Environmental Quote
Mrs. Green's Life: Inside Edition List
Mostly anyone who reads this newsletter knows I pretty much write from the heart. So given that my husband of 38 years had a heart episode last Friday, what else could I write about other than our sincere gratitude for family, friends, our renewed commitment to living a healthier life and making every day count? This won't be a long one because Mr. Green is coming home today and we are pretty darned happy and grateful about that.
So what's the tie to sustainability? Everything. It's about having a close family, close friends and being a part of a community who cares - not just about the planet but about each other.
I really don't want to bore you with too many details about the support we received and the outstanding care he got but I do want to gently remind you to not forget to press 'pause' every day and be grateful for who is in your life. It was yet another wakeup call to remind me what is important - like time spent making memories that sustain us; like remembering that sustaining our minds, bodies and souls is an inside job. Let's ask ourselves if that dream trip we were thinking about taking in five years might be moved up a year or two? Are we eating healthy and exercising EVERY day to help sustain our bodies in the way in which we were meant to sustain them?
Thank you for letting me share and hopefully this will inspire you to do a quick sustainability inventory. Who knows?
Arizona's FOURTH Annual
Greenest Workplace Challenge
Drum Roll Please...
We are proud and excited to announce Mrs. Green's Fourth Annual Arizona's Greenest Workplace Challenge. This annual contest is about companies or organizations dedicated to making their workplaces sustainable from the inside out. It's about our highlighting and applauding any workplace for its efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle and that provide a healthy environment for employees.
Year-one winner: Golden Eagle Distributors; year-two winner: TriSports.com; year-three winners: St. Michael's Parish Day School and People's Choice Award Sam Levitz Furniture. This year we have GREAT sponsors - Golden Eagle and Wist Office Products. Read all about them. Awesome judges? Yup! Call to action? PLEASE submit your business, forward this link to anyone deserving of winning and VOTE once the voting starts on September 23.
Mrs. Green Goes to the Big (Green) Apple -- One Week and Counting
Mrs. Green's World Radio Network is a media sponsor for the Go Green NYC Conference on September 26th as part of Climate Week. The conference tagline is so worth repeating: Get Empowered. Get Inspired. Get Connected. And Mrs. Green says - get ready!
Will somebody just pinch me? I'll get to meet Steve Ritz, a teacher growing green healthy things in the South Bronx...Jacqui Ottman, The Green Marketing Guru... Sarah Kauss, founder of S'well Bottle...Sally Malanga, founder of Ecco Bella... Marissa Feinberg, Founder of Green Spaces. And, I'll be attending a reception at the International Women's Earth and Climate Initiative.
Being on this big stage is a green dream come true for our six-year-old venture. Thank you for helping us get here!
Miraval: Simply the Best
Michael Tompkins, President and CEO, Miraval Resort and Spa
I should just give it up trying to write this one. Michael and his team have helped make Miraval the number one resort and spa in the country and world-wide in many, many categories. In fact, Miraval has been publically recognized worldwide, nationally and locally in television, print media and online as one of the world's premier destination spas. Don't believe me? From just doing my own math, they have won over 16 awards so far in 2013. That takes outstanding leadership, focus and building a sustainable workforce to keep the momentum going. What's green about Miraval? A few examples: locally sourced ingredients used in their cooking; teaching classes to help us all create life in balance; their soon-to-be built state-of-the-art water treatment facility. Join us to learn more. The show sponsored by Miraval Resort and Spa.
September 21
Sustainable vs. Resilient Communities: Why We Should Care?
John Robb, Resilient Communities
I met John in May at the Monterey Sustainable Foods Conference hosted by Seafood Watch. Of all the presenters and amazing people I met, John literally had me from hello. He gets it. He can tell you the difference between sustainability and resiliency and why it matters. What kind of "cred" does he have? Read below and get as excited as I am about this show. From John's about page: "So, rather than provide you a full list of what I've done (an excellent sleep aide), here's a short summary: Tier 1 counter-terrorism operator and planner (you know, the guys that got Osama); a successful serial entrepreneur (I built companies, products, and hired people); inventor, astronautical engineer, top technology analyst; CEO, CTO, COO; professional pilot, author, officer, Eagle Scout, father, husband, and global traveler. In short? I've been there and done that. Fortunately, this broad experience is exactly why I can help you succeed." This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
September 28
Focus on our Future: A Global Vision
Joaquin Ruiz, University of Arizona, Vice President of Innovation and Strategy; Executive Dean, Colleges of Letters, Arts and Science; Dean, College of Science; Professor of Geosciences
Do you think there is more that I can add to the list of who this incredible man is? Yes, I can say that he and his team are literally changing the world every day. As a scientist with equal abilities in chemistry and in geology, Dr. Ruiz addresses many first-order problems in the Earth Sciences, such as the development of new isotope systems for studying ore deposits and the tectonic processes involved in the growth and evolution of Mexico. His research team addresses problems ranging from the origins of life to present-day climate change. A content-rich show guaranteed! This show sponsored by The University of Arizona.
