April 9, 2015 / Issue 185


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Renee's Organic Oven
Seaver Franks

"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life."

-- - John Muir 

Palm Oil vs Rainforests

(The Winner Might Surprise You) 


From the minute I starting interviewing three bright and very enthusiastic students from the University of Arizona last week, I knew what the content of this newsletter simply had to be - a wake-up call and informative newsletter about palm oil. Yikes! So here is the Mrs. Green version of "Just the facts, Jack" for you to ponder, digest and hopefully feel very inspired to educate yourself and make better, healthier choices for you, your loved ones, and the people suffering because of the demand for this cheap filler. And, oh, did I mention Mother Earth?

Some facts about palm oil: 

  • It's high in saturated fat and NOT a healthy alternative to trans fats
  • Exports from Indonesia are extremely high. Consumption in the U.S. is about 2.7 billion lbs. per year (talk about Rainforest Devastation)
  • It's in everything: food, bath products, toothpaste, peanut butter, just about every kind of candy. If you care to read the BIG list, you are only one click away.
  • High demand requires more plantations which equals MASSIVE destruction of primary forests. It hurts me to even write about it.
  • The majority of species living in those forests are critically endangered and there is evidence that plantation workers have poisoned elephants and have killed orangutans. (Ready to start reading your labels yet?)
  • Human rights abuses continue to be reported: child labor, slavery and abuse of palm oil plantation workers (as in some of the workers are locked up at night so they can't escape.)
  • An estimated 0.81-2.57 gigatons of carbon were released into the atmosphere by slash and burn fires used to clear rainforests in Indonesia for palm oil. Scientists estimate that this resulted in anywhere between 13-40% of the mean annual global carbon emissions from fossil fuels in 1997 (World Wildlife Fund)

And believe it or not, I could go on but what's the point? As I have written many times before in this newsletter, to know better is to do better. Even if every single person reading this newsletter committed to identifying ONE thing they consume on a regular basis that contains palm oil and eliminate it from their grocery list, we could start the shift. AND if each of us took the time to contact the manufacturer of that product, we might be able to start a small revolution - or save the life of a child slave or a defenseless orangutan. I never get tired of repeating the words of the Lorax "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not!" Here's to caring a whole awful lot.

If you would like to hear more about palm oil from the three bright minds from the University of Arizona you are only one click away!


Mrs. Green's Local Love Giveaway!

You already know we love the locals - where we live and when we visit other cities. Please check out the following locations and times for some meet and greet Mrs. Green opportunities. We would love to see your smiling faces at all of them because they are fun and there is always something new to learn when you make it a great green day. Your motivation? You could be the proud winner of a gift basket filled with great, green goodies worth over $600! Prizes include gift certificates to Prep & Pastry, Renee's Organic Oven, AVEDA products, VerVe services, S'well Bottle, Isabella's Ice Cream, Bookmans Sports Exchange, and more. Here is how you enter but read carefully because you have to mention the magic Mrs. Green phrase that pays in order to be entered!


VerVe - Aveda Lifestyle Concept Salon and Spa

2951 N Swan

Friday, April 24th from 4pm to 6pm

Bookmans Sports Exchange 

3330 E Speedway Blvd

Saturday, April 25th from 2pm to 4pm

*Aveda Book Reception - La Encantada Mall Store

2905 E Skyline Dr. #237

Saturday, May 23rd from 1pm to 2:30pm


(Update from Mrs. Green. The book signing at Mostly Books was a blast. Thanks to everyone who came to meet and greet me! Take the time to read all these details because the book is worth the read and the prizes are truly awesome!) 

*The winner will be announced at the end of this reception at La Encantada so spread the good green word, visit us often and get ready for a big green hug from Mrs. Green. Winner need NOT be present and needless to say, no paid Mrs. Green's World staff are eligible to win.

When you arrive, find a Mrs. Green's World team member and share the secret password - Calling Back and you will be entered to win. Want to earn additional entries to win? Of course you do! Read on...

Bring an un-signed copy of Mrs. Green's debut book, Your Mother Called (Mother Earth)...You'd better call her back! To be signed or purchase a copy of the book during the event...earn 2 additional entries!

