arts schools network is the resource for arts schools leaders

asn denver national conference   
issue 115 l  december 3 2014 enews

ASN Members:

Thanks to all of our attendees at the exciting Denver conference in October. We would like to especially thank our generous sponsors for making it all possible.

Shout-outs to: Denver School of the Arts, sponsor and host school; Booker T. Washington, Dallas; Douglas Anderson, Jacksonville; Chosen; Columbia College Chicago; Webster University, St. Louis; Semple Brown Design, Denver; Orange County School of the Arts, Santa Ana; University of Colorado Denver, College of Arts and Media; Duke Ellington School, Washington, DC; New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts; Cal Arts, Valencia; Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle; Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design; College of Charleston, School of the Arts; and the Houston High School for the Performing and Visual Arts.

What an impressive list of supporters from all corners of the country.

Don't miss the Denver Conference Photo Gallery!

We are busy planning for our 2015 National Conference, October 21-24 2015, hosted by the Cornish College of the Arts, in downtown Seattle.

The conference theme is Technology and The Arts and we are putting out a CALL FOR PROPOSALS on any or all of the following items:

1. On Your Way student performances.
Designed to spotlight and recognize the amazing talents of ASN member schools' students, On Your Way began in 2011 as a student talent recognition and scholarship program.  In 2014, On Your Way evolved to spotlight even more of our members' students through group performances and showcases at the ASN National Conference.  

If you would like to bring students to perform, let us know. This could be for a short performance between sessions (30 minutes minimum) or as part of a collaborative performance with other schools. We are looking for a large concert hall in which to perform a large ensemble piece. Please note that each school will be responsible for their own students, financially and otherwise. There will be a student strand to keep them engaged throughout the conference. Other arts ideas: theater, visual, digital, dance, vocal . . . anything to delight and amaze the attendees and show off your school.

We will send directions on how to upload your student performance support materials for adjudication.

2. Session suggestions. Please submit if you would like to be a presenter. Teachers are highly encouraged to apply.

3. Technology. Anything that enriches our theme would be welcome: film, animation, special effects, digital media, new equipment, music technology.

Conference working theme is TECHNOLOGY AND THE ARTS.

Arts Schools Network is dedicated to serving leaders of arts schools. Please consider the unique needs of arts school leaders.

Only current members in good standing are invited to submit a proposal.

Concurrent conference sessions (60 minutes duration) are scheduled for THURSDAY OCTOBER 22 AND FRIDAY OCTOBER 23. You can request up to 120 minutes duration, which will be scheduled as Part 1 (60 minutes) and Part 2 (60 minutes). Audience maximum set to fifty participants. Post conference workshops (4 hours) are scheduled for SATURDAY OCTOBER 24.
Arts Schools Network is unable to compensate presenters who have their proposals accepted. Presentations are made on a voluntary basis at the expense of the presenter. If you wish to attend the conference, you will have to pay the conference registration fee and all travel related expenses.


The Arts Schools Network is taking its first journey into the Great Northwest in October 2015. We look forward to seeing you in Seattle, a city rich with artistic tradition and now on the cutting edge of technology and innovation. Also home to many fine arts schools and colleges, we look forward to expanding our reach into this region and further spreading the word that an arts education is the best preparation for any 21st century career.

Donn Harris, 2015 Seattle National Conference Chair

Executive and Artistic Director, Oakland School for the Arts

Pictured with Betty Siegel, Director of VSA & Accessibility, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
asn spotlights
conference survey lottery winners' spotlight

Special thanks to everyone who responded to our conference evaluation surveys and polls! These lucky three will get one free core conference registration to our national event in Seattle Oct 21-24 2015 hosted by Cornish College of the Arts, TECHNOLOGY AND THE ARTS.

Migdalia Castillo, Instructional Coach, Dickinson Fine Arts Academy, South Bend, IN "We gained a clearer understanding of how to integrate the arts with the core subjects and what types of arts programs are offered in other schools. Please continue to share new information as it emerges." 