October 5
Focus On Our Future: Rethinking How We Deal with Forest Fires
Don Falk - Associate Professor, University of Arizona School of Natural Resources and the Environment
As a person who lost a cabin in one of the most devastating forest fires in the Southwest, what Don Falk has to say is of great interest to me - personally and professionally. According to Falk, there are at least three areas where we can rethink our relationship to forest fires, their causes and consequences. By far the most important factor is understanding and accepting the reality of climate change. The increases in area burned, for example, are driven by earlier loss of mountain snowpack as well as drier winters and warmer spring and summer temperatures. In other words, it's all about connecting the scientific dots. Are we doing fire suppression the right way? What can be done differently to help minimize the devastating impact of these increasing violent threats? Join me to find out. This show sponsored by The University of Arizona.
October 12
The Unstoppable Green Machine
Steve Ritz
Somewhere along his journey, I think Steve Ritz might have heard a voice say to him "Feel the Green Force, Steve, this is your destiny." We're fortunate he listened. Steve is a teacher in the South Bronx where he and his kids grow lush gardens for food, greenery - and jobs. He is changing the world in ways I am at a loss to describe. With others, he is helping build indoor edible walls, roof top gardens, gardens on deserted lots and creating triple bottom-line opportunities for his students. Translation: JOBS - sustainable jobs. His TED Talk website has over 525,000 views; what he is really creating is the most important thing of all, hope for the future. It will be an honor to interview this man. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.
October 19
Smoking Them Out
Greg Walcher
As soon as I read about Greg it was one of those "I've got to get him on the show." And so it is. Walcher has spent a lifetime working to conserve the environment, while providing the resources needed to sustain a prosperous economy today - a concept that has always made sense to me. His new book, Smoking Them Out: The Theft of the Environment and How to Take it Back, is an Olympic-level reality check to out-of-control environmental policies that are destroying the economy, costing jobs, and doing little to help the environment."The United States is quickly becoming the first country in the history of the world to adopt policies designed to ensure its own decline," writes Walcher. "Every day we see the growing use of environmental laws not for the environment but against people. It is palpable across a wide array of issues - endangered species, public land management, clean air, wetlands, energy production, and the regulation of water." Bring it on. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
October 26
Creator of a Salad Revolution
Myra Goodman, Founder, Earthbound Farm
This is another "just pinch me" kind of moment. I met Myra when I attended the Sustainable Foods Institute in Monterey, CA, this past May. She is the co-founder of Earthbound Farm and a cookbook author. At Earthbound Farm they make the connection between our health and the way we eat. Ready for this? Earthbound Farm became the FIRST company to successfully launch prewashed, packaged salad for retail sale. When they introduced their mixed baby greens or "spring mix" to restaurants and supermarket produce aisles, they literally started a salad revolution. Twenty-five years later, twenty-five years strong. And, I just have to add that the breakfast we enjoyed at Earthbound Farm was delicious, nutritious, beautifully presented and their team over the top welcoming and friendly. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
November 2
The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth
Might just be the first time I ever put a show title in caps but how could I not? The EWG has had more of a significant impact on my life and the life of many people in Mrs. Green's World than any single organization I have read about, interviewed or written about. They are about safe cosmetics, about removing toxins from your home, about safe sunscreen for you and your children. They take NO government funding. They are 100% transparent. Manufacturers either love them or figure out how to get on or OFF their "safe" lists - like The Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen (safe and unsafe fruits and vegetables.) This is such a great organization and I am honored to be interviewing Heather White. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, streaming on the Internet.
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