Become a Mrs. Green's World Sustainer at the Down to Earth level or higher during the event...earn 5 additional entries plus a signed copy of Your Mother Called!


Remember the password: Calling Back!


Mrs. Green's Earth Month Invitation:


  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Get our amazing FREE App
Listening to our amazing shows is VERY EASY. Smart phone? Go to Play store, put Iglu Radio in the search bar and press install! iPhone or iPad? Go the APP Store, search for Iglu Radio and install. They are free of course! Five shows already up at press time and counting! I really hope you will download this app and let us know what you think. The Food Series shows are OUTSTANDING!



In honor of Earth Month, we are doing a special series to Celebrate Family Special Series showing casing some of our amazing previously broadcast shows.  We hope you will enjoy them and as always, find one more way to take a small green step.
April 11
Earth Month Series: Preserving the Planet is a Family Affair
Mommy Greenest - aired on 1.11.14

Rachel Lincoln-Sarnoff 

Ready for this tagline? "We guard the nest of the world." Mommy Greenest is rapidly becoming THE resource for healthier parenting with less judgment - because the founder and our guest, Rachel, believes you shouldn't have to be a scientist to raise healthy kids. Rachel brings quite a bit to the credibility table in this arena. She is the former CEO of Healthy Child Healthy World, was editor of Children magazine and then had three children of her own. She who does not sleep is also the designer of Bird in Hand upcycled accessories and author of The Big List of Things That Suck. Rachel was featured in Los Angeles and Lucky magazines and has appeared on "The Today Show" and "CNN Headline News," among others. Rachel is actually a repeat guest and I  am proud to interview her about her finest role ever - so far. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.


April 18
Earth Month Series: Preserving the Planet is a Family Affair
Good Food on a Tight Budget - aired on 5.3.14

Dawn Undurraga, Nutritionist,  Environmental Working Group

Dawn has witnessed first-hand how our current food system affects people's lives, and she is committed to shaping policies for a more sustainable and healthful future, informed by research. Imagine that!!! Leave it to EWG to help us find a way to stretch our dollars to get a month's worth of healthy, filling food. They assessed nearly 1,200 foods and hand-picked the best 100 that pack in nutrients at a good price, with the fewest pesticides, contaminants and artificial ingredients. Affordable healthy foods? Don't you want to know what they are? Join us to find out! This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.

April 25
Earth Month Series: Preserving the Planet is a Family Affair
Paying it Forward - aired on 10.4.14

Olivia and Carter Ries, One More Generation

Kids do care about the future. Here's proof. One More Generation (OMG) was founded by two elementary students in Fayetteville, GA.  Carter (now 13) and his sister Olivia (now 11.5) are extremely passionate about animals and conservation and vowed to do something about it. Their pet project? They have been adopting Cheetahs in South Africa over the past few years - ever since they heard that Cheetahs, along with so many other species were close to extinction, they knew they had to act. So, of course, they started a totally independent nonprofit, and started educating other kids in every way you can imagine. Carter and Olivia have received a prestigious award from Captain Planet. And yes, I repeat, neither is old enough to drive. Don't you want to join me? This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


May 2
Earth Month Series: Preserving the Planet is a Family Affair
FED UP, the Movie, the Movement - aired on 6.21.14

Producer Laurie David

For the past 30 years, everything we thought we knew about food and exercise is dead wrong. Laurie David, author of The Family Dinner, Oscar-winning producer of An Inconvenient Truth, and outstanding thought leader in our time, is now part of yet another shocker. FED UP is the film the food industry doesn't want you to see. From Katie Couric, Laurie David, and director Stephanie Soechtig, FED UP will change the way you eat forever. Not sure if Mr. Green is ready for another MAJOR shift.  Are you? This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.


Mrs. Green's World
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, streaming on the Internet.
Great Updates

Mrs. Green's radio show now being broadcast on My 92.9 and is also carried on DreamVisions 7 Radio Network, Blogtalk Radio, Green DivasGlimmerglass, and Speak Up Talk Radio. Our expansion and impact continue and for that we are extremely grateful! 

Spread the Green Word!
If you enjoyed this newsletter, please pass it on to a friend using the "forward email" link below. Thank you!

Mrs. Green welcomes your comments and feedback:
[email protected]