Jeff Schultz, Fine Arts Coordinator, Tuscaloosa City Schools, AL "Visiting and learning about best practices for arts schools," and "networking with arts schools near to us, with similar grades and offerings, and of similar demographics, is a priority."

Marni Muenzer, Development and Almni Relations Associate, California State Summer School Arts Foundation, Pasadena, CA "I am looking forward to an arts summer school strand in 2015. Pre-college opportunities can be invaluable to young artists as they consider a career in the arts."      


app leaderboard members' spotlight
Why do you belong to ASN?

Kate Fioravanti, District Arts Supervisor, New London Public Schools, CT "Our State Arts Consultant initially told me about the organization. I've continued my involvement as it's incredibly relevant to my career and the conference was the best I'd ever attended."

Leah Sheikowitz, Music Teacher, New London Public Schools, CT "To connect and network with like minded Arts educators."

Katherine Walker, Dance Cluster Coordinator, Booker T. Washington HSPVA, TX "I am on faculty of one of the founding schools. I appreciate ASN for the networking, continued education and overall experience."

Alice Pixley Young, Lead Arts Teacher, Cincinatti School for Creative and Performing Arts, OH "I teach at an arts-centered high school- I think collaboration and dialogue with other programs is necessary for growth and success."

What value does
ASN provide?

Janis Minty, Principal, Edwin S. Richards Elementary School, Mission, British Columbia "A chance to network with others, gain practical, useful ideas to take back to those who are not in attendance from our staff, and take the challenge of moving forward with new ideas to improve the learning experiences for our kids at our school.

Even though everyone has a different funding formula, organizational model, and constraints for their programs it is the realization that no matter what we are doing in our schools, ASN provides us with the confidence that our mission and belief in teaching with and through the arts is right for children. It is good for my own personal well being- workshops and especially the performances by the students rejuvenates me and gives me joy in my chosen career as I learn with others."

ed glassmanWhat do you hope to get out of this conference?
Ed Glassman, Video Cinema Arts Teacher, Denver School of the Arts, CO "Connections with moviemaking teachers across the country. Also find standards related to this field of study."

What do you want ASN to do more of?

kate schatz
Marlene Funk, Principal, Abbotsford School of Integrated Arts, Sumas Mountain, British Coloumbia "Continue to host a safe environment to share issues."

Kate Shatz, Director, Literary Arts, Oakland School of the Arts "Support student collaboration/exchanges, and support teaching working artists."


conference student performances' spotlight 
Listed in chronological performance order:

Denver School of the Arts, Middle School Theater Scenes, Shawn Hann and Brandon Becker, Theater Directors

NOCCA Jazz Ensemble, Khari Lee, Music Director, New Orleans Center for Creative Arts

Denver School of the Arts Middle School Guitar Ensemble, Richard Serianni, Guitar Program Director

Orange County School of the Arts, Classical and Contemporary Dance- Steven B. Hyde, Director

Denver School of the Arts Theater scenes from MacBeth, Brandon Becker, Director

Orange County School of the Arts - MONTAGE!, Cindy Peca, Creative Director; Ryannlee Davis, Choreographer; Melissa Wackerman, Vocal Director; Steven B. Hyde, Director

Creative Arts Academy at Kunsmiller Elementary Choir - Teacher Director: Sarah Burton, K-12 Vocal Music Instructor

Denver School of the Arts Dance Ensemble, Alicia Karczewksi and Michael O'Banion, Dance Department Directors

Denver School of the Arts, Video Cinema Student Video Showing, Ed Glassman and Amy McGrath, Video Cinema Department Directors

Denver School of the Arts Jazz Choir and Opera Scenes, Robert Styron, Vocal Music Director; Bryan Stinar, Resident Vocal Artist

Electric Rock Orchestra (ELRO), Idaho Arts Charter School, Christine Jenkins, Orchestra Director, Nampa, ID

