"Air fresheners turn out to be among the most toxic products in our homes.... Even air fresheners labeled "natural" contain harmful ingredients. "Natural" is a term without any standards behind it."
-- Alice Shabecoff, author of Poisoned for Profit
Test Your Green IQ
The very good news is that you don't have to get test anxiety for this. It's really just a "raise your waste awareness" exercise. The numbers are staggering and there are lots of things we can all do to make a difference. Hopefully, seeing these shocking numbers in black and white will inspire you to action!
And please don't fret over the answers. Just take a WAG and find the answers at the bottom of the newsletter. Do remember that EVERY SINGLE piece of plastic that has been created since the 19th century is still somewhere on the planet.

- How many plastic bags are consumed in the US every year? [Guess within 10 billion]
- How many plastic bottles are consumed in the US every 5 minutes?
- How many pieces of junk mail are printed, shipped, delivered and disposed of in the US every 3 seconds?
- How many plastic bottles are consumed in the US every minute?
- How many aluminum cans are used in the US every 30 seconds?
- How many plastic cups are used on airline flights in the US every 6 hours?
- How many brown paper bags are used in the US every hour?
- What percentage of the world's food NEVER gets eaten?
- How many trees are cut down in the US every year to make paper for junk mail? Note: You can STOP junk mail using a free service called Catalog Choice.
- How many people on the planet do not have access to clean water every day?
And the BONUS question is: How many plastic bags are used in the US every 5 seconds? Yes - five seconds.
Mrs. Green On The Move - Always!
What better way to end a great, green traveling year than by getting to partner once again with the Go Green Conference team? Next destination: Phoenix. If you are a business owner in Arizona and want to be on the cutting edge of what's happening in the world of sustainability, join me! If you are a person considering a career in any kind of environmental services, this is a great way to network. And if you want to attend and get $50 off the registration, enter MGW as the promotional code. Get empowered, get inspired, get connected.
Food Tank: The Food Think Tank
Danielle Nierenberg, Co-Founder
Our food system is clearly broken. Case in point? Forty percent of the world's food NEVER gets eaten. Dani Nierenberg and her co-founder Ellen Gustafson, are on a passionate mission to change all that and they are. Food Tank is for farmers and producers, policy makers and government leaders, researchers and scientists, academics and journalists AND for you and me! This dynamic duo hope to bridge the domestic and global food issues by highlighting how hunger, obesity, climate change, unemployment, and other problems can be solved by more research and investment in agriculture. HOPE AND SUCCESS! I met Dani in New York City and I can promise you this will be a fantastic show. This show is sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
November 16
Focus On Our Future: Biosphere2 Ocean Makeover
Dr. Rafe Sagarin, Program Manager
Rafe, a marine ecologist and environmental policy analyst, is unveiling GREAT plans for Biosphere2 Ocean. But titles can be deceiving. This innovative scientist and educator has studied responses of marine communities and wetlands to climate change, illegal fishing, pollution, and other human impacts. Rafe uses unusual data sets from writers, naturalists, artists, and gamblers to re-assemble historical patterns of ecosystem change, including reconstructing changes to the Sea of Cortez since the expedition of John Steinbeck and Ed Ricketts. He is the author of a fabulous, well written, exciting book called Learning from the Octopus. Now he's bringing new life to the ocean exhibit at Biosphere2. Got any doubts? I sure don't. This show sponsored by The University of Arizona.
November 23
Are Your Clothes Fed by Threads?
Alok Appadurai, Fed by Threads Co-Founder
There is such a thing as perfect timing and having Alok on the show at this time has taken on new meaning since my trip to New York City. The Go Green Conference had a series of outstanding speakers describing the horrors of the textile industry and I mean horrors. Yes, I cried and I was not alone. It will be an honor to interview the co-founder of Fed by Threads, the first and ONLY humanitarian, sustainable, US-made clothing line and store in America that feeds 12 emergency meals to hungry Americans from each item sold. They believe the choice is simple. They believe the results are profound. They are making REAL goods for our national economy. They are not outsourcing jobs. They are NOT even harming the environment much less destroying it. They sacrifice profits to feed hungry Americans. Is there a downside to Fed by Threads? I think not. I can't wait to join Alok! This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
November 30
Best of Mrs. Green's World - Back by Popular Demand!
