April 10, 2014 / Issue 160


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"Those concerned with the fight against disease know that our bodies are designed to overcome disease processes before they become established. Our systems are readily disrupted by toxins and an absence of sufficient quantities of nutrients."

         - Nutritional Cancer Therapy Trust 


What We ARE Eating & Why We SHOULD Care  (Six Really Good Reasons) 


The very good news is that we recorded the first show for our eight-show series, "What Am I Eating and Why Should I Care: It Starts with Your Fork," which are funded from our recently completed Kickstarter Campaign. The guest, Ocean Robbins, was stellar. He and his Dad, John Robbins (as in Baskin Robbins) have literally started a food revolution: The Food Revolution Network. After we aired the show, my toughest critic, Mr. Green, said, "I hope thousands of people listen to this podcast. Ocean was that good."


Now for the "other news." Ocean and John were inspired to start this food revolution because they know that toxic food is fueling epidemics of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, ill health and environmental destruction. They wanted to create a network to share insights we can all trust and provide support we can use from some of the top food experts on the planet. And they are succeeding. 


In addition to creating the Food Revolution Network, the Robbins's host an online summit each year - this year they will feature Jane Goddall, Vandana Shiva, Woody Harrelson, Alicia Silverstone AND they have a great endorsement about the Summit from Paul McCartney. So why am I telling you all this? Because I care. I care so much I am borderline obsessed with helping to spread the word about healthy eating as far and as wide and as frequently as I can. I do not want to be Debbie Downer. I simply want to do my part to inspire all of us to care enough about what we put into our bodies. 


This is the part where I let facts get in the way and where I keep my fingers crossed that I have held your attention long enough to have you read this far down.  Hopefully, this will inspire you to check out the Food Revolution Summit on your own, to become a master in label reading and maybe even commit to changing at least one habit. I know I have shared factoids like these in the past but until the pendulum swings and we all start getting healthier, I will keep showing up reminding all of us that there are things we can do to eat healthier, that we can take on Agri-business by voting with our feet and that we are all worth it!


Here are six really good reasons why we should care about what's on our fork:  
  • Half of Americans who reach the age of 85 have Alzheimer's disease. Studies say the unhealthy, typical American diet TRIPLES your level of risk.
  • Factory farms aren't just cruel to animals. They're also breeding antibiotic resistant bacteria that killed more than 20,000 people last year.
  • In the last 20 years, hospitalizations for food allergies have tripled.
  • Some scientists have linked genetically engineered foods to toxic and allergic reactions in people; to sickness, sterility and fatalities in livestock; and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals.
  • Toxic pesticides developed as agents of war and linked to cancer, sterility, and birth defects are routinely poured on farmland, and traces of them wind up in the food you eat.
  • You can prevent or even in some cases reverse heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, memory loss, constipation, fatigue, and many forms of cancer by eating healthy, delicious food!

If you read this far down AND are the first person to email Kelly@mrsgreensworld.com, a copy of Straight From the Earth  by Myra and Marea Goodman will be on its way to you. You will love it!  And if you are in the top five, I will be happy to mail you a Mrs. Green signature reusable bag. Geez - I really am grateful to have such a loyal tribe of newsletter subscribers.  


Inspired to Share on Instagram?



In the spirit of Earth Month and in our never ending commitment to keep things fun and "modern" we have a cool Instagram contest going on now. It's all about sharing healthy recipes and, of course, winning some swell prizes - like a $100 gift certificate to Whole Foods or a really S'well bottle!  


Don't Forget to Pump It Up!


In my last newsletter, I shared that I had NO idea that US drivers waste two million gallons of gas per DAY due to under-inflated tires. Nor did I know that if I check my tire pressure monthly, I would conserve approximately 144 gallons of gas per YEAR (not to mention almost $500, too!). If you haven't checked out what one governmental agency is doing to spread the good green word about why we all need to Pump It Up when it comes to our tires, I hope you will.   


Not from Tucson?  The facts about tire pressure apply everywhere so please check out this page.


Did You Help Kickstart Us? Look for Your Name Here!