Noel Community Arts School Advanced Dancers, Paige Farlow, Director, Denver, CO

Colorado Springs Conservatory, Growing up at the Colorado Springs Conservatory

Duke Ellington School of the Arts, New Washingtonians Jazz Combo @ Ellington, Davey Yarborough, Director, Washington, DC

Creative Arts Academy at Kunsmiller, "AACK" (Improvisational Theater) - Teacher Director: Lacey Ruskin, Secondary Drama Instructor; Student Director: Adrian Ortiz, KCAA Junior, Denver, CO

Creative Arts Academy at Kunsmiller - K-2 Dance Ensemble - Teacher Director: William Starn, Elementary Classical Dance Instructor, Denver, CO

Denver School of the Arts Brass Ensemble, Dave Hammond, Director
call for submissions:
equitable access to arts education in school and community arts programs

national core arts standards ABOUT National Core Arts Standards - Arts Standards for the 21st Century

The new  national core arts standards bring a world of expressive and purposeful ideas for dance, music, theatre and visual arts, and for the first time, they include national arts standards specific to the emerging art form of Media Arts.  Housed in an interactive home and created by educators for educators, these standards and their accompanying model cornerstone assessments are a valuable tool to guide arts curriculum planning and instruction now and into the future. 

, each episode 10 minutes long 

Episode 1 National Core Arts Standards, the 21st Century and Media Arts: Who? What? Where? How?

Episode 2 Diving in Deeper: A closer look at the Media Arts Standards

Episode 3 Model Cornerstone Assessments: choose them, use them, make them your own 

SPEAKER  Cory Wilkerson, Project Manager, State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) 

Ms. Cory Wilkerson is a former arts educator currently working in arts consulting and administration.  Ms. Wilkerson was a contributing editor to the Pennsylvania Arts and Humanities standards, served on the Pennsylvania Assessment through Themes project, co-chaired the Arts Committee for Pennsylvania Standards Aligned Systems, and consults on the Pennsylvania Student Learning Objectives initiative.  In her capacity as Project Director for the State Education Agency for Directors of Arts Education, Ms. Wilkerson served with the National Coalition for Core Arts (NCCAS)  standards working on the new national core arts standards; and is a member of the NCCAS Media Arts leadership committee.  
Online Applications:

Five Easy Steps to Getting Your Students in Front of Top Performing and Visual Arts Programs

10 minutes long

High School counselors please join us for 30 minutes to learn how you can help connect your talented students with hundreds of college and university programs. Acceptd has created an online community where your students can create a free performance and/or visual art portfolio that can be seen by admissions departments and program chairs from some of the world's most prestigious higher education institutions. During this webinar we'll share with you how to easily disseminate information to your students so that they can be part of this online network, apply for scholarships, and discover new opportunities in higher education!

Brian McGarry is Senior Vice President at Acceptd. Having spent the last 15 years in education publishing he is excited to be working with an ed tech company that's helping to connect students with new performance and educational opportunities.

Acceptd is the premier arts network for application management, recruiting and marketing services used by hundreds of schools, festivals, competitions and professional organizations. Including Arts Schools Network's On Your Way scholarships! Acceptd believes the right opportunities should be accessible to any student regardless of geography or socio-economic status and has developed software to accomplish this. Consider the possibilities.  
call for submissions:
equitable access to arts education in school and community arts programs

Call for Submissions for Special Focus Issue of
Arts Education Policy Review:

equitable access to arts education in school and community arts programs

Arts Education Policy Review presents discussion of major policy issues in arts education in the United States and throughout the world. Addressing education in music, visual arts, theatre, and dance, the journal presents a variety of views and emphasizes critical analysis. Its goal is to produce the most comprehensive and rigorous exchange of ideas available on arts education policy. Policy examinations from multiple viewpoints are a valuable resource not only for arts educators, but also for administrators, policy analysts, advocacy groups, parents, and audiences- all those involved in the arts and concerned about their role in education.