The Unstoppable Green Machine
Steve Ritz Somewhere along his journey, I think Steve Ritz might have heard a voice say to him "Feel the Green Force, Steve, this is your destiny." We're fortunate he listened. Steve is a teacher in the South Bronx where he and his kids grow lush gardens for food, greenery - and jobs. He is changing the world in ways I am at a loss to describe. With others, he is helping build indoor edible walls, roof top gardens, gardens on deserted lots and creating triple bottom-line opportunities for his students. Translation: JOBS - sustainable jobs. His TED Talk website has over 525,000 views; what he is really creating is the most important thing of all, hope for the future. It will be an honor to interview this man. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.
December 7
Two Fruits, Five Veggies
Renata Jayne!
HUGE OMG - this is our FIRST EVER INTERNATIONAL GUEST! Renata Jayne is from Australia and is a children's storyteller, musician and educator. She has presented to more than 120,000 kids in over 1,000 places in Australia and Africa. She helps prepare kids for the world by raising their awareness about different cultures, helping them to understand social and family issues and empowering "their little souls with the knowledge they are active participants in their world." She has created fun, musical shows for just about anything, including one of my favorite topics: healthy eating. Her show/campaign called Two Fruits, Five Veggies made me laugh out loud. This is a HUGE milestone for us and hope you will plan to be a part of it! This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.
December 14
Chipotle: Redefining Fast Food
Chris Arnold, Director of Communications
When Chipotle opened their doors in 1993, they had one simple goal: to serve high quality, delicious food quickly with an experience that not only exceeded, but redefined the fast food experience. I believe that they do serve food with integrity, with a conscious commitment to people, animals and to the planet and that they are game changers.The chain recently became the first fast-food chain to label the ingredients it uses that contain GMOs; the list is deep in its website, not in stores, but it's a start. I believe Chipotle is standing for something better. Not convinced? Take a look at Chipotle's Scarecrow Game then plan to join us. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
December 21
Women Seeding Change
Clare Dakin, Executive Director, Tree Sisters
Ready for this? Tree Sisters was started by Clare Dakin after she crashed into a tree. She has me already. This organization is now supporting the emergence of a global network of women committed supporting one another to harness their creativity, connections and resources toward reforesting the tropics within the next 10 years. How you might ask? By developing educational and organizational tools to mobilize women's attention and leadership; and by directing grassroots funds toward tree-planting projects managed by their first organizational partners: Project Greenhands and the Greenbelt Movement. What a HUGE commitment they have made and we will find out how they are making it happen because we all really should care. I know I do. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.
December 28
Best of Mrs. Green's World
Mrs. Green will be enjoying every precious moment with her family who will be gathering at "The Green House" for the holidays. WE WOUD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! If you have a particular show you would like us to re-run, let us know. If you feel so moved, please email kelly@mrsgreensworld.com with your request.
Mrs. Green's World
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, streaming on the Internet.
Mrs. Green's Expanded Reach
Spread the Green Word! If you enjoyed this newsletter, please pass it on to a friend using the "forward email" link below. Thank you! Mrs. Green welcomes your comments and feedback: info@mrsgreensworld.com
1) 380 billion; 2) 2 million; 3) 9,960; 4) 400,000; 5) 106,00; 6) 1 million; 7) 1.1 million; 8) 40%; 9) 100 million; 10) 1.5 billion
BONUS: 60,000
BONUS BONUS: If you have read all the way down and would like a new Mrs. Green reusable bag, be one of the first five people to e-mail kelly@mrsgreensworld.com and expect one in the mail.