More names of people "from the village" who helped fund our Kickstarter. And, yes, people do read this. I got an email from a friend asking me why her name wasn't included. Drum roll please...Kayla Staples, Myra Goodman, Lisa Jakobsen, Michael Dousette, Ginamarie Slattery, Kim Ray, Kimberly Coalson, Georgeann Casey, Marion Feller, Chris Boyd, Dale Lemonds, Bev & Brent Robbins, Kathy Sawyer, John Orcutt, Alexcis Spencer, Tom Curtin, Jennifer Rice, Lori Carstens, Debbie Feldner Claggett, Neb Yonas, Pris Hodges, Caryn Bustos, Jim Hobbs and Bobbi Hinderlang.  YOU ARE LOVED AND APPRECIATED! 



April 12

Episode 2:  The Pleasure Trap: Mastering The Hidden Force that Undermines Health and Happiness

Doug Lisle, PhD, Director of TrueNorth Health Center (featured in the infamous Forks Over Knives), author and advocate for plant-based diet

According to people who know him, Dr. Lisle really is delightfully candid and warm (and totally hilarious) and is one of psychology's most innovate and curious minds. Deeply dedicated to exploring the mysteries of human behavior from fresh, uncharted waters, his research in evolutionary psychology and its impact on health, happiness and the pursuit of pleasure is generating critical acclaim. Translation? He will inform and delight us and I can't wait. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson and is a part of our "What Am I Eating & Why Should I Care?" series on healthy eating, healthy planet, healthy you.


April 19

Episode 3:  Saving Seeds for Future Generations

Diane Ott Wheatley, Co-founder and Vice President, Seed Savers Exchange

Diane has been a national leader in the heirloom seed movement and a strong advocate for the protection of the earth's rare genetic food stocks for over 30 years. She is a featured speaker at garden shows and botanical gardens throughout the county. Diane will share with us why saving heirloom seeds is so important and how SSE has grown from a small group of passionate gardeners to one of the most active and effective seed saving organizations in the world. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona Tucson and is a part of our "What Am I Eating & Why Should I Care?" series on healthy eating, healthy planet, healthy you.


April 22


MARCI ZAROFF, Eco Lifestyle Pioneer

Get ready for Marci Zaroff and get ready to change your life. Marci's mission is to revolutionize the global fashion and textile industries, driving sustainability through creative vision, inspiration, education, collaboration & innovation, She is a recognized visionary and authority in organic/sustainable apparel & home fashions and has created a unique development, distribution and monitoring business model to ensure that the process and the products remain pure, transparent and authentic.  Do you know where your clothing comes from and at what cost in terms of the human capital? Do you know that most cotton is toxic and water heavy? Join us to find out what the Number One Green Fashionista and the revolution she is helping to create with other thought leaders paving the way for all of us. 


April 26

Episode 4: Straight from the Earth

Myra Goodman, Founder, Earthbound Farm

Although Myra grew up eating mostly processed foods & very little fresh produce, her diet has evolved to being very healthy for the past twenty years. When Myra & her daughter Marea decided to write Straight from the Earth, a cookbook with irresistible vegan recipes, they started to create delicious meals WITHOUT meat.  Myra will share with us why she eats organic whenever possible, why she is eating fewer animal products and share with us the discoveries for both of them during this Mother-Daughter Collaboration. Inform, delight, inspire?  Yes. You can count on it.  This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies and is a part of our "What Am I Eating & Why Should I Care?" series on healthy eating, healthy planet, healthy you.


May 3
Episode 5: Good Food on a Tight Budget
Dawn Underraga, Nutritionist, Environmental Working Group
Dawn has witnessed first-hand how our current food system affects people's lives, and she is committed to shaping policies for a more sustainable and healthful future, informed by research. Imagine that!!!  Leave it to EWG to help us find a way to stretch our dollars to get a month's worth of healthy, filling food. They assessed nearly 1,200 foods and hand-picked the best 100 that pack in nutrients at a good price, with the fewest pesticides, contaminants and artificial ingredients.  Affordable healthy foods? Don't you want to know what they are?  Join us to find out!  This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson and is a part of our "What Am I Eating & Why Should I Care?" series on healthy eating, healthy planet, healthy you.  
Mrs. Green's World
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, streaming on the Internet.
Mrs. Green's Expanded Reach
Mrs. Green's radio show is also carried on the DreamVisions 7 Radio Network and Glimmerglass RadioStay tuned for more good news about expansion to more markets in 2014. Go big or go home - right? 

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