Arts Education Policy Review seeks articles addressing or related to any of the following topics:
  • Analysis of policy in relation to access to education in dance, music, theater and visual arts in school and community settings
  • Descriptions of innovative arts programs with a focus on equitable access
  • Discussions of education policy with regard to P-12 arts educator quality and student access to certified arts educators
  • Examinations of national, state and local policies for high school graduation and college admission and their impact on education in the arts
  • Equitable access in relation to arts teacher preparation in higher education
  • Authors are reminded that Taylor and Francis offers many opportunities to use electronic resources to support print text in AEPR articles and encourages submissions that may explore these resources.

  • Arts Education Policy Review receives all manuscript submissions electronically via its ScholarOne Manuscripts site located at:
  • ScholarOne Manuscripts allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts, and facilitates the review process and internal communication between authors, editors, and reviewers via a web-based platform. ScholarOne technical support can be accessed at:
  • If you have any other requests, please contact Colleen Conway, Editor-in-Chief, at
denver conference sponsors - thank you!
Denver School of the Arts, CO
Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, Dallas TXDouglas Anderson School of the Arts, Jacksonville, FL Chosen columbia college chicago
Webster University, St. Louis, MO Semple Brown Design, Denver, CO University of Colorado Denver College of Arts & Media Denver, CO
Idaho Arts Charter School, Nampa, ID Duke Ellington School of the Arts, Washington, D.C. New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, LA
CalArts, Valencia, CA Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle, WA
Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD) School of the Arts, College of Charleston, SC High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, Houston, TX

Acceptd Inc. 
Denver Center for the Performing Arts 
Dr. Denise Davis-Cotton 

Cleo Parker Robinson Dance 
Idyllwild Arts Academy 
Interlochen Center for the Arts 
Oakland School for the Arts 
Sidley Austin LLP 
The Office of VSA and Accessibility, a Jean Kennedy Smith Arts and Disability �Program, Education Division, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Denver School of the Arts 
Denver Center for the Performing Arts 
Creative Arts Academy at Kunsmiller 
University of Colorado Denver, College of Arts & Media 
Lamont School of Music, University of Denver 
University of Denver, Newman Center for the Arts 
The Center for Visual Art, Metropolitan State University of Denver 
VSA Colorado/Access Gallery


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LYNX National Arts & Media Camp
June 14-26 2015
Creating Life Changing Experiences for High School Students
Presented By
CU Denver College of Arts & Media
arts school guide

arts standards
asn calendar of events

december 2014
OPEN call for proposals to present session and/or bring a student performance national conference
october 21-24 2015
theme arts + technology
host, cornish college of the arts
seattle, washington

january 15 - 16 2015
board of directors' meeting 
douglas anderson school of the arts
jacksonville, florida

january 2015
OPEN awards nominations  
OPEN exemplary schools applications and renewals

january 31 2015  
DEADLINE proposals for sessions and/or student performances 

february 2015 
membership renewal campaign begins 
ADJUDICATION of student performances for national conference using getacceptd 
NOTIFICATION of national conference session and/or student performance acceptance

march 15 2015 
DEADLINE awards nominations
DEADLINE exemplary schools applications and renewals     

april 2015
NOTIFICATION awards nominations
NOTIFICATION exemplary schools applications and renewals

april 30 - may 1 2015
board of directors' board meeting
cornish college of the arts
seattle, washington

october 21 - 24 2015
annual conference
theme arts + technology
cornish college of the arts
seattle, washington

october 24 - 28 2016
annual conference
booker t. washington school of the performing and visual arts
dallas, texas

Learn more.

denver conference photos


arts schools network is a non-profit association founded in 1981, dedicated to providing leaders within arts schools
quality resources, support, and networking opportunities.

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PO BOX 5534 Key West, FL 33045

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