November 20, 2013 / Issue 151


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"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

- Edmund Burke


No Black Friday for Mrs. Green


To me, Black Friday is practically synonymous with massive consumption, massive waste, and in some cases massive debt. Those conditions are all self-explanatory and you don't need the Gospel According to Mrs. Green to paint a picture of the probable outcome for record breaking sales on Black Friday. Companies are spending billions of dollars hoping to seduce you. K-Mart is opening at 4:00 a.m. ON Thanksgiving. Really?


I want to paint you the picture I have in my mind for GREEN Friday and surprisingly it's not all about staying home. Lots of businesses depend on the holiday season to see them through most of the year. So yes, shopping -- but intentional, sustainable, conscious FUN shopping! Here are some highlights of what will be in my pictures:


Locally owned - from the restaurants to the services to the camera shops to the shoe stores to "green" dry cleaners to that special card/stationary store - support the locals because they support you. Find and shop at the Crizmac (a fabulous locally-owned
treasure in Tucson) in your city or town. I'm thinking, buying and being local. (I hope any of my family members reading this can spell Verve...)

- In my pictures, I'm see gift certificates to our FABULOUS resale stores - Bookmans, Bookmans Sports, HabiStore, Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona, Buffalo Exchange. Resale treasures to be had, landfill loads to be lessened, crowds to avoid!


None of the Above - I love out of the box thinking when it comes to Christmas giving. Make a meal for the Mom or Dad who has to cook every night, bake some cookies for someone you love, give a babysitting or pet sitting or "come have lunch on me at the place of your choice" gift of love certificate. What about a pre-paid card at someone's favorite coffee or tea shop? Take a leap - pay to have someone's house cleaned or their car washed. These things are ALL more meaningful, might take a little bit more time to think about but bring true meaning back to the gift of giving.


So what does Mrs. Green really want for Christmas, you might ask? (And please feel free to notify my family members.) I want pictures - framed, up-to-date pictures of those I love. Added bonus? Used frames purchased at Goodwill or Habitat for Humanity's HabiStore.


Final deep thought: As consumers, we already have all the power we need to be the change we wish to see in the world. Every purchase we make matters. We can make our local economies stronger and our planet a healthier, more sustainable one and experience the true joy of giving by exercising our power of choice. Hope you make your choices bright green.


Mrs. Green On The Move - Always!


Live in Arizona? Want to network with and learn from some great minds? Join me and hundreds of others for the Phoenix Go Green Conference on December 3rd in Phoenix, Arizona, for a productive day of sustainability training and dialogue on building a greener economy in the Sun Corridor. Check out this incredible "A" list of thought leaders, game changers and experts from a myriad of industries from Arizona and around the country. Get empowered, get inspired, get connected. 



November 23

Are Your Clothes Fed by Threads?

Alok Appadurai, Fed by Threads Co-Founder

There is such a thing as perfect timing and having Alok on the show at this time has taken on new meaning since my trip to New York City. The Go Green Conference had a series of outstanding speakers describing the horrors of the textile industry and I mean horrors. Yes, I cried and I was not alone. It will be an honor to interview the co-founder of Fed by Threads, the first and ONLY humanitarian, sustainable, US-made clothing line and store in America that feeds 12 emergency meals to hungry Americans from each item sold. They believe the choice is simple. They believe the results are profound. They are making REAL goods for our national economy. They are not outsourcing jobs. They are NOT even harming the environment much less destroying it. They sacrifice profits to feed hungry Americans. Is there a downside to Fed by Threads? I think not. I can't wait to join Alok! This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


November 30
Best of Mrs. Green's World - Back by Popular Demand!
The Unstoppable Green Machine 
Steve Ritz Steve Ritz
Somewhere along his journey, I think Steve Ritz might have heard a voice say to him "Feel the Green Force, Steve, this is your destiny." We're fortunate he listened. Steve is a teacher in the South Bronx where he and his kids grow lush gardens for food, greenery - and jobs. He is changing the world in ways I am at a loss to describe. With others, he is helping build indoor edible walls, roof top gardens, gardens on deserted lots and creating triple bottom-line opportunities for his students. Translation: JOBS - sustainable jobs. His TED Talk website has over 525,000 views; what he is really creating is the most important thing of all, hope for the future. It will be an honor to interview this man. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona. 
December 7
Two Fruits, Five Veggies
Renata Jayne!
HUGE OMG - this is our FIRST EVER INTERNATIONAL GUEST! Renata Jayne is from Australia and is a children's storyteller, musician and educator. She has presented to more than 120,000 kids in over 1,000 places in Australia and Africa. She helps prepare kids for the world by raising their awareness about different cultures, helping them to understand social and family issues and empowering "their little souls with the knowledge they are active participants in their world." She has created fun, musical shows for just about anything, including one of my favorite topics: healthy eating. Her show/campaign called Two Fruits, Five Veggies made me laugh out loud. This is a HUGE milestone for us and hope you will plan to be a part of it! This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.  

December 14

Chipotle: Redefining Fast Food

Chris Arnold, Director of Communications

When Chipotle opened their doors in 1993, they had one simple goal: to serve high quality, delicious food quickly with an experience that not only exceeded, but redefined the fast food experience. I believe that they do serve food with integrity, with a conscious commitment to people, animals and to the planet and that they are game changers.The chain recently became the first fast-food chain to label the ingredients it uses that contain GMOs; the list is deep in its website, not in stores, but it's a start. I believe Chipotle is standing for something better. Not convinced? Take a look at Chipotle's Scarecrow Game then plan to join us. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


December 21

Women Seeding Change

Clare Dakin, Executive Director, Tree Sisters

Ready for this? Tree Sisters was started by Clare Dakin after she crashed into a tree. She has me already. This organization is now supporting the emergence of a global network of women committed supporting one another to harness their creativity, connections and resources toward reforesting the tropics within the next 10 years. How you might ask? By developing educational and organizational tools to mobilize women's attention and leadership; and by directing grassroots funds toward tree-planting projects managed by their first organizational partners: Project Greenhands and the Greenbelt Movement. What a HUGE commitment they have made and we will find out how they are making it happen because we all really should care. I know I do. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona

December 28

Best of Mrs. Green's World

Mrs. Green will be enjoying every precious moment with her family who will be gathering at "The Green House" for the holidays. WE WOUD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! If you have a particular show you would like us to re-run, let us know. If you feel so moved, please email with your request. 

Mrs. Green's World
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, streaming on the Internet.
Mrs. Green's Expanded Reach
Mrs. Green's radio show is also carried on the DreamVisions 7 Radio Network and Glimmerglass Radio.

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