WV Association of Geospatial Professionals
Message from the President
Dear WV GIS Community,
 | Hussein Elkhansa |
I am pleased to inform you that our WVAGP membership has increased to 300 members, the largest it has ever been since our organization was chartered in 2007. I attribute the increase to the training and other events that WVAGP has organized, along with the GIS communication networks that WVAGP has established to bring GIS professionals in West Virginia together.
I hope to see many of you at the WVAGP Annual Meeting at Stonewall Jackson Resort on May 13-14, another excellent opportunity to learn about the latest geospatial activities in the Mountain State while networking with your colleagues.
Hussein Elkhansa, GISP WVAGP President Mapping the Mountain State
2013 Annual Meeting & Workshops (May 13-14)
The WVAGP Annual Meeting & Workshops will be here soon. It is not too late to register!
- Over 100 people and 11 exhibitors have registered for the conference
- 2 days of presentations including 4 workshops on ArcGIS Online, Mobile, Lidar, & Tax Maps
- Speakers John Amos from SkyTruth and Civil War Historian Hunter Lesser
- Evening social barbeque for networking with professionals and friends
GIS Training at WV GIS Technical Center
 | Robb Shaffer |
A major objective of WVAGP is to make training affordable for its members; and so this past year, as Chair of the Training Committee, I and others have worked earnestly to organize professional development and training opportunities for the WV GIS Community.
Click here to view all the GIS training workshops being offered this spring and summer by the WV GIS Technical Center, Department of Geology & Geography, West Virginia University. Registration is first come first served.
Election of Board of Directors | Don't forget to vote for 6 directors for the 2013 WVAGP Board Election. >> 2013 WVAGP Election Packet << |
2013 Membership Survey
| Please take a few minutes to complete a 2013 membership survey to help the WVAGP Board plan the future directions of the Association. Your feedback is important! |
WV Sheriffs Association Imagery Service
 | 4" Imagery |
WV 2010-12 Sheriffs Association Imagery: Click here for information about the WV Sheriffs Associations 12" and 4" aerial photography Web map service. A number of organizations are accessing this new statewide imagery.