee | The Technical Issues Committee met in Flatwoods on November 4th, 2013 for a full day to examine several key issues. While Frank LaFone and Yueming Wu presided over the meeting, these issues were categorized into wider-ranging groups. These are to be examined further with sub-committees. The Sub-Committees are:
- Aerial Mapping
- Metadata
- Web Services
- Tax Map Parcels
- Hydrology
Sub-committees are going to work on getting together by emails and conference calls and the goal is for each committee to report back to the full technical issues committee in January. The Technical Issues Committee will continue to meet by conference call as needed leading up to the WV GIS Conference in June 2014.
- Jennings Starcher, Technical Issues Committee member and WVAGP Treasurer
Outreach Committee - 2013 Training Survey
|  The Outreach & Training Committee has published the results of the recent training survey. Click here to view survey results and high interest areas for training.
- Paul Wray, Outreach Committee Chair |