Newsletter Carol Ebert
Carol Ebert RN, Wellness Practitioner

The Beatles Guidebook to Retirement


I was recently reminded how much I love the Beatles when I saw their 50th Anniversary TV show and the reunion of Paul and Ringo. I even watched the show twice because it was so amazing and sang along with most of their hit songs. What a great time!

They were definitely a huge part of my developmental years because of their creative music, their social consciousness and their path to spiritual enlightenment. Now I am a bit older but realize their words still resonate with this next phase of life called Retirement. (tho I like to call it Re-Wirement instead).

So here we go - see if these tunes bring new meaning to you as well!

When I'm 64

Now is the time to look ahead toward what is next for you. It's coming whether you like it or not, so start creating your exit strategy from working for an institution so you won't be caught off guard.


Here Comes the Sun

Those cloudy and stormy days at work are going to soon be over and there is a bright new future ahead for you. If you're stuck in negative thinking, start shifting to positive about all the possibilities ahead.          


Magical Mystery Tour

There are surprises ahead that you can't even imagine right now. Once you step into this new lifestyle be open to new opportunities you never dreamed of before. Stay alert for the signs when they occur.


All You Need is Love

What do you love to do so much that time flies when you are doing it? That could be your true passion - something you have always wanted to do but never had the time to do it. Now is the time!


Money (That's All I Want)

Whether you have a healthy bank account or not, more money means more ability to live the life of your dreams. If you love to work and want to keep going, turn your true passion into an income stream!


Day Tripper

Instead of working 9 to 5 every day and not having the free time you want for travel , you will now have all the freedom you need to go anywhere and everywhere whenever you want. Time to hit the road!


Yesterday - All My Troubles Seem So Far Away

YES you will experience withdrawal from the life of working in an institution. You've been there a long time and the structure has affected you in many ways. Expect to process some grief and loss.


Let it Be

You will miss being with people all day, and your work mates most of all, but they are still your friends so plan fun times with them to keep your relationships alive. Let go of old ways to make way for the new.


Strawberry Fields Forever

Think of the possibilities that lie ahead for you. No need for alarm clocks, every Monday and Friday off, being out and about any time of day, making exercise a priority - at last, these are "berry" good times.


I Want to Hold Your Hand

A bit overwhelming thinking of all of this as you transition thru the next phase leading into retirement? Having someone to hold your hand like a transition coach can be just what you might need right now. I know It helped me alot when I went thru this!


           But first, want to find out if you need one?

                        Check out this "first step".


Take this FREE Quiz to find out if you are ready for a Rockin' Retirement 

 Click here and take the Quiz!


What's Happening

     Lucy in the Sky

     with Diamonds

          Start beaming

         like a Diamond!



      Click here to start 

  looking younger today! 



            Hey Jude

Julian Lennon remembers his father and the Beatles
Julian Lennon remembers his father and the Beatles


          Here's your

       Ticket to Ride!


 It's about MONEY Honey!






     Click here for details 




Carol Ebert RN, Certified Wellness Practitioner and Coach Trainer | 507-643-6436 | |
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